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Everything posted by Stary

  1. must have for me, the new cockpits and models are awesome Pol terrain and clouds too of course
  2. I've spend countless hours trying to, seems the new engine is completely modder-unfriendly there are also the now-locked new shaders that make any terrain Iccelandish basalt graying when you move towards them, even lust pacific greens
  3. ...meanwhile in the forbidden land of nice looking environments game of life and death continues geez I'd love to have proper peaked roof TODs... but I'll never have
  4. some kind of roadmap for the series, now thanks to you we know something at least
  5. not even close DanW, as far as I'm concerned I'm just tired of the same excuses and replies again and again... would I pay 50$ for TW title? Of course I would given it would stop the budget excuses @SkateZilla: these aren't the kind of .fx we're looking for
  6. I have some effects for my unified fx pack that were'nt released so far, need cleaning up (too many unused textures calls etc) before uploading though
  7. don't remind me on that epic fail Jonathan!
  8. indeed he need that... Yuri you mentioned various titles that have one thing in common: they work out of the box and don't need helluva modding to be up to their release date standards, in fact all of those made new standards at release
  9. LOL Spillone!!! @Dave: sort of global realism pack title/pathc level nondependant? I happen to have some realistic (no big hollywoodish balls of gasoline) effects laying somewhere... Crusaders avionics updates are must-have, strangely judging by in-cockpits shots not alot is using these
  10. my thoughts exactly, but put more openly GrinchWSLG
  11. Because anything that isn't planes can be f-ugly in TW sims? Proof? Check SF2:NA mainscreen
  12. Already do to an extend to be fair, but some things can't be changed without TK's not changing his mind how the series should look and play. I know I know, his business, his titles, his (false IMO) definition of fun. But one must remember it's our money. - My general view on the matter regarding the series is the best way would be to make it kind of like Wings of Prey/War Thunder -pretty graphics (Thirdwire models are among best after all, terrains are worse than late 1990!!!) lots of shaking cockpits and shaking external cameras, simulation part as it is now with slight improvements (separate engines controls, flame extinguishers) reworked ground objects behaviour, fixed sounds and subtitles. Replays! Then multiplayer title
  13. ataribaby I know zero about programming but I don't think that coding few fuze types would take more than a weekend, especiall by programmer that (now no longer so obvious to me...) did all the coding from day one, correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. I stopped believing in his claims of costs of doing things. Is it really that expensive to squish new tileset for say SF2Vietnam that looks on par with IsraelME one (best in the series as everyone will tell you) and not like the one you had in a title 5 years earlier?! The very interesting topic by nolimitsoya about fuze modelling and TK's reply is just typical example of what I'm talking about, in fact there's really no room for discussion there for me as then allways the "hundreds of thousand dollars" shows in. Ohh, I bet making new clouds bitmaps for SF2NA would cost him, please all: hundreds of thousand dollars. Thank you. (All I needed were few nice scattered days and a camera)
  15. as for bigger map... wasn't there one by Lexx covering all Asia, called the Million miles map or something like that?
  16. I misunderstood opening post then -if we'd make Japan only map it would have too little water around for any good naval ops -as you said better to have some enemy to fight agains, so roger on that. Also given the physical layout of terra there (see pic above) you have to include some Chinese/Russian landmass Salute to your grandfather Kevin! (mine had some issues with Russian army back in Great War, apparently they didn't liked young Austro-Hungarians)
  17. Kevin I see no reason jumping on dsawan for asking as you did, dedicated Japan map, presumably with parts of China/Soviet Union could have plenty of possibilities in my opinion from post-WW2 soviet attack (Kuril Islands!) onwards, with US involvement for various reasons (like, well, being on the islands!) Also China going nuts a bit earlier and doing full-scale invasion during peak of Korea conflict
  18. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if hundreds of voices suddenly cried out of joy and were suddenly silenced by next patch...
  19. isn't this what mlracing is doing for months? And no he's not a fakery vids nut, he did similar things with OIF code
  20. true, that would give him possibility to have all alpha-based objects cast shadows (effects and trees for example, but as he has no interest in those, we're back to IP)
  21. Game Of Thrones

    Love the series, never read the books TBH, most memorable for me are: Daenerys (season 1 ending... man!!!) little Arya and Tyrion of course. Dinklage is truly amazing. The bold eunuch guy is also great
  22. not necessary, all goes down to the way they are coded
  23. sorry I haven't seen this topic, none with dedicated TODs at the moment, only tileset uploaded to KAW about year and a half ago

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