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About cperleberg

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  1. soundlist.ini

    Thanks. I figured it had to be something like that.
  2. soundlist.ini

    Does this file matter in First Eagles 2? Chris P.
  3. WOR Campaign

    Renaming the campaign files was described for ETO and PTO (the SF2 mods). It was not required for WoA and WoR (WoA works fine). But, OTOH, I'm not sure why what I did made it work.
  4. WOR Campaign

    Well, I got it to work, although I'm not sure why. The campaign name in the Kursk.ini file was "Kursk 43". I changed it to "Kursk" and it worked. Which makes no sense as the campaign name does not have to be the same as the folder name anywhere else. I changed it back to Kursk 43, and it still works. OTOH, it was pulling campaigns from elsewhere, which I also can't under stand. I changed the name of the Campaigns folder to Campaigns_Russia and then created and changed the ini file in the home folder. Everything seems to be up and running.
  5. WOR Campaign

    Well, there is only one campaign (Kursk). Yes, I converted it to SF2 (moved the decals around, created sf2 screens, removed the sf1 inis, replaced as many a/c as possible, created weapons and gun folders, and so on.). I did the same with WoA and the campaigns there work fine. The missions work fine, the aircraft fly fine, but the Campaign always crashes.
  6. I know from searching through the forums that some people have gotten the Campaign to work. I can't. I've tried to follow the advice given (changed all the dates, added missing aircraft, for example). Always crashes when I select Campaign. I downloaded WOA and converted it -- everything works fine. I can't figure this out.
  7. Yeah, there is only one. But tha.t's all you need. I use it on everything
  8. Squadron Decal Questions

    These two entries seem to work for the Nieuport 17. You can then select a squadron from the loadout dropdown and have it appear on the A/C. [Decal001] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=sq Position=-1.70,-0.35 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=TRUE [Decal002] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=sq Position=-1.70,-0.35 Scale=1.40 DecalMaxLOD=3
  9. Squadron Decal Questions

    That's the thing. The spad has the following: [Decal016] MeshName=Fuselage P DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Sq Position=-2.19,-0.03 Scale=1.50 DecalMaxLOD=3 The 'Sq' is, I presume, the squadron marking, the definition of which comes from the loadout dropdown. . If I do the same to the Nieuport 17 generic decal.ini, and chose, say, "Esc 3 cigognes" from the loadout list, I get something, but not the stork I want. There must be something, somewhere, that links the list given in the loadout dropdown (which as near as I can tell comes from squadronlist.ini) and the correct insignia. Now, apparently the squadronlist.ini is the link what connects the insignia tga with the correct squadron. For example, Nie.3 'Les Cigognes' is squadron 26, and sq026 is the correct insignia. But it doesn't work right. I change the decal entry in the Nie.17 file thusly: [Decal001] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=sq Position=-1.7,-0.35 Scale=0.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 Still looking. And the select the 3rd Cigognes, I get the 13th Aero Squadron, coincidentally, the 3rd entry in squadron.ini.
  10. Maybe the answer is out there, but I can't find it. If I choose a stock spad, I can use loadout to pick a particular squadron marking. I'd like to do the same with, say, Nieuport 17s. However, I can't just pick the nieuport squadron from the loadout drop down. If you do, you get unpredictable results. Somewhere there must be a translation table that connects a particular squadron with a particular sq0xx file. Any idea how this is handled? Chris P.
  11. SPAD XII Cannon?

    Well, I read that, bu it appears to fire with the regular button as well - at least it needs reloading in between shots.
  12. SPAD XII Cannon?

    OK, I put the .ini file in the effects folder. It appears to be firing (as I have to reload it), but I don't see anything to indicate that it's fired. I guess I expected a sound, or something coming out of the prop hub. I guess it is working.
  13. SPAD XII Cannon?

    Reload it? I can't fire it! Does it start unloaded?
  14. SPAD XII Cannon?

    Apologies if it's out there somewhere where I can't find it... How do you get the 37mm cannon on the SPAD XII to fire? I have a gun type of 37MM_SAMC which is what's called for in the data.ini, and I have programmed cntrl+f to be my fire secondary guns key. But I get nothin' What am I missing?
  15. Weapons In FE2

    Yeah, they flutter. Gonna have to figure a way to get them on other AC. BTW, the MS N is really nicely done! I love the way the Hotchkiss gun magazine works. Haven't looked at the FB2 yet -- on a trip to Santa Fe, NM -- but I am trying to figure out why the roundels don't show up on the DAT Fe8. The other decals do (I mean, I moved every thing to the right place in the decals folder), but not the roundels or tail colors .

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