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Everything posted by Stary

  1. well put Skippy, having few questions myself I did not even bothered registering there... funny as any other more complicated sim runs fine here, Flamming Cliffs 2 with many more planes with their radars and avionics, ground control, missiles flying all in one scenario without problems. I repeat myself here -they apparently overmodelled few things user would never be aware of going under the hood=unnecessary. Bad optimization is the other thing. Funny, here's how CloDo looked back in... August 2006: http://www.gamesaktuell.de/Storm-of-War-Battle-of-Britain-PC-132480/News/Battle-of-Britain-Spielbare-Version-auf-der-GC-vorgestellt-718814/galerie/1049570/#?a_id=718814&g_id=-1&i_id=1049575
  2. I noticed the dissapearing decals too, even having models set to high. I think the range they are set to disappear is waay to short, given that in quick combat tyou allways fight against Italy with their big while roundels. BTW Kegetys (of Operation Flashpoint/Arma fame!) already released SFS files extractor... http://www.kegetys.net/
  3. already tried that (3) on two cores without luck, tomorrow will try for quad at work
  4. Fanboy! Hang him high, let him stutter! j/k my friend, it's daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn... indeed the problem with CloDo is, that being developed by this particular team with or without Oleg Maddox, it has no chance of being immersive Battle Of Britain experience. These guys are great at making high detail, good FM and DM planes, but lack that "touch of god" to make great campaign with tons of things happening in the air, and on the ground or sea. Not with this engine (and I STILL think it's hugely updated Il2 engine) not with their approach. Call me lite-fan, but sometimes some simplifications have to be made to achieve such big-scale goal. Why EAW was such a big success at rendering big formations of bombers with whole Luftwaffe and few sqadrons of escorts swarming around? Due to simplified FMs for bombers and overall 1996 (around when the works started after 1942-PAW) planes models. YES I know we are 12 years later, but still calculating pulse of wounded ventrail gunner and temperature on 6th cylinder of outer port engine is a bit too much. At the end of the day it allways goes down to placing few 30mm rounds into the wing root. CloDo currently, the more I (try to) play it, is only about quick not so random dogfights of squadron-size forces, that only if your system can cope with (mine can't). Similar case was with ROF when it came out, but that title since has been gradually patched and updated into now playable good WW1 simulation, with promised revised campaign system on the horizont. And with all the shiny detailed models, really beautiful self-shadowing cockpits and nice damage models? Their novelty will wear out quickly, believe me. I actually prefer to feel there's actual desperate homeland defence, brutal air war going on around me (EAW, BOB2, WOP to some extend) than looking at beautiful models (both of them...) at 10 frames per second, with stutters. One more regarding damage modelling -it's good(?) old Il2 style, nice but not so random. Individual bullets decals on planes? Oh, Janes' Attack Sqadron (remember that one?) had it too, but it didn't turn into much of a success. Sure it's nice, it's a feature I like, but not with the cost of actual gameplay. As for CFS3, I like it from day one. Still have it on my HDD with ETO expansion. And it ran quite smoothly on my not the best then system back then too. But true, controls damage modelling sucks in stock version.
  5. Guess who's birthday it is?

    Happy Birthday Kevin!
  6. I've seen this too, only with my effects, very strange It's my reference copy I had for, oh well, specific weapons effects reference, you can delete it as I forgot to do so
  7. http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sukhoi.ru%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D67866%26page%3D16&lp=ru_en&btnTrUrl=Translate there will be patch next week, adressing some of the issues, mostly related with slowndowns caused by buildings and trees, I guess it's a good sign as it is at current state COD reminds me very of CFS 3, but I had no problems flying that title on Ati 9200 with 512mb of ram, back in early 2003
  8. funny thing is, setting everything to high or medium in fact increases framerates
  9. The second patch disables the filter and adds epilepsy warning on splash screen, but that doesn't add much of framerate, over land, well, this shot of me down low was taken with Fraps showing 6 fps on mixed high/medium settings (don't know why stats overlay wasn't captured with the screen): Several seconds later due to such unplayable framerates I turned into big ball of fire. My best advice is to wait for newxt set of patches and see how it turns out performance and gameplay wise
  10. apparently he left silently 1,5 years ago, leaving all to Luthier, who seems to be his successor... honestly, I can't say I'm Il2 series fanboy, there are many things in it that I don't like, but it's the best we WW2 propheads have. Seeing as Il2 Cliffs of Dover is currently in a state of early beta, currently with no promises* of maturing into fully playable, immersive Battle of Britain title, I can't say I'm happy. *if UBI decides to pull the plug, CloDo is as good as dead for me
  11. Anyone got it? Impressions? How's the campaign, units, missions, framerates compared to A2 etc?
  12. definitely, with the high detail screens I posted, I can live with such framerates for now, but anything terrain related goes to sight, framerates drop to single digits, lots of config.ini tweaking to hide the terrain from the view when doing quick sorties over water (nice visibility with cliffs in the distance by default, I must admit that)
  13. ahh, one of the first modding sites I used to visit for mods, good old WW2 Fighters
  14. not really X RAY, as Brain32 wrote, it's currently fu-up BIG TIME. Oh, silly me, of course you can, in fact with some decent high tens frames, if you want your models to look like this: yes, this is how the sim in question looks when you set your graphics quality to LOW. There's even VERY LOW, but I was to amused by horror of LOW to even try that... on my system 2 Hurricanes vs 4 Heinkels is some 15-20 fps with stuttering, going over the land and the frames drop to 5... it's early beta (alpha rather) engine running this thing. CloDo needs patches, big patches, and it need them FAST. So far what I was able to deducate it has potential, but I can't wait year or two for this to mature, there are better titles around. This, makes me sad panda. To give some justice, here are some shots from mixed medium/high settings with models, effects and damage set on high: notice the round white orbs -these are tracers as they appear when you pause the sim, makes me want the WW2 Fighters lasers back: I have overall feeling the sim renders every single frame multiple times to do some blurring etc, there's video showing strange kind of motion blur on in cockpit controls (throttle lever, pedals), also I can't understand the decision to use high-poly SpeedTree v5 for foliage, when v2 or v3 would be enough. v5 SpeedTree has good application for last year RPG titles... and the trees are non-collidable
  15. Already announced to be available somewhere next week, dealing with houses preformance mostly, in the longer terms there will be next one optimizing framerates even further. But I honestly can't say I take their words as set in stone, we all see how their high promises turned out. There goes the 1000+ planes in the air... side note: I still CAN'T play it, because of utterly idiotic use of NET Framework 4 (who the hell writes games in it??) which refuses to install on my system
  16. same here ...there will be ranting
  17. FYI don't hold your breath

