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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. The latest and greatest all encompassing IL-2 mod pack (UltraPack 2.0) is now available for download. It includes all the lastest new planes, effects and environments for pleasure (either onlinr or offline). All you need is a patched IL-2 up to 4.09m for it to work: http://il2ultrapack....index.php/board,7.0.html
  2. I did not say you modded anything. I meant that the mod creators did not mod any of the stock planes because the "IL2 police" would eat them alive (the online IL2 flyers). The people who have access to the "classfiles" (where the FM's, DM's and Weapons data are stored) would immedately know if anything was changed and let everybody else know that the stock planes have been tampered with, so those planes are untouched.
  3. One of the cardinal rules is to not touch the STOCK FM's, DM's or WEAPONS on either one of the two major mods (UP or HSFX). If it is an addon plane, they may be different, but if it is a stock plane, nothing has been touched on those three "sacred cows" (no matter how bad or non-historical they may be).
  4. You have one of those in virtually all the new electronic items you purchase. It's called a "desiccant" patch and is used to absorbe any moisture that might accumulate in the box during shipping and damage your electronic item. The Germans put it there in between the two armoured windscreens to stop moisture from building up and fogging the windscreen when you flew from low to high altitude. The earlier Bf-109's did not have it because they did not have the additional armoured windscreen like the later Bf-109's.
  5. Shotdown: I would go over to this website (www.mission4today.com) and I think they should be able to help you on your question because there are a lot of missions and skins at that website. Panama Red
  6. Did you go to Post #10 ??? It will not let me edit my first post so I had to put the new link in Post #10 when the old link became invalid.
  7. No Italian Campaign in the original game. If you go here to Mission4Today, you can download as many campaigns as you like and there are several Italian Campaigns you can choose from in the stock Downloads Browser section: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Home-Downloads_Menu If you are using the UP 2.0 mod (with patch), that means that you can also use ALL of the modded campaigns/missions too (as long as you have Battle over Europe for those DGen campaigns that require the BoE Just Flight addon).
  8. Here is the new links for UP 2.0 and the UP 2.0 patch (either regular FileFront download or Torrent). The old link is no longer valid: http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php/board,7.0.html
  9. You are welcome and I am glad I was able to help.
  10. Which French Wings, the modded or unmodded version ??? The modded version requires at least UI 1.1, but the unmodded version works with just 4.09m. The easiest way if you do not want to mod your game is to download the Enjoyr DGen patchs and he has all the DGen campaigns coordinated so they do not conflict with each other. http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=search Just make sure you only use the Enjoyr "A" patch campaigns if you do not have BoE, OstFront or TLD. The Enjoyr "B" patch campaigns are for people who have those three payware IL-2 addons (Boe, Ostfront or TLD). You also need to download the Enjory skins that go with these patches, but he tells you all of theat in his instructions.
  11. No, you only need to install a mod activator if you want to install a mod. French Wings is a campaign, not a mod. Now if the French Wings requires a modded airplane or map, then you need to install the mod activator to get these mods to work. There are a lot of DGen/Static campaigns out there that do not require a mod, but some do and they will tell you what mod is needed for you to play the campaign. If you go to Mission4Today: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Home-Downloads_Menu you can see by the categories which campaigns are modded and which are not modded.
  12. From what you ask, I'm going to take a guess what you really want because you did not give some specific information. 1. Is your IL-2 1946 updated to 4.09m, you need to do that if you want your mods to work. 2. I am assuming that you now have a clean version of IL-2 1946 4.0m, when you do that, you can either install a WHOLE mod package like UltraPack 2.0 (the easiest way), and that thread is located on one of my former posts. 3. If you just want to install individual mods, go here, read and download this complete package: http://www.sas1946.c...index.php/topic,1008.0.html 4. If you want to install a new plane, then you need to go here and download the new "buttons" which has all the current FM's included after you have installed the above package: http://www.sas1946.c...index.php/topic,97.0.html 5. Then you go here and read how to install new planes with both of the above packages: http://www.sas1946.c...index.php/topic,1353.0.html It's not so hard once you understand what you need to do (the www.SAS1946.com website has lot, and lot of information), but then downloading a complete package like UltraPack 2.0, eliminates all the hassle of trying to figure out how to get all those new planes, effects and maps.
  13. The only difference between this mod and stock will be the effects on your FPS. As a result, you have the ability to PICK the level of effects you want depending on your PC. A plane is a plane, so there is no difference there. Enjoy !!!!
  14. Here is the Readme and it's LOOOONNNGGG. The first post is UP 1.8, the second post is UP 2.0. You will find that it includes 98% of ALL new planes created to date. UP 2.0 has over 540 flyable planes and a lot of new mods incorporated (with a selection of a lot more): http://il2ultrapack.net46.net/index.php/topic,590.0.html
  15. Fantastic new terrains?

    Stary: It looks like Jan solved the [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] tree problem too. If you look close at his trees and cemetery pictures, you will notice that he does not have either 1. blocky trees, 2. white outline around his trees, or 3. the far trees in front of the near trees. Looks like Jan is really on to something and I am definately looking forward to his release (some day). Panama Red
  16. Sound problem in cockpit

    I had the same problem a while back and I found that the speaker wire into the sound card had just slightly pulled out. It seems that only when the jack is all the way in do you have sound from both speakers, partly pulled out and one set of speakers do not have sound.
  17. playing online

    Peter01's are all made for hard and he has been the standard for quite a while. You just need to download his FM's for your particulare patch since his go back several patches.
  18. playing online

    Dutchie: Are you using these FM's for your N17 (as well as for all your other planes) ??? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8064
  19. Yes, and if you purchase the 1.5 U-Boat addon, you will have both a American or a German dynamic campaign.
  20. I will agree that your FlightEngine.ini tweaks increase the range of viewing (it moves the game fog further away), but it unfortunetly it does not move the viewing line for ground objects the same distance as your new viewing distance. As a result, you now see the "cut off line" where the ground objects stop, so you have to decide just what you want to see or not see in the game and tweak accordingly. When you first posted your FlightEngine.ini tweaks, I was hoping that it had deceased the horizon "blue" line even more since that was my original objective for my mod. Maybe there is still some secret out there to fix it, or it may just be hardcoded and we can do nothing till TK "fixes" it in the future.
  21. Does OFF support SLI ?

    I have a simple test. What is the FPS on the same scene with Crossfire ON and Crossfire OFF. If the FPS is greater with it on, then Crossfire is working, if is not greater, then Crossfire is not working in that game.
  22. Does OFF support SLI ?

    I guess that is one of the differences between ATI and nVidia. With ATI, you check a box and Crossfire is enabled and it does not matter what game you are playing, it uses it. No profiles or anything else, unless you want to create one.
  23. Does OFF support SLI ?

    I find that my ATI Crossfire 4890's have a better FPS than a single ATI 4890 in OFF, but then in IL2, a single ATI 4890 have better FPS than the ATI Crossfire 4890's. So it depends on the game and how it handles the GPU/drivers.
  24. Does OFF support SLI ?

    Read: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/50205-is-crossfire-supported-at-all/
  25. Go here, download lots of mods and ask any question you can think of with this game: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/index.php

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