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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53/153/253

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. These will go perfectly with the new Italian Front terrain being created as well as the Italian Campaign that quack74 is making. I like I said thank you, thank you, thank you.
  2. Just download this package and you will have vertually all the best WoV mods: http://combatace.com/files/file/11793-wov-air-ground-war-expansion-pack-gold-vpaf-add-on/ You need all the parts for it to play as designed. It's large, but it has everything you want.
  3. Italian Front (WIP)

    Finally a REAL Italian Front !!!
  4. You might start with "fixing" the Canard location. I do notice that you tell the Canards that they are located back at the stabilizer area versus ahead of the Cockpit: "XacMachTableData=-4.849,-4.852,-4.858,-4.876,-4.921,-5.024,-5.084,-5.136,-5.184" Anything AHEAD of the CG is positive, behind the CG is negative.
  5. If it is porposing while using the AI, you can also check to see if your "Cruise" speed is 76% of your Max speed. Otherwise it will "hunt" the proper speed to stay level, at 76%, it stops the hunting. Each plane's stabilizer lift numbers are specific to that plane. Just because one set of CL0 numbers are good for one plane does not mean that they will work for another. Try lowering the CL0 number until the porposing stops.
  6. How much "lift" do you have in your stabilizers ???
  7. Mission editor not FE2 compatible?

    That is a very good idea streakeagle. FE2 planes do not fly that well in SF2, but since you are only creating the missions to port back to FE2, it should not matter.
  8. Mission editor not FE2 compatible?

    Last patch for FE2 was Jul10, Mission Editor did not come out until Dec10. As a result, the Core "XXXX.dll's" do not match.
  9. FE2 Skins Manipulation

    That is what my FE2 FlightEngine.ini currently reads under the [GraphicsSettings]. What I did see a while back on the TW site was some one else having the same problem (occasionally hanging on "Esc" key) that I was having. And since he had a different CPU and Video card than me, that told me that it was not my video card or drivers, but in the game itself. My solution was to just use the "Q+Alt" which takes you straight to desktop, so there is no hanging.
  10. FE2 Skins Manipulation

    Have you thought about a possible corupted FE2 download, bad install or bad spot on your HD ??? If you save your FE2 mod folder, you might re-download and install it again to see if that may be a problem. I do not have your problem, but the biggest problem that I have with FE2 is the occasional "hang" when using the "Esc" key ending a mission.
  11. Updates to Nieuports 10 & 12

    Stephen1918 has always used the same link as the original posting, just updated it.
  12. FE2 Skins Manipulation

    I have no problems with FE2 using the skin that I maunally put at the top of the list in the XXXX.ini file. The only time it will not coperate is if the NationName=XXXXXXX (in the Aircraft_data.ini file) is not the same nation of the skin that is at the top of the XXXX.ini file skins.
  13. 180 years ago: The King is dead, long live the Nation!

    Is 180 (verusu 220) the new math that they use in Europe ??? If it is, no wonder thay are so deep in debt.
  14. Did you see them crash ????
  15. Adjusting Gunpod Aim in FE2

    I know what he said, but I have been down this road before and it did not turn out pretty. I learned the hard way that in SF2 and FE2, you use the folder method to add weapons and guns, which in the end is far easier that the old mehtod. But as they say "this is a free country and you can do as you want".
  16. Adjusting Gunpod Aim in FE2

    peter01's Weaponsdata.dat is for FE1, not FE2. You are correct in the aspect of making multiple copies of a particular gunpod (naming each one a different name) if you want to adjust their aim direction.
  17. Where can I found Aircrafts of WWII?

    You will find a number of them here, but you have to sign in and be accepted before you can download any of them: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  18. Adjusting Gunpod Aim in FE2

    You never touch the Weapondata.dat in FE2. All new weapons/guns get installed by the SF2 "folder" method. Fooling around with the FE2 Weaponsdata.dat will cause you nothing but grief in the end, so just leave it alone.
  19. Campaigns.

    Flight folder, MissionDataXXX.cat
  20. Fokker D.II

    Thank you, works perfect now.
  21. Fokker D.II

    Great plane, thank you. A question, the compass in my plane does not move like the rest of you planes. Is this as designed or do I have a problem with my particular plane ???
  22. All you have to do is "fix" the new intended Terrain_data.ini file, import the new tree tod files and tree.bmps to your intended Terrain folder. I have used his trees from other modded terrains, in completely different terrains, so it is not difficult, just time consuming getting eveything correct.

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