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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Spare Book

    I have the Alexis Methtris "Italian Military Aviation in World War I 1914-1918" (it's in English), so I wonder what the difference might be ??? What I would really like to find is a book on all the Austro-Hungarian air units OOB for WWI.
  2. This is why I stopped at the Jan11 patch. No major problems and I do not have to worry about any DLC's.
  3. Another Option?

    Has it been released yet ???
  4. I have Win7, OC i7 975, AMD 6970 and all my TW games only do 60 FPS with vsync on or off. Sounds like it's internal to the games.
  5. Hansa-Brandenburg C.I Hex Camo

    quack74: You answered exactly the question that I was wondering (about mixed campaign and Austro-Hungarian Flik's) when I asked my question above.
  6. What ever country the aircraft NationName says in the Aircraft_data.ini file, the AI will pick the first skin it comes to on your Aircraft.ini file. You want the AI to pick another country's skin, change your aircraft NationName to that country.
  7. Field Guns for First Eagles

    Will that be an early D.II, a late D.II or both ???
  8. Hansa-Brandenburg C.I Hex Camo

    quack74: How do you get both types of aircraft to show up on the same airfield at the same time ???
  9. Do you know if SF2 will work in Windows 8 ???
  10. The future of First Eagles

    You are correct, you can change the weather after every mission by going outside the game and using the JSGME to deactivate/activate the weather of your choice. As for the Random Number Generator, you put on your desktop, not inside anything. The way to use the Random Number Generator is that before your FE2 campaign mission you run the Random Number Generator and it gives you a number between 1 to 100 (if you put 100 in the top cell to start with). You then cross reference this number with the WeatherChance for the particular Terrain.ini season weather percentages and then activate that particular Realistic Campaign Weather in the JSGME for your next campaign mission. Example using the default summer Cambrai Terrain.ini: 1. [WeatherChance] Scattered=25 Broken=25 Overcast=17 Inclement=8 Each of the above numbers is a percent for the internal FE1 random number generator. If you also notice, Clear is not stated because it uses the remaing 25% because it must always add up to 100% for total percentage for the FE1 game. With FE2, it apparently does not even read the [WeatherChance], which is why nothing ever changes. 2. Now using the external Random Number Generator I provided (or any other random number generator of your choice), you put 100 in the top cell of the Random Number Generator, press GO and see which number it gives you in the second cell (example = 54) 3. You now cross reference the provided number in the second cell (example = 54) to your Terrain.ini file [WeatherChance] percentages which break down like this: Clear = 1 to 25 Scattered = 26 to 50 Broken = 51 to 75 Overcast = 76 to 92 Inclement = 93 to 100 4. Since the number the Random Number Generator was 54, you would then activate the 4 Campaign Weather - Broken in the JSGME and then go fly your campaign mission with the Broken Clouds weather. All this does is add some uncertainty as to what the weather will be on your next FE2 campaign mission (based on the hopefully correct historical weather for that region / season). Unfortunately it is not as much of a "surprise" as in FE1 were you did not know what the campaign weather would be until you were at the airfield, but this is the best I can do working within the bounds of the FE2.exe at the moment. True, you could always just pick the campaign weather you want to fly or use the Random Number Generator to tell you which one to pick, but that is your choice. After all, this is nothing more that a game that is meant to be enjoyed. Since I can not make TRUE Inclement weather with the FE2.exe limitations and second with very little all weather instruments, I suspect there was not much real Inclement weather flying in real life so you just have to ignore the Random Number Generator if it picks the Inclement option and either use the Overcast option or rerun the Random Number Generator for another number. Since I did provide two different Scattered clouds (Less and More), you could adjust your percentages to be something like this as an example: Clear = 20 Scattered Less = 20 Scattered More = 20 Broken = 20 Overcast = 20 Or just ignore one of my Scattered options in your FE1 Terrain.ini percentages and then choose which one you want to use when the Random Number Generator picks that percentage (another choice). Hopefully I have cleared this up, if not ask and I will try again.
  11. The future of First Eagles

