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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Now if you were in the LFT (Austro-Hungarian Air Force), most early pilots were Enlisted and observers were Officers, so you would be shouting at the pilot to get the heck out of there after taking your pictures. The Austrians early in the war felt that Officers need not get their hands dirty doing the mundane/dirty work like flying. These thoughts obviously changed later in the war when Officers became pilots too.
  2. ojcar: When you do that you could always look down and press the "screen print" button and take a real picture to see if you were on target.
  3. Lazarus1177: Where can we find the PureBlue viewlist mod ???
  4. File Name: Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles 2 File Submitter: Panama Red File Submitted: 14 October 2012 File Category: First Eagles Terrain and Environmental Mods For those who enjoyed my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, this is an update for the newer First Eagles 2 game. First Eagles 2 uses some particular EnvironmentSystem.ini parameters that are unique to FE2 versus FE1, SF1 or SF2, so it cannot simply be dropped into one of these other games. This First Eagles 2 Sky Mod has the following corrections to the stock TW FE2 sky: 1. Realistic fluffy clouds 2. Eliminated the Overhead cloud triangles (when you fly above Overcast or Inclement clouds) 3. Minimized the low horizon band during dawn and dusk patrols 4. Realistic dark night I have included the original Horizoncloud.tga’s from the first Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, but this FE2 version works perfectly well with the stock TW FE2 Horizonclouds if you prefer a different horizon look. I have tried to make this FE2 Sky Mod as “widesky” as possible, the down side is an occasional “popping” cloud in the distance. If I made the sky any further “widesky”, the clouds would constantly be “popping” in and out, so I stopped at the distance that I have in the mod, which is twice the stock TW distance. Installation: The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool (http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder. The same credits for the Cloud.tga's and Horizoncloud.tga's still apply as in my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles (see original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles readme). TallyHo; Panama Red Click here to download this file
  5. I can see rain quit clearly in my inclement weather, in fact it is even heavier than the stock TW rain. Try removing the InCloudEffect.ini file and see what happens.
  6. With SF2, you do NOT need to ever touch the Weapons.ini or Weapons.dat. You creat a folder with the necessary files included in the Modded Games Weapons directory and the game reads it from there. Edit: Get rid of the modded Weapons.ini and Weapons.dat you created, and only use folders for any additional weapons you create.
  7. Flak Bursts

    It will be in the Effects folder, (I do not know which file since I am at work), but I suspect it will be the 37mmEffects.ini or EntanteAAEffects.ini file (depending on which side does not have flak bursts). If you list or show what files you have in your effects folder, I might be able to tell. The really fast test is to rename your effects mod folder so the game will use the default effects files and see if you are still missing the flak effects. Edit: Make sure you have not added FE1 effects to FE2, they are incompatable. FE2 requires additional information that is not in the FE1 effects files.
  8. Since it does not show in your pictures, I take it that you will have the standard Italian tri-coloured underwinds ???
  9. Thank you. We are missing that skin for the game.
  10. I have the SF2V Jan11 patch, and I have added support ships too, which was a year before SF2NA.
  11. Weather change in FE2 campaigns?

    I do know that it was not until the Jan11 patch that SF2 non-changing weather bug was finally fixed. I normally play Single Missions for testing purposes, but I am going to have to check to see if this is one of those, as M$ calls it "enhanced features", that TW never fixxed in FE2.
  12. Air Raid Warning Ambulances

    If you want to use ambient base sounds that are far away from the front (assigned to another "gun"), you can use the base OFF ambient sounds. Andy73 just added explosions to these base ambient sounds for those airfields close to the front, even though OFF does not recognize the difference.
  13. File Name: Nieuport 24 Lewis File Submitter: Panama Red File Submitted: 06 October 2012 File Category: Nieuport Nieport 24 Lewis v1.0 with 1 overhead Lewis and cockpit Original N24 3D Model and clean skins by EmlD FM by peter01 Ini file modification to N24_Lewis by Panama Red 29th Sqn. Skins and Decals by quack74 LeRhone9jb Sound by Nix Testing by ojcar This N24_Lewis was created so ojcar could use it in his FE2 Campaign Series. The real RFC Nieuport 24 Lewis had a very short career on the Western Front before transfering to the Middle Eastern Front. Basicaly only one RFC squadron used it for any length of time on the Western Front, and that was the 29th Squadron from Nov 1917 to Feb 1918. As a result, quack74 created this set of unique decals for all three flights of the RFC 29th Squadron. Included are two sets of skins, the default "dirty" set, and an alternate "clean" set for those who want a difference. To install this package, do the following: FE1: Install the N24_Lewis folder to your .../Aircrafts directory Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory Install Gunsite01 into WeaponData.Dat FE2: Install the N24_Lewis folder to your .../Aircrafts directory Install N24_Lewis decals folder to your .../Decals directory Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory Install Gunsite01 folder into Weapons directory Click here to download this file
  14. Nieuport 24 Lewis

    Version 1.0


    Nieport 24 Lewis v1.0 with 1 overhead Lewis and cockpit Original N24 3D Model and clean skins by EmlD FM by peter01 Ini file modification to N24_Lewis by Panama Red 29th Sqn. Skins and Decals by quack74 LeRhone9jb Sound by Nix Testing by ojcar This N24_Lewis was created so ojcar could use it in his FE2 Campaign Series. The real RFC Nieuport 24 Lewis had a very short career on the Western Front before transfering to the Middle Eastern Front. Basicaly only one RFC squadron used it for any length of time on the Western Front, and that was the 29th Squadron from Nov 1917 to Feb 1918. As a result, quack74 created this set of unique decals for all three flights of the RFC 29th Squadron. Included are two sets of skins, the default "dirty" set, and an alternate "clean" set for those who want a difference. To install this package, do the following: FE1: Install the N24_Lewis folder to your .../Aircrafts directory Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory Install Gunsite01 into WeaponData.Dat FE2: Install the N24_Lewis folder to your .../Aircrafts directory Install N24_Lewis decals folder to your .../Decals directory Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory Install Gunsite01 folder into Weapons directory
  15. You could also go into your "viewlist.ini" file in your Flight folder and change the "OffSetDistance" to "0.0" or "-0.xx" and that should move you forwad without changing anything else.
  16. I can not remember if it is the first or second set of "0.0", I do remember that the third set makes it tilt left or right.
  17. IIRC, it is in the "ViewAngles" setting in the cockpit file.
  18. Wrench: Thank you, it works great now. If you convert the skin .jpg's to .bmp's this plane can be used in older SF2 versions, but the only problem I see so far is that there is no shadow from the 3D model using the older SF2 versions.
  19. Any particular reason the Decal folder is empty ???
  20. If you go to this site every month, you can see what video cards they recomment (per each dollar range) and then you can decide yourself: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107.html
  21. That particular mission is a SF2V mission, not a SF2I mission, which uses a diferent map, planes, objects, etc.
  22. NEW to this Game

    Andy73: First Eagles 2 uses the same basic techniques as Strike Fighters 2. When you read the SF2 Knowledge Base: http://combatace.com/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ , you will understand how FE2 is modded. Here is the link on where the FE2 mods are located (just remember subsitute FE2 for every place it says SF2): http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/

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