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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. I would love to use your DAT skinned items.
  2. Sopwith Strutter 9700

    Plus this can be used for the French single man Stutter bomber (if the rear cockpit is covered over, which I can not see with the pictures you have posted).
  3. Seaplane Missions - In Progress

    I think the SF2 people seem to forget that we only have one person at the moment making 3D models for FE/FE2 where SF2 has quite a few people making 3D models for SF2. As a result, the SF2 people need to go pester the other SF2 3D modelers and let Stephen1918 continue to make the FE/FE2 3D models for this community.
  4. If the EnvironmentSystem.ini file was written for SF1, it will NOT work in SF2. If the EnvironmentSystem.ini file was written for SF2, it will still work in SF2NA in the Flight folder.
  5. Seaplane Missions - In Progress

  6. Have you tried using the "Toggle editing mode" yet ??? It's the top left button on the reply ribbon.
  7. The easiest way to update is to redownload your SF2 games using the email you originally received from TW with the download link embeded into it. That way you always have the latest game and do not have to worry about what patches you need to apply to get everything updated.
  8. IIRC, SF1 has the "wall" further out than SF2, which is why a terrain origionally made for SF1 can have targets outside the wall limits for SF2.
  9. Just saying...

    Heck: I agree, right now my FE2 Western Front has 173 different planes folders and four different terrains, and that is not counting the different planes or terrains for the other three fronts. Without all the modders, this game would have "died" a long time ago. As it is now, it has more to it that any of the other current WW1 flight sims out there right now.
  10. Just saying...

    Amen !!!! The really ironic part about TK not patching FE2 beyond Jul10, is that it is not as "messed up" as the SF2 series is now. I have several versions of SF2 series on my PC and my older (Jan11) SF2 series play a lot smoother (zero micro stutters) and have a lot less "bugs" that the current Jul12 SF2 series. Plus, now that TK has “locked down” parts of the game, it makes it even harder to mod the game as you might want to fix or change something.
  11. You need to start by reading this section first and it should answer your questions: http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-strike-fighters-1-series-knowledge-base/
  12. Do any of these terrain "XXXXX.ini" files refer to an "EnvironmentSystem.ini" file ??? If it does, there is your problem, you must delete any reference to the different "EnvironmentSystem.ini" file so it will use the standard SF2 EnvironmentSystem.ini file.
  13. Position moves the cockpit in relationship to the fuselage; Offset moves the pilot view in relationship to the cockpit. You should normally adjust the Position setting first to get the cockpit view correct, and then adjust the Offset second.
  14. Spring in Germany

    So much for "global warming" !!!
  15. Armchair aces Redux

    ojcar: Thank you for your continued support to this fantastic campaign series. It allows all the other planes, terrains and objects to come to life. Panama Red
  16. Great game (especially with the Grey Wolves mod), played it years ago and still occasionally fire it up (just to get sunk).
  17. Plane requests

    Stephen1918: I hope you are talking about a Be.2E, since we already have the A/B, C & D versions over at Skunkworks.
  18. Plane requests

    HerGr: There are already two Aviatiks over at Skunkworks. Just go over and join that site to get them.
  19. I was thinking that this has already been done, you just have to scroll through the downloads and find it (not sure if it is in the SF1 or SF2 downloads).
  20. Plane requests

    I have no dispute with what you are saying 33LIMA, but ultimately, it is up to the 3D model builders on what they are interested in building, not what we want. So no matter what we ask for, if the 3D model builders are not interested, it will not get built by them.
  21. Plane requests

    I think sockboy needs to scroll through the FE/FE2 add-on planes. He would be surprised how many of his requested planes already exist for FE/FE2.
  22. With a little bit of tweaking, the SF1 OTC campaign & terrain works perfectly well in SF2.

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