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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Do not forget this information on where to put your decals after you have created your decal.ini file: http://combatace.com/topic/70920-sf1-to-sf2-decals-folder-conversion-quickie-tutorial/
  2. Galicia Terrain Updated

    It's right where he put the first file, he just updated it to version 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/12515-galicia-eastern-front/
  3. Galicia Terrain Updated

    Thank you for the new update.
  4. Wrench: Both of us have given him the exact same link, hopefully he will follow it now on how to create a Decal.ini file.
  5. A lot of SF1 Knowlwdge Base still applies to SF2: http://combatace.com/topic/37836-decal-ini-definitions/
  6. First Persuit Group N28's project

    Your skins are a work of art !!! , but I think the decals are the way to go too.
  7. I wish you luck in building your first cockpit.
  8. Could the Devs throw us a hint...?

    There was a thread months ago guessing the release date of WOFF, and I guessed the anniversity of WW1, which i still stand bye.
  9. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas too.
  10. Have you even looked in the Knowledge Base ??? http://combatace.com/forum/172-advanced-modding/
  11. Did you look here: http://combatace.com/forum/172-advanced-modding/ ???
  12. See what happens if you also add "SeatID=1" to the [Pilot] section too.
  13. It's in the A-6_data.ini file. Make sure that the Co-pilot has "SeatID=2" listed under the [Copilot] section.
  14. sf2 mission builder in fe2 ?

    FE2 does NOT have a SF2 mission builder. The SF2 mission builder was not created by TK until December 2010 (Exp 2 package) and the last FE2 update was July 2010. As for the "stand alone" Mission Builder, some one else must answer that question. As for the Seasonal Tiles, FE2 does not come with them, but you can easily "retro fit" them from the stock FE1 game, Stary FE1 Seasonal Tiles, or Jan Tuma's Seasonal Tiles.
  15. Lloyd CII skins

    They look great, thanks.
  16. Has anybody tried this SF2 trick in FE2 yet ??? http://combatace.com...ss/#entry596779
  17. It's quiet...

    There are things going on, but they are all long term projects, so it takes awhile to complete.
  18. Remember, this Holiday season :)

    By "Holidays", I assume you mean Christmas and New Years. Otherwise you could be talking about Valitines Day, Easter or any other Hoilday throught the year !!! I have always wondered why people are so afraid to just say "Christmas" now days or is that just all the PC in the Western Culture ???
  19. Looks great, and now the Argentine planes should not be sinking into the earth like the old terrain.
  20. I guess my question is, if he removed his old stuff, then why is he still posting new stuff like the Condor ???
  21. Phil56: Wrench made a typo, he meant to say DecalMaxLOD= which you already have in your decal set. Unfortunately for you, the decals are calling for the eaf_roundeloid, and if you do not have them in the "D" folder, they will not show up in the game. In my SF1 Suez 1956 game, my Egyptian Meteor uses E_Insignia and is a completely different Insignia. It looks like you are using a SF2/SF2I mod in a SF1 series game, since th insignias are different.
  22. FastCargo sorry about that, but thanks for fixing the link. Needless to say, it is a very disturbing article on how easy it is to aquire everything electronically now days when they use your email address as your identity !!!!
  23. When you read this article, you will find out just how insecure any passwords are now: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/11/ff-mat-honan-password-hacker/
  24. Or just change your "Fuel Usage" from Hard to Normal, and simulates Air-to-Air refueling.
  25. Since you posted in the Pub versus the SF1 or SF2 section, I am having to guess which game you are talking about. If the plane you are talking about is a SF2 plane, you do not need a Weapons Ediitor, you add Weapons using the "folder" method (read the SF2 Knowledge Base). Trying to use a Weapons Editor like SF1 uses creates problems in SF2.

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