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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Rules

    Spot on!
  2. There are different display results for the very same AlphaObjectsTextureMaterial settings even between various patch levels, the best so far were in stock unpatched WOI as far as my memory goes.
  3. New Rise of Flight Release

    What annoys me is the now so popular among the sims community "you know it's hard times, they had to release it in such state, will fix it, have fun" approach... would you buy a car with two whells? Sure not. What is truly lame is when developer says he had to release in fact beta-stage product claiming otherwise he'd bancrupt. So what? There will be others, don't get the sim hard times/sim end times phrase fixation... Not pointing at you ArgonV, I like your SDOE:WW1 total conversion much, as I mentioned in other ROF-related thread.
  4. Russ, I'm with Spinners, get them all with time -you'll have one mega install when merged
  5. unfortunately it's a terrain engine rendering bug TK knows about worked better in Series 1 at some point, then got fubared again in Series 2
  6. New Rise of Flight Release

    funny thing, but speaks a lot -more than a week ago I downloaded the recent update that includes one of my WW1 favourites (DH.2 pusher) installed it, and quit without running the sim one day maybe, dear NeoQb... but with Arrowhead just around the corner and my limited gaming time, this "one day" may be long way down the road
  7. It's the range at which ground objects are spawned relative to player's aircraft, it's hardcoded as far as I know, so can't be adjusted.
  8. 60 fps? Can't help it I'm affraid... try setting Detailmeshsize=24 and have fun... I'll check -but I wasn't touching the shoreline at all! Not me small retiling was only to mainland east Formosa
  9. How can I test the mod for low-end machines when I have still quite a powerfull one? And as to "the sunlight can cause the terrain to distort water and terrain quality and feature" I think you're using this mod in Series1, correct me if I'm wrong? edit: I think it's quite obvious this mod is NOT designed for people running on below minimum requirements systems...
  10. Here's fix for big cows and fences on three tiles, unpack to Formosa folder, overwrite:
  11. extract this to your Formosa folder, overwrite existing file:
  12. I searched for the mentioned fix, but no luck so far. Try "mipmaplevel=6" added under [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial], but I really don't remember if it was it, ONLY for DX9 systems: [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL <-try setting to CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=2.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=FALSE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA Mipmaplevel=6
  13. Yes, an old bug TK seems not to care. There was fix by Fubar IIRC, posted somewhere. But using the settings I provided with the data, you really shouldn't see the trees through clouds? Forgot to ask -DX9 or 10?
  14. Series2? Blackbird, I don't see them through clouds...
  15. Ok, I absolutely love Wings of Prey. The immersion given by the amount of detail and sound effects makes it the best WW2 aerial combat environment up to date. For me, of course. So I took my chances at giving the "Wings Over Russia" by A-Team a bit of WOP-style look. Here are current results side by side: and at dawn, ENB shot is the lower one: I'm using ENBSeries v0.075: GTA San Andreas edition, and custom palette.bmp I made to give the screen a bit greenish, higher contrast look. Unpack to your main Wings Over Russia installation folder: feel free to tweak it more Stary
  16. Israel was the best map out of the box so far. It's the lack of custom 3D shapes for .tod ground objects and absence of level of detail for them that makes the terrain so generic. I'd love to make proper Germany mod with all the architecture and variety of objects, but I'm stuck limited to simple boxes for buildings. Check OFF Phase3 cities and forests for comparision. And level of detail=better framerates and higher detail, but you know it better than me already. And after reading today posts by TK on Thirdwire I got impression the new terrain engine won't be much of a breakthrough.
  17. I've seen many posts either on english aviation forums or even polish ones where people were mostly reacting like "that's ugly! not interested", without searching any info about actual features and planes... not exact quote, but gives you general response. On the other side, TK most probably won't affort licensing hires satellite tiles etc, but sticking with rotating tiles technology that go back to times of EAW (1998) is a NOGO (even Oleg's incoming Storm of War rely on hand drawn tiles as I've seen on WIP shots, but it's much better quality and covers much more area per tile. So does WOP and ROF. All use repeating - but not rotating - tiles) Single shot of new terrain engine would explain a lot... and -if any or all above makes no sense, sorry, I had exhausting day
  18. R.I.P. Little Girl

    R.I.P Little One
  19. Panzer General Forever

    thanks, I spend some time with SP WW2, but will check
  20. Julhelm thanks, will test it! Bandy, the idea behing is to make the look highly saturated and with some kind of odd color correction, not exactly recreacte real life views.
  21. hmm... it works quite ok for me, will check again, I'm trying to make distant landscape blurry, not the models
  22. Win7 Dx10 here, I'll check these settings in Series1 Wings Over Russia install after work

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