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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. "//" Tells the .ini not to use the following information. It is a way to make notes to yourself or preserve the original information if you want to ge back to it.
  2. WW2 Sims

    If you decide on IL2, this site has a lot of addons including new planes not included in any IL2 official addon: http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/index.p...70dc708b3696037
  3. OFF is a stand alone CFS3 mod, it just needs to copy certain files from your original CFS3 install to run. After getting CFS3 installed , you will need to patch it up to the 3.1 version for OFF to run correctly. Buying the ETO addon is just a personal choice if you want to play any more CFS3 beyond OFF.
  4. Hard-Edge Horizon Haze

    I have ATI cards versus nVida, but there are some things that are basic to all modern video cards. 1. None of TW's games set your AntiAliasing, so you need to turn it on to at least 4x to stop the edge" jags" on the angled edges. 2. None of TW's games set your Anisotropic, so you need to turn that on to about 8x to see things in the distance clearly. 3. If you are using a LDC monitor versus a CRT monitor, you need to turn on Vsync because the LCD monitor is only going to run at about 60 FPS, so turning off Vsync does not help you on FPS on a LCD monitor. Your game settings are close to mine except for shadows (my shadows are on low since this is the Biggest FPS killer, but everything else is maxed out in my game). Your distance tiles are suppose to get lighter and lighter as it blends into the fog (to hide the edge of the world). You can get a "screen capture" by pressing the "Print Scrn/SysRq" button (just above your "Insert" button on your keyboard) in the game and this should put the shot into the game folder called (I'm at work, so I do not have the file structure in front of me) IIRC "pictures". Check there after you have taken some shots and you will see what I mean. After you tinker with all of this, you may have to do one other thing, and that is either (1) replace your "WWI.exe" with another one (I keep my original game "virgin" so if anything happens, I can take the original files there to replace anything I messed up) or (2) reinstall the game. The reason that I say this is occasionally things happen in the game that can mess up the game ".exe" (I know because it has happened to me, especially when you restart the game 20-30 times a night from Desktop testing mods). When that happens, the only thing you can do is either replace the file (WWI.exe in this case) or reinstall the game from scratch to fix any wierd behavior. Good luck and let me know what happens. Panama Red
  5. OT Talking of Mods

    In many ways, this Lord of the Rings mod for Rome: Total War Alexander is even better than the M2TW LotR mod you mention, it has more developed and been around longer: http://www.lotr-tw.net/viewforum.php?f=1&a...9d4b9431bea16c8
  6. Possible to tune down the torque?

    The rotary engines did not really have a throttle like the inline engine does, as a result, they used a kill or "blip" switch to cut the ignition to the cylinders to slow down. Go here and watch this YouTube video (titled: From flying coffins to gladiators of the sky) and you will get a lot of great background info (they talk about the blip switch specifically about 4:10 into the first part), but the whole series is very good:
  7. Shadows and mirrors eat up the most FPS. You could probably max out everything else and still have good FPS if you turn those two options off.
  8. I have a newer system (AMD 6400+, Crossfire 3870's and XP Pro) and I get about the same FPS as you do. I have also tried the ENB and did not see any improvement, but then I did not play with the settings either. The biggest reason that I can see/read is that ENB appears to work better on "Vista" than XP, and I have no great desire to move to Vista/Win 7 until I need to, so I removed it.
  9. Possible to tune down the torque?

    You start the game with your throttle on off, then you increase it, with Peter01 setting the blip switch set at 95%, you have to keep blipping the switch at the begining to start rolling. That way you can counter the torque with your RUDDER as you are moving down field. You also use the rudder to counter the torque in the air too as in reality. In reading the book "Flying the Old Planes" written in the 1973, the author states that he sweat profusely every time he flew any of the rotary planes because they were so "hair raising", but exciting. He was a very experianced Hollywood stunt pilot and all of these planes were actual restored WW1 planes, so they had the true WW1 flight characteristics. Remember the Camel (the 130/150 hp versions) torque was so strong that it killed more pilots than the enemy did because of it's torque.
  10. MiniPATCH V1.32e is now available!

    Thank you for allowing people to set the AA different than the AI plane guns.
  11. Possible to tune down the torque?

    WWI rotarys had huge amounts of torque, in fact Peter01's torque is not high enough for the rotary's to really be historical. If you want, go into your XXX_Data.ini and under the engine section, look for MomentOfInertia and lower it and see what happens.
  12. I need some help please. I have added a new weapon and it shows up and functions perfectly. the problem that I have is getting it to "look" correct. Using the weapons AttachmentAngles=0.0 (yaw), 0.0 (pitch), 0.0 (roll) defination, I can get the weapon (a machinegun) to Yaw (x), and Roll (z), but what I really want it to do is Pitch and it will not pitch no matter what number (positive or negative) I put into the "pitch" location ??? Can anybody help me and tell me why it is not "pitching" when the weapon will "yaw or "roll", but not "pitch" ???
  13. Working guns but not shown in game