    no problem Nix, I just happen to like the CFS 3 terrain engine as used in OFF As for FE, I wouldn't believe next expansion pack is anywhere near in the foreseable future
  18. I'm downloading digital copy purchased at getgamesgo dot com, should be on my drive in the morning... Then I will wait about a years for three or four 1GB patches and I'll be fine
  19. I feel your pain Jonathan, I was today at the bigger town in two stores, they don't have copies yet, but might order one for me until somewhere around middle of next week :( And my preordered copy just slipped towards Saturday shipping as mail says. Buuu! I'm soo eager to run at 5 frames per second medium detail side note: Waiting for CloDo I spend yesterday's evening with 1946+UP 2.01 for some Emil "re-familiarization" quickies over Cannon's Channel map, man that title looks DATED
  20. I know it sounds soo lame, but as far I can't figure this out? Flying quick flights only testing this plane, in my options menu it's the "T" key set, but it doesn't work..? "V" for bombsite (nice one!) works without problem.
  21. Switching to gunner in DFW?

    Ctrl+C it is, thank you I really, really like the way it's implemented -the movement of the gun "feels right", the way you can swing it on the pole aiming, before rotating whole nest some more to the side, you can aim down the sight for more accurate aiming if you wish, whole gun "floats" a little. I suffer from Papa Jones syndrome, hitting own fin, but luckily it can take some shots without much rudder damage aiming down the sight: and the Nupe 11 goes down:
  22. reported CloDo issues aside, I think the best way would be to start with Spanish Civil War Now we're talking never before touched areas! (don't mind the centuries old Luftwaffe Commander fiasco) Then, Battle of France (or maybe Fall Weis?) and then onto BoB. The only thing I'm really really woried now (day before release on Polish market) is the optimization of the engine... as for the rest I'm more or less feeling it will be Il2 on steroids.
  23. Switching to gunner in DFW?

    thanks, will try
  24. FYI don't hold your breath

    Nix, I think you slightly deteriorate OFF in terms of terrain and general air combat feeling. And go check the screenies from P4 The problem with ThirdWire sims in general is the terrain/environment/weather engines in it's "emptyness" which isn't that important for let's say fast jet combat over desert and sea, but is very obvious for The Great War (or it's... "sequel" IF TK ever fancy making such title, I doubt so, Korea, very slight maybe). The big killer for me was when I downloaded First Eagles Gold to discover that trees are straight from "jet titles" and still non-collidable. Same with environment system and weather. This is something that is a "negative features" in WW1 title. Good modders took care of most of these apects (kudos to Tuma!) but they can't jump the engine. Also, the lack of code for mannable gunners is another important omission IMO (apply to whole titles) On the other side out of the box FE/FE2 has one of the best models on the market, specially with FE2's normalmapping, I'd risk opinion it's very close to stock (=earlier, not the payware additional) ROF models in terms of texture and mesh quality. I'd love to see FE models combined with OFF terrain and weather system Oh, back to FE, that gray "thing" on the horizont and lack of layered morning fog...
  25. Switching to gunner in DFW?

    No JM, stock ones, Airco DH2/Fokker EIII double-pack and DFW C.V, no fancy heavies. So far I was able to switch to bombsight, fidlle with the sight settings and try to bomb some trees, but switching to rear gunner is a mystery to me. I think I might have to check my realism settings for this to work.

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