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Everything posted by HotNess

  1. Im back for good..run away !

    ITS MY BIRTHDAY...now all love me and tell me what presants you got me otherwise i may get angry...and you dont want a girl of my age with pms angry on her birthday at you...DO YOU !!!!!!!!! i love you all...well some off you,some others are just a pain in my very gorgeous bottom. xx v xx
  2. September Birthdays

    Its my birthday today...so all get on ya knees and bow down n serve moi ! xx vanessa xx
  3. no internet : (

    Ok...so I'm doin good, except I have a month to wait before I get broadband in my new house..usual crap by providers that it takes time yadda yadda....and because I live in midle of nowhere with odd people who have only just discoverd crayons !!!..so no downloads for me ..boo hoo..I'm doin this off my fone..see I'm clever for a girl...!!!! Lol..now..who is. Going to offer me a room in there house and full use of there tinternet till mines ready....but I must warn u I sleep naked and cook in my underwear..but if I catch u lookin I will pull out ur eyes,replace them with plastacine ones and feed you ur real eyes like boiled eggs...so..who's up for th risk ov me as a lodger lol x v x
  4. well...im sure you`ll get alot saying air force as its a popular thing...but one one hand,it is the RAAF...and well,they dont do alot anyway,sure they might turn up a bit late for a war and fly 700 miles in wrong direction before they realise it..but even with basic car sat nav strapped to an F-18 you think they could atleast get in the right country...if you like airshows then thats ok..coz they do alot of airshows...so be like a flying clown....or you could do search and rescue and try and find the body of jeff goldblum who as oz tv reported was dead after he fell of a cliff last week....i think the raaf are still searching for him,someone should tell em that he`s at home in bed.....or..you could join the royal marine commando`s and become without question,part of the finest fighting solders within the world !. your choice ..lol ps..if i pissed any raaf fans off...good..i like doing that ..; ) xx xx v xx
  5. Hi honey im home !

    guess what...your all mine now !!!...im back in the uk..and you cant escape me..ever again xxxxxx xx v xx
  6. Hi honey im home !

    i am feeling awsom !!!...even managed to slap someone the other day..ohhh it sent chills down my spine !!..now pacman mentioned a pub...i like that idea..so you all can buy me drinks and i will share my pills with you..there fun...you take em,you balck out for few mins...and you wake up with someone dead next to you and lots n lots of blood. i have alot of catching up to do on here..so next week i shall be looking at every single post n file that i have missed..and if i dont like anything..i WILL let you know in my own special way . xx v xx
  7. hi..so who misses me lol x

    hi everyone...i read your comments and well wishes..thank you all so much,...i promise ill be back being a bitch to you all as soon as i can learn italian an scream at these dr`s...although very nice hospital...love to you all...i will try post again soon as im ignoring all dr`s recommendations. kisses n love to you all xx vanessa xx (the princess bitch...lol)
  8. hi..so who misses me lol x

    LOL...you penguin head !!! lol..fence..i know your american,(and secretly want to be british)..lets see how many start on that one..lol..hell yeh.. what do you call em then...its a thing that marks a boundry to keep things in or out..except it didnt work coz i went right through it !!.. i cant wait to get back so i can shout at you all properly...its about time you lot were brought in to order...and had a ruler..LOL x see you all soon..i love some ov you..hahaha xx PS..any italian swear words would be very very welcome..thank you
  9. hi..so who misses me lol x

    heya..yeh gotta say it smarts abit..lol,im lucky that medical wonders numb pain,..as much as i bitch about the dr`s..they are fab..and finally convinced them that im aloud laptop with me...yay...it is awful in a place where you know nobody n dont speak the lingo..lol. hey any one in italy..visit me,..n bring muffins..lol and miggy babes..i just couldnt stand being in same country as you..you know that darlin..this will all turn out to be your fault..you do know that dont you !!! x weather it tailbone or cocxic or however u spell it...(hehehe cocks sick)..or me bum..im sure its just so they can perv at me..they have me on a funny bed with my arse in the air half the time...lol x xxx ps id be sooo bored without you lot x xx v xx
  10. hi..so who misses me lol x

    thank you all..i feel good,just parts of me dont work..lol...and miggy..your the first im gonna bitch slap,the thought of hurting you helps me so much..lol, i dont know what drugs im on but they better be available in uk..lol,..so,quick run down..i got 7 broken bones.(which include both legs and odly enough my bum...never knew you could break you bum..lol)..had collapsed lung,and part of an italian fence through my abdomen and upper thigh.also had huge chunk in my eye..they thought might be left eye blind..but its blurrey,maybe perm glasses job..but least it works..and i look cute in glasses...quite a crack on the noggin,but they say i aint any more mental than i was before..and worst of all my eye liner was speared n i looked like s**t..!! lol so..answer me this people...a sexy country like italy,the most perfect cars of ferrari,lambos etc..everywhere...yet i get hit by a freekin fiat ...lol anyway..truely thank you all...your all wonderful peeps...take that compliment while you can coz u know i dont dish em out alot pmsl...im in good spirits,bit bored here as i dont know italian and theres no shops in the hospital.!!?? love you all xxx v xx
  11. What is your porn star name?

