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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. The Strutters Ball!

    Looks like they took the Bently 150 HP from these sources: http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/sopwstru.htm
  2. The Strutters Ball!

    This corrects the Strutters Model Rudder reversal only. It does not add any more Deflection, you will have to do that yourselfs as Bucky as indicated.
  3. Jasta18 Pfalz DIII for download

    A-Team is a group of ThirdWire modders, located here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ ".rar" files are compressed files just like ."zip" files and you need to "uncompress" them just like you "umcompress" .zip files.
  4. WWI flight sim having problems ?

    I noticed that they have had at least 2 outages on the RoF servers (without prior notice from the developers), which prevented anybody from playing RoF. This really raised some people ire because they could not play a game that they paid good money for and the Rof DRM leaves them at the mercy of the developers servers. The other interesting thing is that the number of negative comments are continuing to rise so much on the RoF forums that even the die hard RoF's are complaining about the negative feelings that more and more people are having about the game.
  5. If you need the disk space, and you can not find any other way, you can always delete the MAW folder and run a registry cleaner, then you know everything is gone.
  6. FE HDR Test part 2

    The lack of responce may be because the vast majority of users here probably use XP versus Vista (like me and have absolutly no desire to ever own Vista either). As a result, since your mod is for Vista users, people are not interested. The people that use Vista are the SF2 series people and there your mod would be much more appreciated.
  7. WWI flight sim having problems ?

    Thomas H: What you are describing is a good flight simulator, not a good flight game. RoF sounds like nothing more than M$'s Flight X set in a WW1 setting. I think most people on the other hand prefer flight games like OFF, FE, or RB3D which is why the WW1 flight games are played far more than your described flight simulator.
  8. addon this year?

    TK indicated that FE v2 would be released later this year. To me it just sounded like what he did to upgrade the SP1 series to SF2 to operate better with Vista/Win7, i.e. upgrade FE to Vista/Win7.
  9. "Native resolution"

    Olham: What von Paulus said was correct, 1280 x1024 is a 5:4 resolution. I know because I used to use the same resolution on my old CRT. Most people do not notice the slight difference between 4:3 and 5:4, but there is a slight stretching vertically in a 5:4 since a "square" monitor is "normally: 4:3, although I have seen 5:4 monitors sold in the past. When you go widescreen it also gets interesting. Older and larger widescreens are 16:10 resolution (like my widescreen), but newer and cheaper widescreens are now 16:9 (it's cheaper for the manufactures to make since they do not have as much screen space).
  10. Hellshade: The article that stated that the modern game's bottleneck is the "GPU", is talking about FPS. I read the same articles and did some more research and found some more tests that actually included some Flight Sims. When you look at Flight Sims, its the CPU that is the bottleneck because of all the flight models that are being calculated and various terrain objects that you see from overhead. I reciently purchased a new PC and all my Flight Sims FPS increased due to the faster CPU (RAM and video card the same). Make sure you have enough RAM to handle the game too. I usually have 4 GB of RAM since that is the max that XP will recognize, and my swap file is located on a different disk from any of my games (helps stop stuttering).
  11. How to get Iron crosses on my Dr1?

    NathanKell: Thanks, did not realize where the WW1.exe was getting it's information on the cross changes. Learn something new everyday.
  12. Wire retro step?

    I'm gussing, but it looks like you are using Stary's terrain from your posted picture. If you are, you are seeing some of the side effects of his changing the Alpha section. When he changed the Alpha section to "fix" the far trees being seen in front of the near trees, it effects ALL Alpha objects in the terrain. Try removing his mod and see if this problem still continues.
  13. FE compared to OFF

    The flight model and AI are better in FE than OFF (in my opinion) with the latest FE patch (Nov08). Also there are no magic planes in FE and AI uses the same FM as you, which are based on real flight physics. As for hiding in the clouds or wind, no wind that I know of and have not noticed any cloud benefit in FE like OFF's Cloud Level 5 (where the AI can not see you).
  14. Bit of help needed please

    Winder: The Random House Dictonary says: Ameliorate - to make or become better; improve. Could you please explain what is a MIP and how these tiles are being ameliorated with these graphical "glitches" ???
  15. FE compared to OFF

    I own both OFF and FE, and each has it's own strengths to love (OFF for campaign, FE for modability and additional planes). If you want a better FE AI, you need to use Peter01's FMs, he has really tweaked the AI as well as the FMs. A realistic plus is if you stall nose up, you do not fall tail down, but nose down as in a real plane. Virtually all the mods are made for the FE + Exp 1 pack or have been upgraded to to the Exp1 pack, so getting FE Gold would be the way to go. In my opinion, the FE cockpits are equal to OFF's cockpits, but OFF's scenery is more realistic to me (but there have been several recient environmental mods that have brought FE forward lately). Getting FE + Exp 1 (Gold) would not be a waste of your money or time.
  16. Yes, the seasons work with single missions. Set your mission date for January and see the snow on the ground (if you loaded all of Stary's season folders that came in his package).
  17. How to get Iron crosses on my Dr1?

    The switching of the German insignias over time is controled by the game WW1.exe, not decal.ini's. The decal.ini is located inside of the individual skin folders and it will only refer to one set of insignias. If you over ride the default insignias, you will see those particular insignias you specify on that plane when ever it appears, no matter what month and year.
  18. Coast/Lake/Major River Anomaly

    What you have is two differnt color tiles meeting. The only way that this can be fixed (that I know of) is coloring one or the other tiles to match. This is one of the downsides of "mixing & matching" terrain sets.
  19. How to get Iron crosses on my Dr1?

    The only way you can "override" the game engine insignia's is if: 1. The insignias are painted on the skins 2. You have the decal.ini refer to an insignia located within a folder other than the default game folder Sounds like you need to check the individual plane skin folders and see what the individual plane's decal.ini refer to if your German planes are not changing crosses at the appropriate times. Go here and read up on decals: http://forum.combatace.com/thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-knowledge-base-f99.html since all ThirdWire (Generation 1) use the same formats.
  20. How to get Iron crosses on my Dr1?

    The WW1.exe follows the historical German insignia changes, go here and you will see the changes and the dates they change: http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/aircraft-articles/23234-national-markings.html?garpg=4 The Germans use the old fashion "Iron Cross" through Feb 1918, they use the large "Balkankreuz" Mar-Jun, 1918 and the thin "Balkankreuz" Jul-Nov, 1918. TK took some liberties and did not add all the German insignia variations to the game, but kept the big three insignia changes.
  21. How to get Iron crosses on my Dr1?

    The crosses are detirmened by the date. IIRC, the crossover is about March-April 1918. Before then, Iron Crosses, after then "bar crosses" as you call them. The fast way to check is start German single missions once a month starting from January to May, 1918 and see when it changes.
  22. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    Thanks. I want to see what my new PC can handle (Intel i7 975 CPU and ATI 4890 Crossfires).
  23. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    Simply beautiful (drool), definately looking forward to this. You said the view is set to 35km, how ???
  24. End of Mission crash / freeze...?

    A shot in the dark, but since I use ATI video cards (and XP), I am only guessing about this. I have read in the various CA threads that the latest nVidia drivers (190.XXX) are causing a lot of problems. As a result people are rolling back to some earlier nVidia drivers and things seam to work better with the older drivers.
  25. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    Really beautiful Stary. I just hope you can solve the size versus height problem. I am so looking forward to an FE Italian Campaign.

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