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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Some slight upgrades

    Eastern Front !!!!
  2. Am I correct to assume that all friendly and enemy flights (other than the friendly flights that start on your airfield) are spawned in the air during the campaign game ???
  3. Spawning Friendly and Enemy Flights

    In answer to my question over at SHQ: Polovski says: "For BH&H given it's a slice in time they usually start part way through their missions so in the air normally."
  4. Spawning Friendly and Enemy Flights

    Tamper: Then I will re-ask the question: Do the other Friendly and Enemy flights start in the air on on the ground in the campaign game ???
  5. Spawning Friendly and Enemy Flights

    The reason that I ask, is that some planes using the EW mods have a difficult time taking off from an airfield. But if you are not flying that particular plane in your campaign and it is only an AI plane spawned in the air, then it would not matter if the EW mod made it to heavy to take off because it would already be in the air. This is why I am asking this question if anybody knows the real answner.
  6. Spawning Friendly and Enemy Flights

    My question is, do these other flights start in the air or on the ground like your flight ???
  7. Fantastic. Hopefully HPW will make two versions of his new Anti-stall FM. One for those who can use his EW mod and one for those of us who can not or do not want to use the EW mod.
  8. All the mods still work, you just have to change the file structure in the individual mods to now reflect that they are being istalled for a different location. Take a look at HPW FM 2.2 and you will see how it now conforms to the JSGME located in the OBDSoftware location. I've had to do this for years on differnt games to get various JSGME mods to work.
  9. Guesses at Release Date

    Annirversary date of WWI !!!
  10. The question that I have about this particular aircraft, is that a machinegun in front of the pilot ??? And if it is, that mean it's synchronized, unlike the Bristol Scout in OFF.
  11. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    Thank you and am eagerly anticipating your Eastern Front Campaign mod.
  12. Italian front?

    There is already one right here in the Downloads section http://combatace.com...tto-version-20/ or until someone makes a "real" Italian map at FE1/2 scale.
  13. HPW Combined FM and AI EW Mod

    HPW: Thank you. I have been eagerly anticipating this mod ever since you said that you were working on it.
  14. Skunkworks has the LHA-1 USS Tarawa for download so you do not have to "substitute" for the real thing.
  15. Sikorsky and Anatra upgrades

    Thank you and look forward to your upcoming "Eastern Campaign".
  16. That is DX9 is INCOMPLETE, you need to download and install the full M$ DX9 download, not their webbased download.
  17. New Eastern Front Terrain - Galicia

    Fantastic and thank you.
  18. As a whole, nVidia has always been known as the faster FPS and ATI/AMD as the better picture due to the way each company renders their graphics. As a result, with both cards being fast now days, I use ATI because I prefer a better picture. There is one other major difference, ATI still has "fog" support for DX9 games, but nVidia dropped that years ago. What I do not know is if nVidia has picked that back up for DX10/11 games.
  19. And not a word here

    Thank you.
  20. Dh-4 with single lewis and vickers

    Thank you.
  21. Since SF2 uses new weapons folders, why do you need a weapons editor when changing the data inside the weapons folder does the trick.
  22. Thinking about adding water cooling.

    I've had the Asetek 120MM watercoolers (Antec and Corsair teamed with Asetek to create their own versions of the same thing) on my last two game PC's. The Asetek 120MM on my overclocked i7 975 more than handles all of the heat and is quiter than an aircooled heatsink to boot.
  23. My new Sound Mod...

    Thank you.
  24. New Sounds for you...

    These are very, very nice and I would love to use them if you post them. Just one question, are you going to have a new Albatros sound too ???

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