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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Is there any way you could publish these differences so people who do not have Vista/SF2 yet can use this plane back in the XP/WoX series ???
  2. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    Here is the Dolphin with Twin Lewis (based on Peter01's Dolphin FM). Panama Red
  3. "Strg" = ??? (please explain)
  4. Speed boost

    Laton: Without the enbseries.ini file in the Main folder, I actually lose FPS (about 10 FPS). The second thing is with the enbseries.ini in the Main folder, it automatically put a copy of itself in the Flight folder and I do not lose any FPS that way, but I do not gain any FPS either. Oh well, nothing is perfect.
  5. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    OlPaint01: Here is the Bristol Scout C1 (side mounted Lewis) that has been corrected from Peter01's FM. Panama Red
  6. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    OlPaint01: Here is the Nieuport 17a (British N17 w/Lewis MG) that uses Peter01's Nieuport 17 FM Panama Red
  7. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    OlPaint01: I'll send the FM's to you when I get home. I still have not given up on the tiles, but I still have to find a way to do it with my various painting software. Panama Red
  8. If you go here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=189 it will walk you through on how to add weapons to your game.
  9. OFF Current Status

    I too am looking forward to your addon pack. I own quite a few Matrix games and one of the main reasons is they have the least "intrusive" anti-piracy policy with just a serial number that you have to apply every time you install a new patch (which is a whole lot better than constantly being online to play one of their games like some other publishers require).
  10. Speed boost

    I have XP, tried it this afternoon and unfortunately no increase in FPS for me. :no2:
  11. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    quack74: PfalzD3 internal gunn setting should be: // Internal Guns --------------------------------------------------------- [internalGun1] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=7.92MM_SPANDAU_LMG08/15 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunGroup=1 //MuzzlePosition=-0.1562,0.6056,0.6118 MuzzlePosition=-0.1562,0.6056,0.64 //LightPosition=-0.1562,0.6056,0.6118 LightPosition=-0.1562,0.6056,0.64 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=500 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.17,-0.45,0.61 EjectVelocity=-1.2,0.0,-0.5 GunFireAnimationID=2 [internalGun2] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=7.92MM_SPANDAU_LMG08/15 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunGroup=2 //MuzzlePosition=0.1562,0.6056,0.6118 MuzzlePosition=0.1562,0.6056,0.64 //LightPosition=0.1562,0.6056,0.6118 LightPosition=0.1562,0.6056,0.64 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=500 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition= 0.17,-0.45,0.61 EjectVelocity= 1.2,0.0,-0.5 GunFireAnimationID=3 Southside Bucky: I have already converted Peter01's Nieuport 17 FM to the British Nieuport 17a w/Lewis FM as well as converting the Scout C FM to the fuselage angled Lewis Scout C FM if you want a copy. Panama Red
  12. Downloads Section

    The only thing you might want to consider changing is the Flight Models by putting them in their own section or a "Ini" change section. Thanks
  13. Some Rarer Plane FMs

    Thank you and look forward to the rest of your "Rare Birds" FM's.
  14. Does the weapons mass and guns mass add to the empty weight mass of plane (and thus effect the flight performance) or is it used just for the pylon configuration ???
  15. Weapons mass & Gun mass ?

    Christian59: The reason that I ask, is that you have the Emptymass of the N17b=385 and the Emptymass of the N17c=373 (373 is the Emptymass of the N17 and N17a too). Since both the N17b and N17c have two machineguns (the Vickers and Lewis are only a couple of pounds different in weight), I wasa wondering why there was 12 kg (or 26 lbs) difference between the two planes ??? I did not know if you were attempting to add the weight for the second machinegun to the N17b, but then forgot to add the additional weight to the N17c or that the weapons station for the second Lewis made up for the extra weight needed in the N17c. Thanks for the updates, they work great. Panama Red
  16. Nieuport 17: ghost guns

