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Everything posted by Rends

  1. Nice and already dl and installed :-) Thx! Will use it until someone would do a complete overhaul of the GUI.
  2. GermanCE Terrain Re-Work Preview

    So far i know someone else is already working on a Italy/Balkan terrain. Lol, if 'm right the airfield isn't on the map but maybe you find a different one you like.
  3. I tried to install guitarclassics nice looking GUI mod http://combatace.com/files/file/6686-guitarclassic55s-replacement-menu-screens-no-movie/ But it seems it's made for FE1 and crash my FE2 install. Is the a GUI mod out there that works with FE2?
  4. GUI mod for FE2?

    Works, Looks nice without beeing stretched.
  5. GUI mod for FE2?

    I play at 1440x900. Dunno if that is 16:9 or 16:10 but i don't think the difference is great.
  6. GUI mod for FE2?

    I already had a quick view at the inis but that's out of my league right now.
  7. Must have addons for FE2

    Kjakker, Im busy with my SF2 mod but will give your files a chance soon.
  8. Tower messages are also directed at you. And they are yellow. So you can't say that yellow messages are directed to someone else in general.
  9. Finaly. Love the 80/90s style. Remember me of the golden era of air sims. Can i make a few suggestions? I'm not sure but shouldn't it be two words Strike Fighters instead of one Strikefighters? Dunno if it makes a difference. And can you reduce the space between bothe lines a bit?
  10. I made a decission not to release this mod as beta but as release version. Why? Because this mod will be realy big in size. It's about 1.5 Gb uncompressed right now and even compressed it will be anything between 500Mb up to 1 Gb. Instead of forcing you to download the complete file again once it reach release status after beta time there will be updates. The first will be bugfixing if there are any,lol From there on there will be updates with new content from time to time. Now i need to write a readme and i'm waiting for a few files from Florian. Once i get them i will upload the mod. Stay tuned. Rends
  11. AAAARGH, Can anyone delete this topic? I'm pretty sure there will never be any takers since we are down at zombieslevel right now. I HATE ZOMBIES! ;-)
  12. Oh, the good ol wiki. On the german website it says: Ein Logo ist ein grafisches Zeichen (Signet), das ein bestimmtes Subjekt repräsentiert – z. B. ein Unternehmen, eine Organisation, Privatpersonen oder ein Produkt. Means product too Anyway, with the pictures above it should be clear now what i mean.
  13. Sorry if it's hard to understand what i mean. If you start SF2 it looks somewhat like this. A poor made 3 different Fonts logo rotated a bit. Something that can be done in 3minutes It would be way cooler if it's more professional made like the combatace logo
  14. Not buttons. Even Combatace has a nice logo with an aircraft and a crosshair on top of this side. And yes i want to replace the loading screen or loadout hangar.... Lot of addon aircreft comes with own images and i want to "uniform" them with a stamp of a SF2 logo.
  15. Must have addons for FE2

    Yep, i fixed that by copy/paste it from the stock FE2 Verdun data.ini entries.Will do it with the second terrain tomorrow and upload it here for everyone who wants it.
  16. Now that would be interesting to see,hehe.Serious,isn't the 30 degrees entry somewhat to limited? Most time they fire one sam only because the rest face a different direction.
  17. Must have addons for FE2

    Ok got it. The Terrain Folder in the mod was missing the plural "s". Now it works but i i ran into a second problem. I have no water reflections/Animation using this mod...
  18. Must have addons for FE2

