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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. It's called F6. The F6 exterior view will stay where you are at until you go to another view.
  2. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    Thank you. Looking forward to a proper Austrian Albatros with the "square" tail versus the incorrect "round" tail that is currently being used.
  3. FE2 ObjectData files

  4. I use Crossfire 4890's and have zero problems with SF2 games.
  5. I have "fixed" all my YAP2 choppers in SF2V and they fly just as well if not better than in WOV (using the "Normal" FM setting). The only things I had to do was: 1. set all the main rotor lengths to "0.0" so they all rotate. 2. slightly adjust the landing gear so they all set level (i.e. shock, damper & spring rates) 3. adjust some of the UH-1's rear rotors so they show up all they was through thier speed cycles. Now I'm working on converting my WOV YAP2 to SF2V YAP2.
  6. quack74: Sounds like a good reason to me to leave it as German verus changing everything to Austrian. Thank again.
  7. quack74: Thank you for this campaign, I specifically bought FE2 just to play this. A question though: why did you use Germany for the enemy versus Austria ???
  8. Most gaming PC's have THREE processors. The first is the CPU (Computer Processor Unit, i.e. the computer chip), the second is the GPU (Graphics Processor Unit, i.e. your video card), and the third is a APU (Audio Processor Unit, i.e. audio card). If you only have a CPU and GPU, that means your CPU has to process both the game and audio (sounds) which can cause stuttering at times due to the high load. If you have all three processors, the stuttering could be due to an IRQ conflict (two pieces of equipment both trying to use the same path at the same time in the computer).
  9. Win7, i7 975 with Crossfire ATI 4890's and VSync ON SF2V Green Hell 2 = average 55-60 FPS and low of 30 FPS (with GH2 mesh detail set to 8). WoV Green Hell 2 = average of 30-35 FPS and low of 17 FPS (with GH2 mesh set to 6). As you can tell SF2 just about doubles the WoV using the same terrain and with WoV still having lower mesh details.
  10. Arming the Zepps?

    If you are using FE1, SFP1 uses the same structure and tools. Go here and see how SFP1 adds weapons to the game: http://combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/
  11. I need a Strutter skin

    ojcar: The difference between the Oct08 and Nov08 (IIRC) was nothing more that fixing some glitches that TK had accidently created in the OCT08 patch (such as missing trees). Sinbad: Most definately looking forward to your finished Strutter, hope you find the time to finish it, especially with the new Italian Campaign just around the corner.
  12. I have a combined SF2 pack w/Exp1 (Jun 10 update) and I noticed that all 4 SF2"x" game engines are different sizes: SF2I & SF2I Exp1 = 287KB SF2E = 277KB SF2V = 268KB SF2 = 259KB The question that I have is: 1. What is the differences in each of the game engines ??? 2. Since you can rename each game engine to something else (i.e. SF2 Vietnam to SF2 Isael and the game will use the new titled game engine), is there an advantage in using one game engine over another ??? Thanks; Panama Red
  13. fokker dr 1 *sfp1*

    You need to add the WW1 guns and weapons to your SF1P game to get any WW1 planes to fire or drop bombs. The SF1P game only has the modern guns and weapons, no WW1 guns or weapons. Go here and read how to add weapons (guns are the same way, but use a different utility which can also be found in the download section): http://combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/
  14. I to have a dual boot (XP & Win7) and the BIGGEST reason that I like SF2V over WOV is the jump in FPS using the same terrain mods. As eraser_tr said, the same scenes in Win7 are about double of what they are in WOV XP. Even Win7 SF2V is faster than XP SF2V. As a result, other than the Helo problem, I've basicly moved over to the the SF2 series due to the improved FPS.
  15. Any further information concerning the "fix" for this helo problem ???
  16. Plus getting helicopters to fly correctly in SF2.
  17. malibu43: Tried your idea last night, but no luck, the other campaigns still show up. Know of anything else that I could try.
  18. malibu43: Good idea, I will give it a try tonight. I too wish I had a seperate SF2V install, but the SF2 package that I have is last Christmas's special Combined package with the currentl SF2I Exp1 pack. I will tell you that with a little bit of tinkering (i.e. adding the appropriate planes, cockpits and skins) I have been able to play the old WoV Charlie's Aces mod inside your fantastic SF2V A&G Expansion Gold mod. It really opens up both sides of the War now with a minimum amout of effort. It is sort of overwhelming to go up to defend as the VPAF (4 to 8 planes) against 40 to 50 US planes flying around hunting you or striking their targets. Definately a different perspective on life.
  19. I first want to say THANKS, this is a great mod. A question though, since I have a "combined SF2 packege", which means a merged install, how do I remove all the unnecessary SF2, SF2E or SF2I campaigns that show up in the "Start Campaign" A&G Expansion Mod list from the "merged install" ??? I only want the SF2V or A&G Expansion Campaigns to show, not the SF2, SF2E or SF2I campaigns. I removed all the unnecessary planes for the other SF2 series, but have not figured out how to remove the unnecessary campaigns. Thanks
  20. I'm using the Combined SF2 pack with Exp 1, patched to Jun 10. I was putting cockpits into all the SF2V A&G Expanded VPAF MiG's yesterday, and while testing the results, I noticed that the MiG-17's left speed flap appears to be mis-mapped. The ouside of the left speed flap looks like it has been mapped to the inside of the speed flap, not the outside of the speed flap as it should be. The right side is perfectly okay, it's just the left side that is wrong. Thinking it might be a bad MiG-17 "lod", I tested some original 1st Gen TW MiG-17 "lod's" in it's place, but no change. Is there anyway to "fix" this problem or does anybody else have a solution ???
  21. No, it ws the regular, plain old MiG-17. I am experimenting with adding the old Charlie's Aces to the fantastic Air & Ground War Expanded Mod, and so far so good once I got al the MiG's to fly.
  22. Dave, Wrench: Thanks for the tip. After checking, that is exactly what the problem was. TW re-mapped the MiG-17's rear fuselage in SF2. The really interesting thing is that back in 2006, TW had the same mapping on the MiG-17 as the current SF2 series. It must have been in the 2008 patch he changed it to where the skins in the mod showed the speed brakes. :drinks:
  23. Thanks for the tip. The skins that I was using were the ones from several add-on packs. I will try the standard skins tonight and see if that makes a difference.
  24. I tried different skins last night too, but they all showed the same problem. I will post a picture when I get home from work tonight. The most important thing is that appears to be just MY problem and not a general problem (if I understand you correctly). If all else fails, I might just have to do a "reinstall" to see if that fixes it.
  25. To quote Winder in the sticky above: "OFF HitR does demand more GPU memory - if you experience any graphics issues please reduce either your scenery slider one notch or goto workshops and if you can select a lower Ground Object Density... reduce by one...."

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