    I would like to thank christian59 for solving my problem with this mod. It appears that I had either a corrupted GunData and/or WeaponsData file that was fixed when he sent me a copy of his GunData and weaponsData files. Thanks again for this fantastic mod Panama Red
  17. Nieuport 17: ghost guns

    Help !!!! I add the "fix" per above and the "ghost" Lewis MG now shows up, but I have another problem. This problem is on the FIRST drum and FIRST drum only, when I shoot, I have two gun flashes. The first gun flash is the normal straight forward, but the second gun flash always points back to the airfield ??? The really crazy part is on the second drum, everything is normal, i.e. only one normal gun flash from the end of the Lewis barrel, the second never shows back up through the rest of the ammo. What I would like to know is: 1. how do I eliminate the second simultaneous gun flash ??? 2. why does the second gun flash aim back at the airfield ??? 3. why does the second gun flash disappear after the first drum ??? I really like the Lewis mounted Nieuport 17, but this is driving me Thanks for any help; Panama Red
  18. Modable planes in campaign

    Yes, but it takes some work. You first have to load them into the game (go to the SFP1 Knowledge Base and look up how to load new planes into you game), then you must load in a Campaign that uses these new planes (go here and see some of them: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...um=10&st=30 ).
  19. Yes, especially if packaged like the FE Expansion pack 1. And yes, I contribute to keeping CA up and running too. After all, as the old saying goes," there is NO free lunch" no matter what any politician tells you !!!!
  20. I have started converting some of the different Verdun terrain files to work with the Cambrai terrain (to improve the Cambrai's terrain looks) , but have run into a little bit of a problem and need some help please. My problem is that I am not a great "painter" by any stretch of the imagination, but can "cut & paste" with the best of them. I have found all the varoius files that need to be converted from the modded Verdun terrain over to the Cambrai terrain and most of the are .bmp's (and are easy to "cut & paste" the correct parts into the new .bmp's). The problem that I am having, is that you can not do this with the required .tga files and have them look correct in the game (they have alpha channels with I've never worked with). I have Paint Shop Pro X2 as my paint program, but I never used it enough to have figured all the pieces and parts of the program beyond basic painting and "cut & paste". As a result, can some one tell me a way to "cut & paste" parts of one .tga to another .tga, or can you tell me a very good turtorial that I can use to accomplish this ???
  21. Have to smile .....

    WF2: You are saying that in RoF you have to be connected at the beginning of the SP session and at the end of the SP session. Does that mean you can stop in the middle of your SP session and disconnect ??? To be honest, once you start playing, you are not going to disconnect, since you still have to connect at the end of the game too. This is one of the big reasons that I play both OFF3 and FE, I do not have to "check in" with anybody to play a session or if their server is down, I can not play the game. At least with the SES Distant Guns or Jutland games, you only have to "check in" once a week to their server and not worry about their servers inbetween time.
  22. Working with tga files ?

    OlPaint01: The reason that I am trying to do this, is because you said that you had lost your attempt due to your HD crash, as a result, I was going to make an attempt to fill in the missing tiles as a contribution to the community. Unfortunately, it is a little harder that I anticipated at this point. I will PM Gepard and B Brandy RFC and see if they can enlighten me as to what I need to do. Thanks; Panama Red
  23. I noticed this weekend when upgrading my newly purchased FE Expandion Pack with a bunch of items (FM's, skins, objects, etc), that NONE of the stock SPAD VII's have any rudder "S" or serial numbers even when the Decal.ini calls for them. I did find that the only way that any SPAD VII's have any correct "S" and serial numbers, is when the "S" is painted directly on by one individual in his particular SPAD VII skin mod and he used some specific numbers that radinized the small production numbers, but not large "S". My question is, has someone actually made any SPAD VII rudder "S" and serial numbers, or is there another method that I can use (other than using the incorrect SPAD XIII rudder letter and serial numbers that have additional information that is specific to the SPAD XIII) ??? Thanks; Panama Red

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