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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Hello slick cowboy, yes, the files from the SARCASM 1.3 go into your Flight folder
  2. will have to check it then, curious about the framerates
  3. hmm, I'd separate from the mesh some top and botom polys (to separate mesh to be mapped later) and map as flat
  4. have no idea to be honest, but I think it could be done -not to mention it would require helluva ini works
  5. or fly with 70s avionics tuned to look like (faked into) 60s ones have no idea really, ATM I fly either pre-radar or past 1990 planes
  6. Another Flight Gear ripooff?

    their logo seems like that guy's logo back then (the first FG scam) dunno
  7. hmm, go ahead, be betatesters, I'll wait
  8. I was leaving you out of my eqation for comparision sake
  9. exactly, it's the format for new terrains is as for today completely useless without some kind of assembly tools TK might have developed for him old format makes one squish working decent map in days/weeks instead of months the new format seems to be
  10. DCS will loose the realism requirements for 3rd party mods to an extend IIRC
  11. I don't post recently, my last posts due to RL issues have been enough offensive towards TK and some of the community (which I apologise for) but such decisions aren't the best business model IMO. I know, who the hell I am to know the business models? I just know that modding is what keept me and some 90% of active TW customers for years, else it would end around Wal-Mart fiasco (which I know only from veterans stories) I really hope for good quality stock DLC mods to surface, but seeing as single F-1 is still before WIP state after all the months, dunno
  12. Year ago...

    he's still alive. As much as I hate violence IRL I'd [edit: gladly] shoot this guy remember the innocent fallen
  13. I like the quick missions in A-10C, it's allways that Shilka near the brigde dammit! Ok when I get past that it's the tanks in the fields. Bummer. Ever been shoot down by a tank in the other simulation? Ok, I know, Tornado, but we're not that deep into archeology, are we?
  14. Have DCS World with A-10C merged, can't merge FC2 for obvious reasons DCS despite some flaws (and going ultra-realistic way is one of them; it's a sophisticatd but computer game after all) does soo many things right, from the flight modeling (but is it only me that finds Thirdwire better in some aspects?) through weapons delivery systems to fabulous ground units modelling. Only thing that I can't stand no longer is poor Georgia terrain -time for other scenarios where we could more plausibly put the available planes to use, maybe some kind of Belarus vs Ukraine with NATO involvement? Or Baltic States? Complete lack of Polish forces is a bummer for me but I'm biased here
  15. see, there's real life outside games, I prefer that
  16. Denver Shooting

    welcome to Eurozone hope he will get "the big one" soon
  17. Hey! I wasn;t looking at the tail! Decals were more important to me! Hey! I wasn;t looking at the tail! Decals were more important to me!
  18. Jeff is BACK!!! Good points there my friend, I don't do full ramp start in A-10C, well I did with voice instructor -once. Then I sweared to myself never to do it again. APU on, wait 3 minutes till it's operational. Good, now switch this and that. Cool. Now we can switch on this and that kind of stuff IIRC And we're not your 45 old guy in mom's basement after all -but I love the sense of speed DCS gives down low as I'm a born mud mover khe khe khe
  19. IDK if I'd buy FC3, the promise of having it merged sounds tempting though

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