    oh that means my porno names would be cool...i had 3 rabbits..so i could be either : porsche St helier Thumper St helier Snowflake St helier now where the video camera.!!!!..lol xx v xx
  12. Ok...call me a dumb blonde...(even though im not actually blonde)...but its confusing me,n those who know me will know it doesnt take much to do that..!!!!.. But..these new strike fighters 2 stuff....do i need em.? i have all the original from sf / wov /woe /woi /fe gold....and all patched up n modded to my happiness,all run on unlimited graphics option. so whats the difference between the first lot and these number 2 versions....is it just the vista support..?..as i dont use vista,im an xp fanataic. do i buy em or go and buy new shoes instead.? xx vanessa xx
  13. The Person Below Me

    YA DAMN RIGHT IM GONNA ANSWER... its a tough one...easter bunny has chocolate..but then i look great in a playboy bunny outfit...so i have to go for both, the person below me wants to see my bunny outfit...LOL xx vanessa xx (although syrinx might look better in it than me..lol)
  14. freetrack...B/F not impressed !

    Hi...some of you may know,not long ago i bought a track ir 4 pro and broke it within a few days,and as my boyfriend was away at the time i never sort of got round to telling him....!!!..oooops..well he came home today,so i very quickly used my skills to knock up a freetrack version for him to use. how do you think it went when he tried it on...something tells me he aint to pleased with me... good job he`s going away again on monday..lol. xx vanessa xx
  15. my pc hates me

    hey yawl..my pc is havin major problems and im crap at things like this,trouble tiz i got 3 people telling me 3 differt things... starts up...after post it gets a blue box that says...system Boot error...1 person says to do a windows reinstall,another says it motherboard failure,and other says mobo / hard drive or both. i have tried to boot from disk drive..it loads up wondows to point of re-install,but hangs after about 5 mins. im tryin to figure it out myself before going to a repair shop as most will flim flam and silly money...(ie one guy quoted £85 for hard drive,same one online in his own store is £26..lol) and yup i can put things like drives in,but wouldnt attempt mobo..? so..any help n advice is most welcom xx v xx
  16. So,which of you charming,wonderfully wealthy people are going to buy me my own superhind... ..who thinks its sexy in an weird kinda way..? and would it be great in a south african campaign. xx v xx
  17. superhind...i want one

    thers a fair few pics of it flying and even a newer version which is damn right ugly... xx v xx
  18. Hard-up for TiR?

    damn...and id have flashed my breasts for it..lol. and a quick change of subject...(sorry)...it been since couple a weeks and still waiting for my off bhh dvd to be deliverd..i know it can take awhile,but is this time about right for delivery to uk.? xx vanessa x
  19. OOOHHH IM SO F**IN ANGERY....to say the least.. Just been to court this morning...7 months ago my neice who is now 16,but was 15 at the time...was attacked and raped twice while at a school disco/party...she was beaten very badly..and a few weeks after the inncident she tried to take her own life with an overdose,she is still the most timid n terrified little girl i ever seen....yet this morning,the 4 boys who did this...3 admited it,1 admited being there and watching who are 2- 16 yr olds..a 13 and 14 yr old...what happend....TAG..they get put on a TAG,and have to be in there homes between 8pm and 7am..for 9 months...and that is it....yet a friend of my neice gets so angry in court he yells.."f***in wanker to the judge,and hope you have to go through same thing"..he gets held in custody for 2 hrs and fined £850....and 12 hrs community service.!!!!!!.. and the schools stance..." were very upset and disturbed that this happend on the school grounds" you tell me...where the f*** is britain going with its justice...!!! ill be on a killin spree soon . PS...sorry for bad language XX v XX
  20. The Person Below Me

    True...i do blame them and as soon as i can afford a air ticket to there office i will go there and tell them its there fault in a very stern voice ! person below me giggles coz below me sounds a bit like blow me xx v xx
  21. PC Upgrade Options

    or get a zx spectrum+. I must be doing something wrong..I have similar sysytem,and 4gb..but where some have said they run first person shooters with no probs and sims demand more...on mine its the opposite..sims work like a charm maxed out as much as poss with all AA bells n whistles,but my fps seem to struggle. xx v xx
  22. Hiya`s...i cant help coz im no good at stuff like that..but the idea is so cute that i hope someone does or can help you out..i do the same with my 5 yr old boy,except he likes to endlessly shot guns. xx v xx
  23. UK People

    find soho.. xx v xx

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