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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. I think MigBuster meant "two weeks" when he said "14 Days"
  2. Go here and get the biggest and most comprehensive IL-2 mod out there: http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php/board,7.0.html?PHPSESSID=10s9hdf35m29vdq53u58r3o187
  3. 5-Color Lozenge for Fokker D.VII's

    They look great as usual and congratulations !!!
  4. Just make sure you have enough cooling reserve to handle the OC'ing (since heat is the enemy of all electronics) and you should be fine.
  5. My complete SF2 series actually runs better on my Win 7 64bit side dual OS PC than it does on my XP side.
  6. Here is one of the new type water cooler Corsair H70: http://www.hardocp.com/article/2010/09/09/corsair_h70_highperformance_hydro_cpu_cooler_review/ They are actually simliier and more efficient that air coolers now days. Corsair sells both a H50 and an H70 and now Antic has gotten into the simple water coolers too. I have has the kit type water coolers in the past, but the last two high performance PC's have used these simple sealed water coolers and they are not only more efficient that air cooled, but quiter too. Read the article and you will understand what I'm talking about.
  7. You can also go with the new simplified "all-in-one" sealed water coolers. They are as good as any air coolers out there without a lot of the noise associated with them. Plus they are completely sealed so you do not have to worry about any maintenance or leaks.
  8. The reason is the later the patch, the more TK has made them multi-core friendly and thus less freindly to older single/dual core PCs (per one of his posts over at ThirdWire).
  9. Pup 80hp and 110hp versions

    HPW: I have enjoyed your FM/DM mods so much that I have never had the inclination to play with the OFF FM's. As for the CFS3 FM's, I have had the Sim for years, but could nver get into it until P3 came a long and gave me a reason to reload CFS3 back onto my PC. Like I said, thak you for your great mods and I am looking forward to your upcoming "flurry".
  10. I have used JSGME for years on a lot of games. The ONLY game that I have not figured out how to get it to work on is the new TW SF2 series because the SF2 series puts the mods in the C/user/saved games/ThirdWire folder, while the original games may be located on another HD like mine. Since you do not mod the original game, but put the mods in the C/user/saved games/ThirdWire folder, the JSGME does not work (unless somebody can tell me how to set up the new path).
  11. Pup 80hp and 110hp versions

    Herr Prop-Wasche: I thank you. I also enjoy all the work you have put into your OFF mods, it really improves the game in my opinion. Having made RB3D FM's in the past, I know just how much work it takes for you to get OFF's FM/s correct. I am always looking forward to your new OFF mods, so please keep up the great work.
  12. Pup 80hp and 110hp versions

    If you are going to do the multi-engine Pup, are you thinking about doing the multi-engined Camel, Spad VII, and Spad XIII too ???
  13. Yes, I have seen it too and can only assume that it is a mis-mapping in the terrian ".tod".
  14. I loathe "steam"

    What you said above is just one of the reasons that I do not own a single Steam game and have no intentions of every buying one.
  15. SF1 has multiplayer abilities. The multiplayer abilities were removed in SF2.
  16. Anti Virus software

    I have M$ Security Essencials (it's free) on 4 of my PC's and no problems.
  17. I have fixed my cloud/cloud problem in my EnvironmentalSystems.ini by lowering the cloud base in Overcast and reducing the size of the individual clouds in the Overcast section too, but I still can not get the normal individual cloud base below ~10,000 FT. The Overcast cloud layer is higher than the individual clouds (that you can add to that weather), so this is why you can create a separation between the two differrent types of clouds in both the Overcast and Inclement weather.
  18. Stary: How did you do it ??? I can not get my clouds to drop much below 10,000 FT no matter what altitude I put into the EnvironmentalSystem file.
  19. IL2 is not designed for wide screen. Saying that, there are two work arounds: 1. The first is to set your monitor/video card to "stretch" so the game will use the whole screen. the down side of that is that the images will be stretched horizonally. 2. Use the "Wide Screen" IL2 Utility. This utility will allow your IL2 game to use the full screen and not stretch the image horizonally, but it does this by "chopping" the top and bottom off from your screen so everything stays in perspective. As they say, "there is no free lunch" so you must pick what you are most comfortable with.
  20. Thanks for the link, just bought my set (one down and nine to go) and you are correct, it's quite a bargain.
  21. Did you try just changing the DetailMeshsize ??? I think you will find that just doing that will show the trees at a further distance without messing with the clip distance. P.S. If you have a lot of other objects/buildings in your game, you wil find that your DetailMeshSize numbers that you show above will drag your FPS way, way down. You may need to back those number off a bit till you get the FPS you can live with.
  22. Most choppers will fly on Normal or Easy FM, but not Hard FM due to the hardcoding by TK. After all, this basicly a Jet Sim even though the communuity has added choppers and prop planes.
  23. How do I change aircraft in campaign? FE1

    Did you also change the plane in the Campaign.ini file ???
  24. Yes, I know you are using the SF1 series. What I was trying to point out is if SF1 user made campaigns will play in SF2, they will surely play in the SF1 Oct08 version.
  25. I use WOV campaigns in SF2V, so those two should still work in the Oct2008 patch. The campaign format has not changed much over the years.

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