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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. A how to question

    Could be either or both of the following problems: 1. Did you rename the AlbIII skins to AlbII skins ??? 2. Are the AlbIII and AlBII skins mapped the same on both planes ???
  2. Thudgriffon: The interesting thing is that my Ia Drang (West) says Enemy and my campaign did not crash !!! I wonder what the difference is ???
  3. I tried the new updated SF2V Steel Tiger and Easter Campaigns last night with no problems. I am guessing that it is something else in your mod that is causing the freeze.
  4. Another Question

    The sky mods for SF2 may not work in FE2 because of the sky / horizon distance between the two games. The clouds from a SF2 mod will work, but you may have some visual problems with any SF2 sky mods if they include the EnvironmentalSystems.ini as part of the mod.
  5. Campaogns FE2.

    It should make no difference in Campaigns if they are for FE1 or FE2, the format is the same. An example is that SF1 campaigns play perfectly well in SF2 games, so FE1 campaigns should do the same for FE2. It will be all the other parts of the game that you might have to adjust (planes, objects, guns, weapons, terrains) to get the campaign to work in FE2.
  6. The confession of a troubled mind

    Nobody is perfect and we all have problems !!! All you can do is recognize your problems and then set about correcting them. Unfortunately, a lot of people never get far enough to realize their problems, so they can never correct them. You have taken the first big step on at least recongnizing the problem so you can try correcting it., Congratulations and good luck.
  7. FE2 Realistic Sky Mod

    It's been complete for awhile, I just need to pack it up, take some pictures and send it in. The FE2 sky mod a lot more realistic than my original FE1 sky mod due to some of the FE2 improvements..
  8. Ok post your thoughts of RoF here

    From everything I've read, it appears to be a very good Flight Simulation, as long as you do not mind being "teathered" to the Internet. When they decide to "un-teather" ROF, I will gladly buy a copy, but until then, there are a lot more WW1 flight games that I can play without being "teathered".
  9. I have a dual boot Win7 64/XP and OFF runs better on the Win7 side than it does from the XP side. The really nice thing about that is since all my games on on separate HD's from the two OS systems (I have 6 separate HD's in my PC), I do not have to reload all the games to get them to play on either the Win7 or XP side so it is a true apples to apples comparision for me.
  10. Will this work in the SF2 series ??? If it was mentioned some where that it did or did not, I missed it, sorry.
  11. Here is a long article on how much RAM 32 bit and 64 bit OS will use (it will surprise you). As you can tell after reading this article, your OS can use a lot more RAM than have been mentioned above: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ram-memory-upgrade,2778.html
  12. You need two things to make the chopper have sound: 1. Put a helocopter.wav file into the Sounds folder 2. Change the particular chopper XXX_data.ini file to use this helocopter.wav file. If you go to the CombatAce SF1 Knowledge Base, it will tell you how to do this exactly. Then you go to the SF1 Download section (Sound Mods) and download the exact sound .wav you need to install for the chopper sounds.
  13. Win7 64 OS uses more RAM than XP OS. Most places will tell you that for Win7 64, you need at least 6 GB of RAM, and preferably 8 GB of RAM to operate really effectively. I have 12 GB of RAM with my Win7 64 so I sould never have any memory problems .
  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you. A very nice Christmas present of one of my all time favorite mods.
  15. The SF2 manual says this for Ground Object Density: + Ground Objects Density Controls how many objects (such as trees and buildings) appear on the ground. Low: Only important ground targets and buildings are displayed. Medium: Some trees and non-mission critical buildings also appear. High: All trees and buildings appear on the ground. Unfortunately it does not say anything about Unlimited !!!! So my question is, what is the difference betweenGround Object Density High and Ground Object Density Unlimited ??? Thanks
  16. stary: So what you are saying, is that this setting is equal to the "DetailMeshSize" ???
  17. But if you create the SF2 catagories now, it's less work in the future when you do fill them. Plus it will be easier to find the SF2 files if they use the same folder structure as SF1 versus now where you have to search through page after page to find what you are looking for.
  18. I'm at work, but if I recall correctly, you must remove or inactivate the following line in the co-pilot section in the plane_data.ini : SeatID=2 for the co-pilot to be seen externally, but not internally.
  19. KillerBee's SF2 Weapons Pack has both of them (check SF2 downloads). It's a really great pack (part 1 and part 2). It's got weapons, guns, fuel tanks and effects in his packages.
  20. Micro$oft explicity said when they created DX10 that it would only work on Vista or later OS's, not XP.
  21. You can re-install the trees into the mod and it looks even better. You just have ro remember that you will occasionally see the trees through the clouds when the clouds are between you and the ground. Me, I prefer to see the trees and I just ignore the occasional "alpha" clashes.
  22. For the 1st Gen games, you use this: http://combatace.com/files/file/8855-le-missionneur-mission-editor/
  23. Planes on Auto-pilot landing on runways crooked and with arrestor hook deployed.
  24. Korean mod release = "two weeks" That is a big difference from the comment by a Korean Mod team member in November stating that they were just waiting till Exp2 come out to make sure that there was no conflicts with the Korean mod. But as they say, it's being built ar the speed of free, so we'll just wait till it's released.

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