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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Fe2b mod posted

    sinbad: You can download 5 or 6 small files per day (can not remember which), but only 1 LARGE file (total package type) download per day. I normally down load 1 small file per hour, that way I stay out of trouble. And yes, it is in the 3rd party section.
  2. Beautiful Halberstadt

    From all the pictures that I have seen on the Halberstadt, the tail of the hanging plane looks original.
  3. And some day, I hope OFF/WOFF gives us an Italian Campaign too.
  4. Fe2b mod posted

    Thank you.
  5. Of the three modern WW1 flight sims, each has their individual strengths. 1. RoF is the flight model 2. OFF is the Campaign immersion 3. FE1/2 is the modability As a result, only in FE1/2 could the modders create planes, terrains and campaigns that go beyond what the original Devs created for the game. So thank you Stephen1918 for expanding the WW1 flight universe.
  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  7. Sure is Lonely Up Here

    RambingSid: How does this Tactile Feedback System work ???
  8. Sure is Lonely Up Here

    RamblingSid: You want to feel engine vibrations, read this: http://combatace.com/index.php/topic/38170-buttkicker-review/
  9. Semi OT : New WW1 Book

    Thank you, just ordered it per your recomendation. :sohappy:
  10. JFM: You do know that there is an Italian Front mod for FE / FE2 as well as an Eastern Front mod that is in the works at the moment. As for the OFF series, yes, I would love to see an Italian Front and Eastern Front Campaigns in the future too.
  11. If you do not get an answer here, you might try reposting this question in "The Pub" section. A lot more people go there than just here.
  12. Upwards firing Lewis for SE5a

    You can post it right here, but you may need to put into a zip or 7z file first.
  13. How is the FE2 aircraft's airspeed since the terrain is a different scale from the FE series ???
  14. Hasse Wind: To continue the answer to your question, in the Flying Machine Press "Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One" page 248. it talks about the Austrian version of the Albatros D.III (Oef) and says: Not content with the original German design, Oeffag engineers developed a stronger wing and airframe-in the process creating a tough, beautifully-built aircraft that could take increasingly more powerful engines without extensive modifications. ... as a precautionary measure triggered by reports of recurring D.III wing failures on the Western Front. The farsighted action of the Oeffag engineers was vindicated for, by refusing to copy the German wing cellule, they had made signicant improvements which were outlined in an LFT report: 1) The German spars and ribs are appreciably weaker than those of the 53.2 series. 2) Ribs between the main and auxiliary spar are solid and constructed of heavier plywood. 3) Spar flange thickness is increased from 10 to 20 mm at stress points. 4) Metal reinforcing is added between the main and auxiliary spar. 5) The front auxiliary spar is prevented from twisting by a metal fixture at the fuselage juncture.
  15. Russian Nieuports

    Thank you and another step closer to a true WW1 Eastern Front Campaign.
  16. Eastern Front Skins

    Beautiful work as usual, thank you.
  17. Typhoid!

    60 , 62 or 65 ??? Senior Citizen status depends on whether you are talking about banks, government, movies, etc. P.S. Happy Birthday.
  18. Wireless Transmitter ?

    Glad I could help.
  19. Warning for TrackIR users

    Olham: On the 12.4 drivers, it is directly above the AA setting. Which drivers are you using now ???
  20. Warning for TrackIR users

    Olham: This is why I use the 12.4 drivers, they allow me to set and save individual game profiles, which I do not see listed in your picture above. This ATI feature did not start until 12.1 drivers even though nVidia and ATI third party utilities have had this feature for a while. If you read about the release notes for the 12.6 drivers, they mainly improve the 7000 searies cards, and do not do much for the 6000 cards like I have, so I never tried the 12.6 drivers (use what works, since newer is NOT always better).
  21. Warning for TrackIR users

    The only problem that I have found is if you change "Texture Info" settings to anything other than the game default settings, it does not allow you to use your in game AA setting. Thus if you have your normal CCC AA setting is "Use Application Setting", it over rides it and disables the in game AA settings and you get the "jags". The only way around this problem is if you set your normal CCC AA setting to always "Override Application Setting" (which in my case certain other games do not like). Other than this, I found no difference in FPS or Quality between the default game "Texture Info" settings and the old suggested ATI "Texture Info" settings using my ATI 6970 video card. As a result, I only make changes on my "Image Quality" sliders and my "Overrides" checks.

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