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Everything posted by Stary

  1. The North Atlantic Drift part of Gulfstream is in fact that blue. As you can see I've included modified colours water files, to no effect sadly
  2. not on stock ones or those in older format terrain editor created, this is new created in max that's why it can have proper mesh name that automatically adds water effect to the mesh
  3. I guess ice caps are separate mesh mapped with tga or dds for transparency, kinda like IL2 forests, sans multiple layers I still haven't figured out how to do more than two materials on ground (iceland_dirt1 and rocks ones)
  4. so far I couldn't make red taskforce show on this particular map, but had no time to get into the ini things so far hovever on the other one that has some small islands and defined airport and one warehouses area (two targetareas total) they showed up perfectly, even with Migs starting and landing from that airfield
  5. if we had the new .fx shaders... you know the rest. Maybe Fubar The Shaders Master will come up with something for older water shader this USGS http://eros.usgs.gov/#/Find_Data/Products_and_Data_Available/gtopo30_info
  6. From my experiments, and this ruins my concepts how this works, the "global" sea that fills the map has to have holes where land meshes are, I thought (and tests proved) that the sea mesh repeats all over, but in NA map in some areas you can see chubks of land hovering ove water with empty holes underneath. Not having the holes in sea mesh causes horrible Z-buffer issues from distance in sea/land transitions. To me, the more time I spend with it, the old engine with reflective animated water could do just fine at the current new engine's state and info available to us (which is none in fact) I use GTOPO 30 DEM, has among other formats grayscale heightmap in it included for given part of the globe. I know GTOPO30 isn't state of the art resolution, but for test work should do just fine
  7. interesting part about the slope SZ, I use standard TE exported heightfields from existing maps, but instead green-orange, convert them to grayscale, seems to me this way I can force Max to "see" more detail in the heightmap
  8. yes, but if someone actually read what I wrote earlier, such meshes aren't threated as land by engine, you can fly through them... sheesh why I'm bothering with my experiments? not to mention sea plane has to be different LOD file, not part of the land map, also the chunks have to be exported as individual parts
  9. most awesome screens Dave have some souvenir for your naval operations testing pending approval
  10. Open Ocean test map

    Version 1.0


    FOR SF2:North Atlantic ONLY! This is simple open waters map, for testing purposes. Whole map consists only of single 100x100 kilometers plane, repeating self to create 1000x1000 kilometers map. Water file is defined, so are locations of Friendy and Enemy task forces spawn points. I decided NOT to include any test islands so far to keep it clean of any land areas. For testing/evaluation purposes ONLY I've included simple Max files used to created this terrain, one is 1000x1000 KM mesh, the other, used in this map is 100x100 KM on
  11. maybe the guy has his own inhouse tools he keeps for whatever reason for himself
  12. my error during tests -exported as [DefaultMesh] which is on naval maps water, and thus repeats self all over the map, so the mesh of terrain was repeating over and over giving the 60 million polys (and one frame per 3 seconds...) max mesh I exported was much smaller of course
  13. it works, the colors, did this myself in test terrain, it's quite simple actually
  14. we don't need uber realistic avionics after all, but one suggestion: new terrain engine could be a nice addition... ohhh crap!
  15. Just in time as I was wondering about the status Dave and I'm all for some artistic license for fun factor, this ain't DCS after all
  16. I tried that Gepard, adding LOD meshes to terrain but the new way, doesn't compute funny as the more time I spend with the new terrain engine the more I think old one is better and user friendly in many areas... imported small 300x300 km part of Vietnam map, ended with 60 MILLION polys Gerwin, keep it up!
  17. man I must start adding stuff to my NA install, with that JSF's LHA working and other planes...
  18. works as reverse gears or something?
  19. Kodiak, used to happen in my case months ago, it's not the drivers, it's the heavily modded install with alot of textures and models causing that
  20. For Stary.

    this was a good one

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