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Everything posted by Stary

  1. 1) tree/cloud alpha layer problem, rendering many 3rd party terrain mods in fact "broken" from start mostly visible at broken wether conditions (lots of clouds without top cover) also somehow dependant on single "cloudlet particle" size; the bigger these are te bigger chances of visual anomalies. Could be fixed by specific shaders 2) unability to visaully lock on ANY type of structures (towers, hangars, ILS shacks etc) sans ground objects (but it's more of gaming choice by TK IIRC) followed by no option to order wingmen to strike such target 3) complete lack of bellylandings/ditches btw, excellent idea Dave edit: ad 1) not only trees vs clouds depth sorting, but also trees vs trees, even when being parts of one .tod objects ad 3) sounds more like feature request, not considered bug per definition, so not that important
  2. no problems with effects at all here Piecemeal..? Try removing the Effects folder for a while (move it to some other place) and try if the stock effects are present edit: I'll test it at home myself, not sure about the fueltanks in fact..?
  3. Open to modding?

    I'm very curious about the degree of terrain modding available to end user... imagine the dense jungle canopy covering Falklands/Malvinas on more serious note, like Diego I'm looking forward to JT as repacement playground for my hobby (but not giving up on Thirdwire, yet)
  4. sorry for OT 76.IAP-Blackbird, but what happened with Marc?
  5. Happy Birthday Bongodriver!

    Happy Birthday Craig!
  6. OT: me too JM, the recent mess with shadows cast by transparent meshes covered in other threads clearly points to possibility of helos in Tomcat's naval environment. Not sure about the bitmaps colors and such, as Tomcat title is announced to have "new" terrain engine... how different from current is a mistery to me. I hope different, current one is simply old
  7. Surprisingly good gaming...

    my bad
  8. great shots X Ray! like the cockpit one
  9. To Gen1 Guys, easy. It's really that simple: You get mods for free, as someone others hard work, made in his/her free time. For own enjoyment, for fame and bunnys, for good of mankind. Pick your own. FC in his great post listed reasons many stick with Gen1, for some it's really hard to buy new series as digital download, some have old systems etc. BUT sticking to Series1 and bitching about lack of backward compatibility (which sometimes is really hard) is just mean. Sorry. It's modder's decision and kind of mod released if it can be used in both series. As example -my recent terrain mods around still should work in Gen1, as I stick with BMP and TGA formats for various reasons -backward compatibility isn't my top priority- so making them usable in Gen1 is really simple and goes down to simple Ctrl+C Ctrl+V 5 min of work. But as time goes by and the series evolves, it's for good of all of us afficionados, among other reasons, to support TK by buying his new titles. It's really pointless to stop evolution. You can't. All you can achieve is to annoy or offend someone who spend sometimes months doing something brilliant for you, as Monty CZ pointed out. edit: I've read whole topic Henrik linked, and I find it disgusting... To make some DDS conspiracy theories..? Why isn't it yet starred and flagged on beforeitsnews or abovetopsecret? jeeez guys.
  10. Surprisingly good gaming...

    Thief series should run w/o problems, some older Janes' titles too (I think USAF has big problems with XP) first Call of Duty with United Offensive addon. For mouse controlled flightsim, try free YSFlight I don't think Hind would run without glidewrapper if at all
  11. TK.. allways dropping some insights here and there... reading between the lines is the best way to get the picture I guess. Thanks for info my friend! Slàinte! Stary
  12. Thank you DanW, I thought clouds height ASL is controlled via environmentsystem.ini entries, separate for all weather types we have and that these settings override mission specific ones. Can you confirm that? About contrails altitude, the lowest possible is 8000 meters in Mission Editor (which is right) but to make them lower (if one wants to) one has to manually edit mission file like Lexx suggested. But this is no issue.
  13. Some jets had small charges pilot could detonate to remove the jammed casing, IIRC about three or four in Mig-21, don't remember exactly, I think Lexx brought this subject over at Thirdwire ages ago
  14. Happy Birthday

    UK Widowmaker, have a great one!!!
  15. Pic or it didn't happened! :shock: That's some fantastic news Baltika! And I fully agree, some of now say 5 years old ww2 models are simply low in terms of polycount and visual appearance not to mention FM thingy... Edit: No, I don't want to discredit any of the fantastic planes we have had soo much fun with, but sadly time goes on, I hope you understand me Remember, I'm a prophead too
  16. just like pureblue, 1 fully merged with mods folders, and separate ones for each title created during installation process
  17. Question: at the mission main properties, what weather altitude and thickness means? Does it affect height of clouds and their thickness? Heights of top cover in overcast? I think not, as they are controlled by environmentsystem.ini variables. How can I change the contrails to appear below 8000 which is the lowest possible altitude?
  18. Root of Objects, I tried also disabling terrainshadereffect.fx from terrain_data.ini, because in my case the effect seems to show only in the particular clipping range of terrain mesh when viewed on high altitude, but it still is there from time to time (tested on your Korea3 with A-26B-a) notice how the full square of tga shows at particular range of background terrain aswell as close range Intruder mesh -is it somehow related with scene clipping?
  19. File Name: Early soviet jet cockpit (Hunter F.1 repaint) File Submitter: Stary File Submitted: 07 December 2010 File Category: Jet Cockpits Early soviet jet cockpit FOR STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 with Expansion Packs 2! YOU NEED EXPANSION PACK 2 TO USE THIS MODIFICATION! LOD file not included! by Stary version 0.5 working beta 07.12.2010 This is simple repaint of stock Hunter F.1 cockpit to make it stand-in for early soviet jets. Working beta, not historically accurate at the moment at all, bares minimal resemblance with Mig-9, Mig-13, Yak-15 or Yak-23 cockpits. Currently gauges are still in english (I know very, very little russian, curses mostly...) and still calibrated to knots/feet/gallon units. No gauges or parts movement tricks at the moment, just basic repaint. Click here to download this file
  20. Yesss, these capitalist flaps needed quick cultural revolution, won't misbehave anymore towariszcz komandir As for Mystere repaint I'll give it a try during weekend

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