    quack74: I have never tried changing it mid-mission, try it and see if it works, although, do not be surprised if FE2 "crashes" if you do that. If it does work, that is even better for the realism of the game. The Random Number Generator is to take the place of the broken FE2 internal random number generator that looks at your seasonal WeatherChance percentages in your Terrain.ini file. On FE1, this internal random number generator read the seasonal Terrain.ini WeatherChance percentage and then assigned your Campaign weather every time you started a campaign mission based on that percentage. An example is the FE1 Summer Cambrai default percentages which are Clear 25%, Scattered 25%. Broken 25%, Overcast 17%, Inclement 8%. Using my Realistic Campaign Weather Mod you can either (1) pick your own campaign mission weather or (2) use the Random Number Generator to give you the proper percentage seasonal weather per the particular Terrain.ini WeatherChance percentage. Your choice (don't you just love choices )
  12. File Name: FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod File Submitter: Panama Red File Submitted: 20 October 2012 File Category: First Eagles Terrain and Environmental Mods If you have ever noticed, First Eagles 2 has a problem with the Campaign Weather never changing after the first mission in any particular campaign game. Since TK will not apparently be updating First Eagles 2 with a patch to correct this bug, I have created a mod to circumvent this problem. This mod will allow you to manually change the weather in your campaigns missions so you do not have to fly the same weather over and over again. For this mod to really work well, you need three items (all of which are included in this package): Modified weather files JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) Random Number Generator What this mod does is convert any Clear, Scattered or Broken weather into one of the five types of weather I have provided. Unfortunately I cannot convert the stock FE2 Overcast or Inclement weather because there is a setting inside the FirstEagles2.exe that mandates the cloud layer between the ground and the clear sky above and I have not figured out at this point how to circumvent that internal setting. Also rain can only appear in the stock inclement weather because of the same internal FirstEagles2.exe settings. What I can do is allow you to change any Campaign Clear, Scattered or Broken weather to 1. Clear; 2. Scattered Less (clouds); 3. Scattered More (clouds); 4. Broken or 5. Overcast. Each of the five Campaign Weather folders has three different weather looks to them and if you start with Clear in your Campaign, you have a forth automatic option (no horizon clouds), which is another FirstEagles2.exe internal setting. Tally Ho; Panama Red A long readme is included in mod folder on how to set up the FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod. Click here to download this file
  13. The future of First Eagles

    I have uploaded the FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod, so it will be available as soon as the moderators release it.
  14. Version 1.0


    If you have ever noticed, First Eagles 2 has a problem with the Campaign Weather never changing after the first mission in any particular campaign game. Since TK will not apparently be updating First Eagles 2 with a patch to correct this bug, I have created a mod to circumvent this problem. This mod will allow you to manually change the weather in your campaigns missions so you do not have to fly the same weather over and over again. For this mod to really work well, you need three items (all of which are included in this package): Modified weather files JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) Random Number Generator What this mod does is convert any Clear, Scattered or Broken weather into one of the five types of weather I have provided. Unfortunately I cannot convert the stock FE2 Overcast or Inclement weather because there is a setting inside the FirstEagles2.exe that mandates the cloud layer between the ground and the clear sky above and I have not figured out at this point how to circumvent that internal setting. Also rain can only appear in the stock inclement weather because of the same internal FirstEagles2.exe settings. What I can do is allow you to change any Campaign Clear, Scattered or Broken weather to 1. Clear; 2. Scattered Less (clouds); 3. Scattered More (clouds); 4. Broken or 5. Overcast. Each of the five Campaign Weather folders has three different weather looks to them and if you start with Clear in your Campaign, you have a forth automatic option (no horizon clouds), which is another FirstEagles2.exe internal setting. Tally Ho; Panama Red A long readme is included in mod folder on how to set up the FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod.
  15. The SF2 series is optimized for dual core PC's using Vista or Win7 with DX10. The SF1 (including WOI) was optimized for single core using XP with DX9. You unfortunately have a mishmash system. You have Win7 with DX11, but a single core CPU and an integrated GPU card. I am guessing looking at you specs that SF2 Israel will run better on your laptop that the older WOI, but you really do not have a gaming PC for either to run top end.
  16. I updated my Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles 2 to version 1.1. In working on the FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod, I noticed some cloud clipping in the Overcast weather. This update fixes that small problem.
  17. The future of First Eagles

