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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. Jet Provost.7Z

  2. C-5 has terrible mapping. And the whole aicraft is mapped on one bmp sheet. Which is crap. Even TW mapped small/big aircraft on a few sheets and this gives you more possibilities vide skins for TW soviet bombers...even in 512x512 they still look quite ok So creating base skins that we have 6 sheets for this model in at least 4096x4096 is crucial..Later skin can be resized down to the desired format. For comparison, C-5 is 75meters length on two 2048x2048 KC-10 is 55 meters on six sheets....uvw mapping is simply more efficient. other thing is if aircraft is mapped on three 4096x4096 bitmaps it will have better frame rate performance in game than aircraft mapped on ONE 4096x4096.
  3. you. sorry that was a question above...missed "?"
  4. you are missing gun folder BK-27
  5. yea i just found one of the readme - Kesselbrut. Confirmed. Even Florian was using that pit in his SeaKing.
  6. It was Kesselbrut. 99.99% sure. I think even yap was using his pits.
  7. perhaps al of them perhaps all of them are rip of the same model perhaps all of them if they are from similar shady links sad is that recently we had a beef here about skins / models / other sites... and skins for that Su are here without any 'ding dong'
  8. Yes, it is.. I am not gonna give a direct link to that.
  9. so why this model is distributed here on CA. And skins for non CA model. And recently we had a conflict with skins for a model from another site....and that didn't end well.
  10. If this is not your model you shouldn't distribute it without permission. Especially if it is pirated from another game.
  11. https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/?page=4 and welcome to the CA Forum.
  12. NF-5B Freedom Fighter

    Nicely done.
  13. To make things easier someone can do research on topic. Pictures, dimensions that kind of stuff. Then it is much easier to any modder just to focus in 3d thing rather then diggin net sources first.
  14. I know the thing..been there done that...althoug research (aircraft itself and squadrons,painting etc) is the most interesting part of creating mod. Yea i know some users do not give a damn about it...but we do. And some users care.
  15. Request comes easier than doing research and making skin 😉

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