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Everything posted by JAT81500

  1. View File SF2_Ada_Rafale.7z Armée de l'air Rafale Mod for SFP V2 This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale: - AdA Rafale B F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 - AdA Rafale C F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Legs skin: Centurion-1. pilots: Amokfloo, JAT. Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Seat: aleks. Loadout tga: JAT. Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Decals: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Hangar and loading screens : JAT. Special advisor: peyo. Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies. Animation Keys: 1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug) 0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !) A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works. A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!). A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit. A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity. in memory of BPAo. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 JAT Submitter JAT81500 Submitted 12/18/2014 Category Rafale  
  2. View File SF2_Marine_Rafale.7z Marine Rafale Mod for SFP V2 This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale: - Marine Rafale M F1/F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 - Marine Rafale N what if F4 3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Legs skin: Centurion-1. pilots: Amokfloo, JAT. Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Seat: aleks. Loadout tga: JAT. Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Decals: JAT. Hangar and loading screens : JAT. Special advisor: peyo. Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies. Animation Keys: 1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug) 0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !) A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works. A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!). A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit. A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity. in memory of BPAo. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 JAT Submitter JAT81500 Submitted 03/29/2015 Category Rafale  
  3. Here are some pics of the upcoming Rafale Pack. First the B family. F2, F3, F3+, F3R and what if F4 All with proper cockpit and avionics...
  4. SF2_Export_Rafale.7z

    Version 1.0


    Export Rafale Mod for SFP V2 This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale: - India (F3+ version) Rafale DH Rafale EH Rafale MH - Qatar (F3+ version) Rafale DDA Rafale EDA - Egypt (F3+ version) Rafale DM Rafale EM - Greece (F3+ version) Rafale DG Rafale EG - UAE (F4 version) Rafale DAD Rafale EAD - Dhimar (F4 version) Rafale DMA 3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Legs skin: Centurion-1. pilots: Amokfloo, JAT. Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Seat: aleks. Loadout tga: JAT. Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Decals: Many modders!!!, JAT. Hangar and loading screens : JAT. Special advisor: peyo. Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies. Animation Keys: 1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug) 0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !) A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works. A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!). A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit. A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity. in memory of BPAo. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 JAT
  5. SF2_Marine_Rafale.7z

    Version 1.0


    Marine Rafale Mod for SFP V2 This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale: - Marine Rafale M F1/F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 - Marine Rafale N what if F4 3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Legs skin: Centurion-1. pilots: Amokfloo, JAT. Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Seat: aleks. Loadout tga: JAT. Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Decals: JAT. Hangar and loading screens : JAT. Special advisor: peyo. Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies. Animation Keys: 1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug) 0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !) A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works. A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!). A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit. A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity. in memory of BPAo. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 JAT
  6. Sukhois

    My thoughts are with you my friend.
  7. F-4F pack

    Thanks a nlot, as usual a masterpiece !
  8. Package Étendard

    Thanks a lot !!!!
  9. SF2_Ada_Rafale.7z

    Version 1.3


    Armée de l'air Rafale Mod for SFP V2 This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale: - AdA Rafale B F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 - AdA Rafale C F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4 3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT. Legs skin: Centurion-1. pilots: Amokfloo, JAT. Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Seat: aleks. Loadout tga: JAT. Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Decals: ravenclaw_007, JAT. Hangar and loading screens : JAT. Special advisor: peyo. Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies. Animation Keys: 1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug) 0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !) A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works. A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!). A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit. A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity. in memory of BPAo. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 JAT
  10. AH-1F /S(MC) Cobra ver.2016

    A masterpiece thanks a lot !
  11. Base from Florian mod by JAT
  12. A little gift Pilots.7z USAF_90.7z
  13. SF2_Russian_Su-34_Grey

    Great, thanks a lot
  14. SA.341 / SA.342. Pack of Gazelles. SF2.

    Waooh fantastic job congrats !!!
  15. Hello guys, i will need to reinstall completely my computer. Do you have any recommandation for installing a full merged SF2 ? Wiich order for the web setup exe ? Wich patch in wich order ? What about the DLCs ? Thanks for the answer
  16. A masterpiece thanks a lot
  17. Maybe Malaysia is the next ?
  18. Thank you very much for all your work. To complete the actual French Frigates are you going to make the D614/D615 FAA ? And do you plan to make the FREMM DA variant ?
  19. No but this french collection is a true masterpiece, in a painter way :)

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