    In an attempt to overcome the broken changing skies in FE2, I have created 4 varieties of Clear, Scattered Less, Scattered More, Broken and Overcast skies in my upcoming Realistic Campaign Weather Mod. Nobody should ever get bored while looking at the sky when flying in the FE2 Campaign games again. It will take a little bit of manual work to set the Realistic Campaign Weather mod up using the JSGME, but after that, you will have different skies while flying in the Campaign game.
  18. The future of First Eagles

    I need to finish "tweaking" the mod and I should post it this weekend if I get everything satisfactory. As you know, Clear has two interanal FirstEagles2.exe game settings, the first with horizon clouds and the second without horizion clouds. As a result one of the interesting side efects I did discover was that if you are using Clear as your Campaign Weather base in the Terrain.ini file, and you have the Overcast Campaign Weather activated in JSGME, the Overcast look is very reminisant of light Fog versus just Overcast !!! Good and the bad of having Clear as the base is that it gives two varieties to your other settings, but then it also removes other options too (decicions, decisions, decisions).
  19. The future of First Eagles

    quack74: Good news and bad news for the FE2 Campaign Weather fix. Good news is I can get Clear, Scattered or Broken to look like Clear, Scattered Less, Scattered More, Broken or Overcast. Bad news is I can not get Overcast or Inclement to really look like anything other than themselves. The reason is (1) certain parameters inside the FirstEagles2.exe mandate that Overcast and Inclement have the cloud layer between you and the clear sky above it, and (2) only the real Inclement will have rain in the game. What this does mean is if you mod your Terrain.ini file's weather to only have Clear, Scattered and Broken (or just leave it Clear=100), you can have five types of skies - Clear, Scattered Less (clouds), Scattered More (clouds), Broken or Overcast skies to fly in using the JSGME. You just have to accept that if the weather happened to be Inclement on any particular day in the Campaign, you would not fly like in real life back then and not worry about it. Are you still interested ???? P.S. These Campaign Weather mods would not affect the Single Mission Weather parameters if you remove the Camapign Weather mod files using the JSGME and reactivate my regular Realistic Weather Mod.
  20. Looking at the PureBlue viewlist and the old YAP2 recon camera viewlist (forward, down, left and right), is making me wonder if I could make a viewlist for FE2 that will accomplish what is discussed above.
  21. The future of First Eagles

    Not only has TK "locked down" certain files in SF2, the newer SF2 games have constant microstutters. I know because I have two versions of SF2 on my game PC, my Jan11 version (where he finally did "fix" the SF2 Campaign Weather) and the current Jul12 version. I have heavily modded all of my Jan11 versions and they all fly at 50~60 FPS and are "glass smooth", on the other hand, my Jul12 versions (which I kept stock), fly at 50~60 FPS but have microstutters the entire game. As a result, I will gladly keep the minor "inconviencies" that the current FE2 game has versus having TK "fix" FE2 for the worse.
  22. The future of First Eagles

    No theory to it. I already found a small free Random Number Generator today (the hardest part), and I will put the package together this week end. At this point, I figure I can create six types of weather (TK only gives us five stock), i.e. Clear, Scattered (less clouds), Scattered (more clouds), Broken, Overcast, and Inclement. You just have to be able to use the JSGME tool with the Random Number Generator and FE2's campaign weather problem is solved. After all, it's nothing more than a Random Number Generator that is broke in the FE2.exe that causes the Campaign Weather to change in the first place.
  23. That is exactly how they viewed it too.
  24. The future of First Eagles

    The SF2 series changing weather was not fixed until the Jan11 (six months after the last FE2 patch). So yes, it does not work in FE2 In thinking about it, this particular campaign weather problem can be easily "fixed". What it entails is using a random number generator program to give you the particular percentage for the weather (for example: clear 25%, scattered 25%, cloudy 25%, overcast 17%, inclement 8%) and some modded EnvironmentSystem.ini files. What you do is before the campaign game is run the random number generator to give you a particular number for the weather: Clear 1-25, Scattered 26-50, Cloudy 51-75, Overcast 76-92, Inclement 93-100 The you would use the JSGME (JoneSoft Generic Mod Enablier) to activate the appropriate EnvironmentSystem.ini file to ensure that is the weather you will have in the game is the weather the random number generator picked and problem fixed without a TW patch.

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