    I have Jan Tumas seasonal tiles installed but it doesn't work. What i did was copy the files in user/savedgames... Directory. The same way i install mods in SF2 except the seasonal tiles are outside the "Terrainname" Folder. Please check this:
  19. If the SA2 launcher doesn't rotate, (they do not in my install) is it a bug or is the model never made rotateable? If so did someone fixed it?
  20. ok, btw: Hangar_Open/closed are Florians new Shelter. I've shorten the list Radio_twr halle4 halle_gross factory1 SMALL_CONTAINER_A SovietTanker has_sml_building_v3 TowerComplex Crane2 Road_Runway CamonetParking wall02 Boxcar TankCarNV FlatCarNV LocomotiveNV (black steam one with soviet star)
  21. Should a Sam launcher be able to rotate? From the object it looks so but i've never seen it. The only stare in one direction.
  22. Aehm, Is one of the helicopter warsaw pact made? Need it to place it on east Germany airfields.
  23. Sundowner, i'm glad you made them :) Hi hi, check PM Wrench, thx for help! GFD-12 is not made by Gepard must be someone else Hangar_Open/closed is not Halle3 If i can't make use of the Mi-8_Static is there any other static helicopter out there i can use instead?
  24. Openbeta is on the way. Hope to release it next Weekend. I also try to create a credit list and have a few missings and probably some stuff wrong. Please help me out here! Credit List: 76.IAP-Blackbird - LKWs,HangarTA ,Hangar3 texture cocas - Containerstacks Florian: Pferdsfeld+Büchel airbase incl.PAR80, new Windsock,FH-Trees,Rampart,ApproachLight,FHPferdsfeld, BW Vehicles,Block,CL-13_GateGuard, Avalanche, Focus, Golf, MB_E_class, MiniCooper, Vectra, Volvo40, P206, FHBuechel, Sportplatz, ApproachLightBuechel, TriebwerkTest, TriebwerkTestZu, RB199, Tornado_Zusatztank, Buechel_QRA_Zaun, Munitionsbunker, POL-Tanklager, FHBuechelTaxi , FHBuechelWald, FHBuechelWache, Fliegerhorst-Flaggen, WSV_Open, WSV_Closed, FH-Trees, Gepard - German airfields mod incl. SLB runways, Parkbereiche,Rollwege, gerwin - Runway7,Shelter_Hardened1 grumpapotamus - Radarfacility hi ho silver - tod City textures Julhelm & Pureblue - factoryObjects (Conversion by Pureblue) Kesselbrut - Commtrailer,HQtrailer Polak: tools Polak & CFS2 Midway Group: Crane,traincars,oilrig Pureblue: FloodLight, SmallGenerator, SunShelter,Airfield Development Kit version 1.1 Ravenclaw_007 - RAF Shelter and Tower, bugfixing&others, Fire Trucks, Coalhills, Feldflugplatz,CommunicationTower_150,TornadoZelt, BW Vehicles,Faun trucks Rends - DDRLampe,DDRLampecolumn,Drewitzrunway,blastshieldnva, Marxwalderunway, autobahnbruecke,Schornstein,NVAZaun,GFL,Depotzaun1 Russouk - Tower1A Stary: Germany hires Textures V3, str_hangars Sundowner: B_Trailer_Mk82, M_trailer, B_TrailerLGB, Y_Tractor, RAF_Cart, B_Duel_Y_Trac, C_Type, RAF_Bunker, TAB_Vee, HAS_M, HAS_E, c_store, Earth Walls, mounds, blast walls wingwiner-Factory Plant2013,barracks, block of flats,BuildingsGasstation, RadomHangar2Large, RadomHangar1, Wrench- AIRPORTTOWERL Stuff i don't know know the creator . Most from either Nato mod or Photorealistic uk and Nellis Range: GFD-12 Floodlight12m Hangar_Open/closed MBTank Radio_twr Cooling_Tower FactoryWarehouseC1 SupportBuilding_G1 FactoryMainOffice Fabrikboden gross Fabrikboden gross2 FactoryServiceSegme halle4 halle_gross factory1 satantenne SMALL_CONTAINER_A ContainerShip SovietTanker UkFuelTruck UkFuelTruck_2 has_sml_building_v3 TowerComplex Crane2 DWall50m DWall100m SunShelter170m Road_Runway CamonetParking wall02 UKJeep1/2 UKTruck_Cover UKCommandVehicle Mi-8_Static Boxcar TankCarNV FlatCarNV LocomotiveNV
  25. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Das wäre Klasse. Mein Tip, erstelle einfach ne box in Max in der Größe eines Fliegers und schieb es auf dem Flugplatz in Max an die richtigen Positionen. So kommt man am schnellsten zu den richtigen Koordinaten und Winkel. Im Spiel geht das auch,aber da bekommt man die Winkel ja nicht angezeigt.

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