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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. FE1 Expansion Pack 1 & FE Gold

    If you jump straight to FE2 you will have all the planes FE Gold has, plus the game will run faster (FE2 coded for dual core CPU's versus FE1/FEG for single core CPU), the AI has been tweeked a little better and FE2 is easier to mod. And to answer your question, only the original FE1 is was on the CD, all others are download.
  2. Yes, one of FE/FE2 strongest points is the ability to "mod / tinker" to your hearts content. Each of your mentioned sims has it's strong points, but FE/FE2 tops them all when it comes to the ability to mod it the way you want it and add new planes, skins, effects, terrains and campaigns.
  3. The SF2/FE2 series uses MainScreen.jpg. Only SF1/FE1 uses MainScreen.bmp.
  4. 1. Are you using FE or FE2 ??? Wrench made this for FE2, not FE (per his instructions). 2. Have you applied Wrenches "Hot Fix" ??? 3. I agree, the problem is with your airfield.ini, and it looks like you are missing that file.
  5. I remember him well, and I agree, he revolutionized RB3D aircraft models. I use on my PC's a "screen saver" program that rotates between all the different WW1 3D planes from RB3D till now and several of his 3D planes are right there with the best of today's planes. He was also as you say a very nice person that was a pleasure to talk to. A real shame that he passed away so suddenly.
  6. Storm Over The Sahara

    Geezer: Be very careful about asking TK to do anything with FE2. The reason is if you have seen what he has done to SF2 over these past couple of years (locking down files, micro-stutters, etc) it would be better that he just leave FE2 alone. On top of that, TK has already said that FE/FE2 is not a money maker and thus does not plan to put any more time/money into the product.
  7. Austrian D.IIIOef "Hacks"

    Looks very good. Looking forward to your posting. Some day when Stephen1918 gets time, he will hopefully make some real Austrian Albatros D.III 53, 153, 253 series.
  8. Make sure you are using the full DX package. The web download may not contain all the necessary files.
  9. Hi-Res FE Ground Objects Question

    I too have a decent PC/Video card (2009) to fly FE2. What you release is what I will use. The biggest CPU/GPU hog in FE2 is shadows. Reduce or turn them off and you would be supprised just how high you can set everything else in the graphics options.
  10. Field Guns for First Eagles

    Are you going to make an Allied and German version too (i.e. one brown and one black) ???
  11. Albatros D.II posted

    Thank you. You are really helping to progress the FE/FE2 series.
  12. Albatros D.II posted

    I agree with you that it is a minor point, which is why I stated it that way on my post above, but if the D.II is correct, that means all of the stock FE Albatros's are incorrect since they are all thinner.
  13. Wrench: I know I adapted all the old KAW screens to my SF2 Jan11 KAW game, so I do not know why you could not adapt them to the SF2 Jul12 version.
  14. Albatros D.II posted

    I'm not sure if this is easy to fix, but the cross section of the D.II Early and D.II Late appear to be slightly wider than the FE stock D.III and compared against any pictures or youtube videos that show the D.III. Since the D.II and D.III used the same fuselage, they should be the same dimentions. Like I said a slight observation, but I do not know how easy it is to fix now.
  15. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    whiteknight06604: I forgot about those planes. I sure wish Jan would finish them, they are beautiful.
  16. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    whiteknight06604: Jan Tuma made an Albatros D.III, where is it ??? I do not ever recall seeing that one.
  17. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    The nice thing (before Stephen1918 makes a real D.III Oef, please, please, please) about the D.III Oef 153 series is that you see a lot of the early 153's (before the blount nose late 153's) with the spinner still attached. As a result, you could temporarly use the stock D.III (with the 200 hp engine) in your mod.
  18. Normally if you can fly but have an invisibile cockpit, it means you are missing the particular Cockpit.LOD in the cockpit folder that your Airplane_Cockpit.ini file uses.
  19. Albatros D.II posted

    The trouble with reducing the prop diameter is you actucally loose power the smaller you make the prop diameter. Reduce it small enough and you can not even takeoff. The best solution is to "fix" the [Nose] section of both Albatros's to the same settings as the stock Albatros D.III, which is: MinExtentPosition= -0.42, 0.22, -0.48 MaxExtentPosition= 0.42, 1.60, 0.64 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00, 1.68, 0.00 With this setting, you can have the prop at the FULL 2.74 diameter and you can "push" the plane completely level during takeoff (just like the stock D,III) and have NO prop problems.
  20. Albatros D.II posted

    I had the prop hit the ground too if you get the tail level with the nose. As a result, just drop the prop diameter (in the engine section) from 2.74 to 2.54 and no more problems.
  21. Albatros D.II posted

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Two beautiful airplanes.
  22. Storm Over The Sahara

    These are very nice, hope you or somebody will be able to finish these models.
  23. Field Guns for First Eagles

    You can post straight to this thread if you want.

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