    There is a whole lot of work involved in adding new weapons. Go here and download the already converted Nieuport 17's and then when you look inside you can see a lot of changes: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=31995&hl=
  14. You are currently using the Aug 11, 2006 patch (v11.08.06). You need the patch titled vNov08. This is why TK changed the names of the patchs to reduce the confusion on the all the dates. Since the patches are cumlative, you only need the vNov08 patch to be up to date.
  15. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    whiteknight06604: I'm using the "gunpod" method. I noticed that the "pilot" method does not show the gun in the F1/F2/F3 mode, it only shows externally, where as the "gunpod" method shows the weapon both internally and externally. If you know a "pilot" method that allows the weapon to show both internally and externally, I'm all ears because it looks a lot easier than the "gunpod" method. Panama Red
  16. Stary: The latest and greatest of the JSGME: http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/...ucts-jsgme.html
  17. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    stephen honey: Progress !!! Upper wing Lewis removed, fuselage Lewis mounted :yes: Now all I have to do is some minor tweaking and she will be done. As I said "resistance is futile". Panama Red
  18. Stary: Great since this will make it more realistic & historically correct.
  19. A question: Did you replace the Rough terrain with Farmland on the Cambrai map since this area was heavily farmed ???
  20. What mods should I install?

    Welcome, the reason I suspect nobody has answered is that there is so much to add/improve to this game since it is VERY MODDABLE that is hard to know where to start. Max makes some good High Resolution tiles for the FE Verdun terrain which you can also use for the addon Vogesen terrain (mountanious terrain) and FE Cambrai. With the FE Cambrai, you need to add the additional High Res tiles that were just posted last week since the FE Cambrai uses additional tiles that are not in the FE Verdun folder. You can also download a new terrain called Flanders by Edward and it looks real nice, but requires it's own specific campaign (Campaigns available in the Missions & Campaigns section). If you want to improve your sky, you can download the Realistic Sky Mod. Then you have all the planes. At this point I have over 120 different planes/variations added to my First Eagles. These can all be downloaded here or at capun's Skunkworks (you need to register there to download). Then to get all the planes flying up to the November 08 patch level, you need to install Peter01's updated Flight Models (make sure you download his Nov 08 FM's, not his earlier FM's). After that, you can start adding all the different skins to add some more variety. Last of all, do not forget the additional missions and campaigns to add to your game so you can fly these plaes in more just individual missions. Hope this helps and good luck. Panama Red
  21. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    So far the Nieuport 16 is resisting the mod change. So it looks like I'm going to have to really dig into this to get it to comply. As the old says goes "ve hav our vays" and "resistance is futile". It just means that it may take me a little longer than I anticipated.
  22. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    stephen honey: I checked in my "French Aircraft of the First World War" by Flying Machine Press and this is what they had to say: "Nieuport 16's were usually fitted with the same Lewis gun as the Nieuport 11's; these were mounted in the top wing. However, when the Alken gun synchronization gear became available it permitted some Nieuport 16's to be fitted with a forward-firing Lewis gun mounted on the top decking of the fuselage." Since the Nieuport 16 uses a Nieuport 11 body and a upgraded 110 hp rotary (the same as the Nieuport 17), you can not tell the difference between a Nieuport 11 and Nieuport 16 by most pictures. As a result, it sounds like Navarre used a Nieuport 16 versus a Nieuport 11. Since I finished my other mod at the moment, I will attempt the convert the Nieuport 16 from a overhead Lewis to a deck mounted Lewis for you. Panama Red
  23. HPWFB Damage Model Variety Pack Now Available!

    All other games install the JSGME in the same folder as the game .exe file. So in this case it would be in the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.
  24. No clouds in Clear, that is why I said that you can install five types of Clouds, but it will only use the Clouds in Scattered, Broken, Overcast and Inclement. Look forward to your mod, the more the better.
  25. Hard-Edge Horizon Haze

    If you could state what the game graphics options are (low, normal, high, unlimited), versus numbers it would help to see if I can reproduce it. I will tell you right now that the Flanders and Vegesen terrains will sometimes show a more blocky distance (both from cockpit and exterior) than Cambrai or Verdun because they have more elevations than either Cambrai or Verdun and as the upper elevations come into the viewing distance, they start off blocky and then gradually become smoother. This is one of the down sides of slightly increasing the viewing distance in the Environmentalsystems.ini file. The normal sky distance is 27500, but I slightly increased it to 30000 so you can see further. I my game graphic options are set at Unlimted/High for everything (except for shadows on low since shadows are real FPS killer) and resolution set at 1920x1200. Your video card graphic setting also contribute to blockness too if you do not have AA or AF activated. I have ATI 3870's and I use AA 4x and AF 8x which eliminates the jags, sharpens the horizon without killing the FPS too. A good way to check if it is my mod that is causing your problem or your settings (game graphics or video card setting), is to remove my mod and fly over the same terrains with the same weather and see if you have the same problem. Let me know what happens.

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