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Everything posted by xboxman523

  1. Is that single seat phantom available for download?
  2. Is it possible to change the price of planes in merc mode?
  3. View File 333rd TFS F100A/C/D Skin This is a skin for the 333rd TFS, which flew F100s from 1957 to 1960. Drop the the files into your objects folder and enjoy. This is my first skin. The tail decals are stock while the nose decals were created by me. Feel free to leave a review. I am interested in making more skins for the F-100 so I am curious what everyone thinks of this skin. Thanks to Thirdwire for creating the stock tail decals. Enjoy, xboxman523 Submitter xboxman523 Submitted 09/25/2017 Category F-100  
  4. 333rd TFS F100A/C/D Skin

    Version 1.1


    This is a skin for the 333rd TFS, which flew F100s from 1957 to 1960. Drop the the files into your objects folder and enjoy. This is my first skin. The tail decals are stock while the nose decals were created by me. Feel free to leave a review. I am interested in making more skins for the F-100 so I am curious what everyone thinks of this skin. Thanks to Thirdwire for creating the stock tail decals. Enjoy, xboxman523
  5. I spent some time making a personalized for my pilot today and I realized I wan't able to change my skin. Anyone know of a way to change it?
  6. I just bought the first expansion pack yesterday and I don't know how to install it. I didn't get an email giving me a link to download it. Is that what I'm missing?
  7. Thanks, I emailed Third Wire and I'm waiting for a response.

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