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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. NATO Fighters 1 & 2 are both designed for WOE Sp4 (08/30/06) per the included README file, not WOE Sp5 (Oct08). They are currently working on NATO Fighters 3 with will be designed for WOE Sp5 (Oct08). As a result, if you want to play NATO Fighters ! or 2, you need to leave your WOE only patched to Sp4.
  2. Slybelle: Go here and read these: http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?t...Delivery_Manual Panama Red
  3. slybeele: To do the WoV 08/30/06 patch correctly, you need to patch it first with WoV 05/15/06 then patch it with WoV 08/30/06 [otherwise known as Service Pack 4 (Sp4)]. If you did not know it, you can make multiple copies of all the ThirdWire games, just name each main folder slightly different. I for instance have 6 differnt copies of WoV: 1. Sp5 - Oct08 2. Sp4 - 08/30/06 3. Sp4 - GreenHell2 4. Sp4 - Tet'68 5. Sp4 - VPLN 6. Sp4 - Last Stand This way I can use my prop planes and choppers in the Sp4 games and still have the newer Sp5 game to enjoy for it's sake. Panama Red
  4. slybelle: If you do not patch your new WoV beyond 08/30/06 or keep a second WoV 08/30/06 install if you patch your main WoV game up to Oct08, then you will be able to: 1. Fly chopers and other prop planes with your 08/30/06 WoV. 2. Purchase and use the upcoming Yankee Air Pirate 2 which is made specifically for WoV 08/30/06. Panama Red
  5. Strike Fighters 2 (which just came out today) is specifically made to run on Vista, so if you have Vista, this should answer your question: http://www.thirdwire.com/project_sf2.htm
  6. Campaigns are dynamic. The number of campaigns is different per each game (example Vietman has 3 campaigns (Rolling Thunder, Linebacker I, & Linebacker II) and then multiply that times the number of each different planes/squadrons that you can fly with in each campaign). The number of missions per campaign can range any where from 25 to 50 per squadron depending on how long you set your campaign to be. As for missions, there are only 6 to 8 "fixed" missions, but totally unlimited number of game created missions that you set certain parameters for. Example is: 1. Plane you want to fly 2. Type of mission (CAS, Strike, Anti-Ship, Sweep, etc) 3. Time of Day (morning, noon, evening, etc) 4. Enemy level of AA 5. Enemy level of air activity Yes, missions include air, sea & ground. The really best part is all the mods (including new add on campaigns) that you can download from here at CombatAce to add to TK's base games which really makes these games virtually endless.
  7. I'm guessing that the Lockheed C-130 Hercules and F-104 Starfighter were dropped from SF2 because TK would no longer have to pay Lockheed licence fees like he had to do for having them in SF1.
  8. The new YAP2 website is back up. http://www.yankeeairpirate.net/
  9. Jutland SES

    This is exactly why I'm staying with my old Fighting Steel too.
  10. Thank you, in fact using Edward's deep water files with your coastal files now blends even better than using Edward's original coast and deep water tiles in his original mod.
  11. Comrad: Thanks, but a question. I noticed that there is a definate difference between the coastal waters and deeper waters. You might want check the color difference beteen the coastal tile water color and the full sea tile water color and see if they can be blended better. Thanks; Panama Red
  12. There is actually a very simple fix for this helo problem and it's called Sp4 (083006), but some people do not see it.
  13. YAP = Yankee Air Pirate A term of derision that the North Vietnamese used for American Fliers.
  14. CA_Stary: When I spotted trees on the runway last night during a test mission, I backed up and checked the airfield and it said that it was "Sde Dov", if that helps. Panama Red
  15. HMS Hermes

    Hinchinbrooke: Nice model, but this is oviously the HMS Hermes before the Falklands and her "jump jet" ramp. Did you plan on making the 1982 HMS Hermes too.
  16. F4D-1

    Just loaded the F4D-1 to try it and I have a no-go also (I can not turn left or right, only up or down). Using the Sp4 (0806 patch) and FM set to Normal. I hope this plane gets it's FM fixed because it is a nice addition to the collection.
  17. I too have just one airfield using Israel 2 terrain (and your specific trees for that terrain) where the trees show up on the runway. Other than that, I love the mod (and I just ignore the trees).
  18. The "OffsetDistance" was also changed in the new patches versus the old pre-September08 patches. The original "OffsetDistance=0", TK changed it to "OffsetDistance=0.06" now. If you want the original cockpit View, change the "OffsetDistance" back to 0 and you will get the original distance from the gunsite versus closer as TK has you do now.
  19. Daring

    Is that a RN Cruiser that is the ship beyond the HMS Eagle in your HMS Daring picture ??? Since we have NO cruisers in the download section, I was wondering if this was going to be one of your upcoming contributions !!! :yes: :yes: :yes:
  20. My ATI card did the same thing until I applied the "fix" and now everything is back to normal.
  21. I can not get the WyvernTank to show up, anybody have any better luck ??? Also, when I tested another fuel tank in place of the WyvernTank, it shows two fuel tanks merged into one another, so that idea is no good !!! Panama Red Note: Never mind, I found the information on adding the new WyvernTanks in the SF notes (normally it is in a separate add weapons Notepad page).
  22. A question: are you going to be using the correct sized trees or the larger sized trees ???
  23. Bananimal: Looking forward to your reduced tree size mod. Panama Red
  24. I know there is a swastika enabler for the older versions of IL2/PF, but that utility does not work on the newer 1946 4.08m patch. How do you enable the swastikas on the German and Finish planes in the 4.08m patch like the older versions of the game ???

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