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Everything posted by Stary

  1. what's that exhaust nozzle-like thing underneath? edit: connection issues, double post
  2. nope, the new engine works differently
  3. only if built into the terrain mesh, so for Iceland, none I guess
  4. For Stary.

    let me do quick search for a Midwest fail one watch out, Monday morning, not in mood (until coffe will imporve that) j/k
  5. oh yes, sorry, haven't noticed your post earlier Russo, yes the not-needed entry from my experiments for bombsight, remove the class again, apologies for not peeking here earlier
  6. I'm not 100% sure now Monty, but there is such possibility. But I repeat -I;m sure there are other methods we don't know yet, hidden in the locked away parts of IcelandNA.CAT
  7. game accounts your virtual pilot's wounds that may lead to his death after the mission re spoiler: that's the way particlesystem works, every time you switch to the model that has (my in ths case) smoke effect, restarts the particle emitters, annoying I know @Heberth: mmm, ok, got me there... new Raptor model or what? SZ, Vampire -great shots!
  8. I'm not sure how the engine would handle such meshes, the ones without any prefix defined edit: the engine doesn't see them as ground I think, for example objects placed on them would "sink" to zero level I guess, here's l_ prefix mesh with objects ontop, works: can't say exactly, I did soo many versions today searching for something that actually works
  9. I guess yes, but so far in my limited progress on the terrain format, the meshes without prefixes haave no collision calculations as for limited shader autotexturing... I'm pretty sure we don't know the full list of shaders, please remember our guesses are based entirely on unlocked ini references, mainly IcelandNA_data.ini, I bet there are some other shaders and variables already implemented but not used by the Iceland data file
  10. nope, you'd kill any computer this way, autogen is the way to go
  11. lol, sorry Shotgun, I was typing fast
  12. yes, then the mesh is displayed the way you mapped it in Max -I plan some Il2 style layered forests in my test island (which will be available with Max source files for modders) if you do use l_ prefix then the textures are shader based, with rocky one on vertical surfaces, kinda like the old Terrain Editor aurotexturing worked there at least two other types of surface (grass and black lava rock) in NA map I wasn't yet able to put onto my map @Icarus, no no trees for now, just modified Iceland_Dirt1.jpg texture, BUT the tree page back is mesh created in Max, automatically placed by engine, the entry for trees is in IcelandNA_data.ini: [TreeMesh] Filename=iceland_trees.LOD Shader=iceland_Trees.fx MeshSize=1000.0 // was 4000.0 MeshCount=500 //was 2 MaxVisibleHeight=10000.0 Fubar, these are parts taken from Baltika's Philippines islands heightmap...
  13. standard 80000 by default Dave, haven't pushed them back myself yet
  14. I use modified ones as you can see, but there's ugly thing related to the way the are blending together
  15. here's test mesh I put together, please note that if the mesh doesn't show on a radar screen there is 100% chance it's not collidable... strange, isn't it? (ok, given the way radar operates... not)
  16. yeah, sorry, I put the w_ and l_ parts in the edited post, haven't seen yours
  17. SZ, from as I start to understand the format, Iceland is made of 266 LODs listed in IcelandNA_Data.ini, I'm trying to duplicate the effect in a test map I work on: as you can see, bigger islands are split into smaller sub-parts to allow the exporter do it's work, meshes above ~5000 polys crashes Max then you can put them onto map via terrain's _data.ini [Mesh001] Filename=isle1.LOD Position=261100.172,271084.313 [Mesh002] Filename=isle2.LOD Position=252828.125,279347.0 [Mesh003] Filename=isle3.LOD Position=259179.703,288790.063 [Mesh004] Filename=isle4.LOD Position=239328.656,290607.469 [Mesh005] Filename=isle5.LOD Position=233773.359,284218.406 [Mesh006] Filename=isle6a.LOD Position=206838.703,277648.031 [Mesh007] Filename=isle6b.LOD Position=210830.828,265988.063 etc water is globally made as planar mesh, in my map's case 500x500 kilometers, added via this line in _data.ini: [DefaultMesh] Filename=test_water.LOD <- the name of the water mesh texturing is done automatically via shaders I guess, making own blablabla_Detail_Map.bmp has no impact in my case, even when kept as Iceland_Detail_map.bmp edit; further info: the animated sea close to the camera is automatically created as a locked (?) distance from the camera previously I tried making whole map as [DefaultMesh] object, but to my suprise the mesh (sea plus those individual parts linked to it) started to repeat all over the terrain like a enormous 3D tile, kind of like in Novalogic's voxel terrains if you remember those making the individual parts as well, individual LODs and listing them in terrain's _Data.ini makes them having collisionmesh by themselfes, not allways working for me now, but you don't have to create COL files (which would be pointless repetation of the same meshes in the end) IMPORTANT: as per IcelandNA_data.ini, the global water mesh must have w_ prefix in Max for the mesh, like "w_test_water", and landmasses have to be named with l_ prefic, like "l_isle5", how you name the exported LOD isn't that important it seems -that prefix decides which shader (sea/land etc) use with the part (or node as we would call it)
  18. Kevin, that's why keeping OLD (release date) installs somewhere is the key! You can install, for example SF2Europe 2009 release and extract the files from cat archives using 3rd party extractor, as I did yesterday
  19. Umut, in my test terrain, I extracted full GermanyCE into it to work on familiar objects but BEWARE! you have to use older installation GermanyCE.cat and older cat extractor!!! I used Gerwin's one and Dec2010 install GermanyCE.cat, new cat extractor from TW prevents even older terrain Cat files from extracting fully!
  20. We'll crack it finally, even if that means making 3rd party full Cat extractor... I discovered we can have automatically placed trees on terrain water this title WILL give me schizophrenia, I tell you that!
  21. Nice discovery -iceland engine supports automatic trees placement, here's my tree mesh in lod format placed automatically definable via _Data.ini
  22. very untrue, as a lot models had none historically...
  23. Thing I'd love to see but suppose is not going to happen Canturion seems he locked BIG part of terrain cat (some 90%...) and .fx files specifically to prevent us from making comparable (or, as community proved through the past years) better 3rd party terrains in the future. Smells like DLC terrains. And then downfall of the series, IMO. SF was allways about modding, the man should have understand that years ago...
  24. (rant on) the more time I spend with NA the more I am suprised he didn't locked the new engine in a crypt 300 ft under Parani desert. Or the whole title. (rant off) it's got potential, but... we need the IcelandNA.cat FULLY opened

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