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Everything posted by Rends

  1. Please post an example a specific types and target entry.
  2. File Name: Germany terrain rework (Part 3 of 3) File Submitter: Rends File Submitted: 23 March 2014 File Category: Full Terrains This is a major overhaul of Thirdwires stock Germany terrain for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. This mod includes Starys wonderfull GermanyCE hires terrain textures V3 with some small tweaks like grey painted roads or different river colors and a few new tiles. All airfields has been modified with new buildings . A couple are made from scratch. Try out Florians Pferdsfeld or Büchel airbases if you fly for the Nato. They are outstanding! Try Drewitz or Marxwalde or Gerwin field airfields if you are fighting for the Red side . Lots of strike targets has been modified or moved into towns. Hamburg and Wismar got real harbours and you find new objects all over the terrain. I also included hi ho silver's new city night textures and a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI as additional install if you want to fly night missions that looks like real nights. Special thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and 76.IAP-Blackbird. Both made some objects i realy needed for this rework and supported me to create this mod. Another Special thank to Gepard for his German airfields mod. And a special thank to Florian who made the best looking airfields i've ever seen in any Sim! And i want to thank all creators who made all the great objects i used for this mod. Without your work i would never had started this project. Thank you all! Rends Click here to download this file
  3. Version Version 1.0


    This is a major overhaul of Thirdwires stock Germany terrain for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. This mod includes Starys wonderfull GermanyCE hires terrain textures V3 with some small tweaks like grey painted roads or different river colors and a few new tiles. All airfields has been modified with new buildings . A couple are made from scratch. Try out Florians Pferdsfeld or Büchel airbases if you fly for the Nato. They are outstanding! Try Drewitz or Marxwalde or Gerwin field airfields if you are fighting for the Red side . Lots of strike targets has been modified or moved into towns. Hamburg and Wismar got real harbours and you find new objects all over the terrain. I also included hi ho silver's new city night textures and a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI as additional install if you want to fly night missions that looks like real nights. Special thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and 76.IAP-Blackbird. Both made some objects i realy needed for this rework and supported me to create this mod. Another Special thank to Gepard for his German airfields mod. And a special thank to Florian who made the best looking airfields i've ever seen in any Sim! And i want to thank all creators who made all the great objects i used for this mod. Without your work i would never had started this project. Thank you all! Rends
  4. File Name: Germany terrain rework (Part 2 of 3) File Submitter: Rends File Submitted: 23 March 2014 File Category: Full Terrains This is a major overhaul of Thirdwires stock Germany terrain for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. This mod includes Starys wonderfull GermanyCE hires terrain textures V3 with some small tweaks like grey painted roads or different river colors and a few new tiles. All airfields has been modified with new buildings . A couple are made from scratch. Try out Florians Pferdsfeld or Büchel airbases if you fly for the Nato. They are outstanding! Try Drewitz or Marxwalde or Gerwin field airfields if you are fighting for the Red side . Lots of strike targets has been modified or moved into towns. Hamburg and Wismar got real harbours and you find new objects all over the terrain. I also included hi ho silver's new city night textures and a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI as additional install if you want to fly night missions that looks like real nights. Special thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and 76.IAP-Blackbird. Both made some objects i realy needed for this rework and supported me to create this mod. Another Special thank to Gepard for his German airfields mod. And a special thank to Florian who made the best looking airfields i've ever seen in any Sim! And i want to thank all creators who made all the great objects i used for this mod. Without your work i would never had started this project. Thank you all! Rends Click here to download this file
  5. Havn't tested it with the Nato mod here but eburger wanted to check this. He can say more.
  6. Got it working thx! Any chance of a 2nd LOD ? I get a fps drop if placed in a crowded harbour
  7. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Florian, Hab ein bisschen an der Pferdsfeld ini rumgedreht. Bei den headings hab ich die Minuten entfernt, sonst wurde die Mission mit mehreren Fliegern nicht richtig geladen. Hatte bei 80 % loading screen den ingame sound aber weiter ging es nicht. Dann fehlte noch ein Minus bei einem Eintrag, Evtl. Entzerre ich die Taxi Positionen noch, die stehen doch arg gedrängt hintereinander. Hatte auf dem Drewitz airfield mal das Problem, dass einer anfing deswegen Kreise zu drehen.
  8. If i change the skin to Maersk i get the blue hull but i don't get the company or ship name texture on top of it. Same with the other texture
  9. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Werde sehen was ich machen kann.
  10. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ok, dann Sonntag.
  11. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Brauch jetzt eigentlich nur noch die LKW textur und die Pferdsfeld.ini dann kann ich es hochladen. Wäre schön, wenn ihr die Dateien fertigstellen könnt, dann kann der upload noch heute beginnen. Rends
  12. What exactly do i need to edit in the mission.ini?
  13. Nice ship. One question. How come that i never see the blue hull texture with Marck on it but a brownish weathered locking texture?
  14. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Prima, Ich dachte schon du wärest zur Klärung eines Sachverhalts abgeholt worden ;-) Ps: die Parkpositionen werden nie alle gleichzeitig besetzt sein. PPS: mit Schatten auf unlimted habe die nun auch,ggg
  15. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Volker, Ich habe gerade auf deinem Phantom Screenshot gesehen, das die Terrain Häuser Schatten werfen. Wie hast du das gemacht? Ich hab hier bei Terrainobjekte noch nie Schatten gesehen.
  16. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

  17. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Nix neues von Florian? Hat keiner was gehört? PS: gestern bin ich für die Roten eine armed recon geflogen. Und was fuhr da auf der Straße? Ein dutzend weißer LKWs, war schon lustig.
  18. Eric , That sounds great. Hope that someone with more knowledge than me could came up with Warsaw Pact units and numbers. I might help with some East Germany Units for a 1979 campaign. And what i would like to know is if Nato Fighters would be compatible with my germany terrain rework. I've not tested it yet but i know that the Nato mod comes with it's own Germany terrain. I need to check what was changed compared to the stock one.
  19. I guess not much in the moment of impact .LNG doesn't burn so far i know. But i'm pretty sure that it would be dangerous afterwards if there is an open fire and one of the tanks had a leak.
  20. Nice image Wrench. Is that the new desert terrain? I guess the gas storage tanks we he had in Germany looked somewhat different compared to the spherical ones. At least the ones in my hometown looked like cylindrical black oil tanks and the top moved up or down depending on the ammount of gas in it.
  21. Fubar, Can you point me to the download. I can't find it.
  22. Ok Graphic Gurus, Anyone willing to create a Logo for this Sim? What i would like to have is a logo that i can stamp on every GUI screen. The Thirdwire Mainscreen logo looks so poor like a 12 years old has create it and it doesn't deserve the name logo. Oh i apologize to all 12 years old people out there. You would have made it better. Rends

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