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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Aw, what can I say... Second time winner... thanks for everyone that voted on me! BUT that wouldn't be possible without the enormous work that was put into Falklands mod by dedicated team!
  2. Bomby kasetowe

    Ok, wyjaśnijmy parę rzeczy... Polska właśnie NIE podpisała wyżej wymienionej konwencji. Dlaczego? Bo jesteśmy dużym producentem "bombletek" do kasetówek (Grupa Bumar)... Ot i macie również odpowiedź na pytanie odnośnie kaset dla Jastrzębi
  3. I think it was available at www.avsim.net library
  4. Me too -as MajorLee's site is down, there was no way obtaining it
  5. Broken CRC But beta works great! EDIT: It's not broken, just had to extract manually files, one or two empty files gave CRC errors. Works ok
  6. As for the B-29 pit... instead of good old Scooter one we could chopp off few bits from new Canberra by Kesselbrut... That would give us functional switchable bombsight inside of external Superfortress framing, which wouldn't be that bad at all
  7. After first two missions in Puccara I find this MOD being excellent work with rich targets (those ships!) environment and beautiful top class a/c skins! Really great work all involved, alongside JSF-Aggie's Harrier Campaign makes old SFP1 still kicking!
  8. Welcome at Combat Ace, Gert! I'll add also "Charlie's Aces" by Rhugouvi, a reworked version of "Aces of North Vietnam". Very, very nice. But hard one. As for earlier Mig cockpits, try some of Ordway's Scooter mods.
  9. Keep up the damn good work Blackbird! We can make NATO imperialists sorry with those beautiful birds!
  10. WoV problems

    Sprawdź jakie masz ustawienia dla Display Aspect Ratio. Jak jeszcze byś nam podał model monitora, to może byłoby prościej z pomocą.
  11. WoV problems

    Signum, a nie zmieniałeś może ustawień "Display Aspect Ratio" w ustawieniach graficznych?
  12. Definitely wants this one! Good work!
  13. sa 5

    Przeinstaluj weapon packa. najlepiej wykasuj cały folder /weapons, a potem zainstaluj Bunyap's Weapon Pack
  14. 80's Music/Movies Etc

    I spend my primary with Jackson's casette in my box. Billie Jean it would be. Movies? Aliens,Brazil, Indy, Aliens again and again (I could watch them 'til nice hangover, as Lt. Gorman would say)
  15. sa 5

    Sig, po wklejeniu ciągu definiującego daną rakietę/bombę ([WeaponDataXXXX], gdzie XXXX jest następną liczbą w sekwencji) powinieneś zapisać zmiany w weapondata.ini, a następnie uruchomić weaponeditor.exe, który oczywiście powinien być wypakowany do /twój sim/objects/weapons/ open ->weapondata.ini, wejść w SA-5 (powinna być ostatnia na liście), nic nie robiąc kliknąć OK a następnie SAVE z głównego menu, exit i gotowe -weapon editor zapisuje zmiany w pliku weapondata.dat -dane z tego pliku są używane poprzez engine, nie weapondata.ini English version: Is in the KB

    I think that would be great idea (choppers), but unfortunately not earlier as after 2nd patch to "Rotors Over Panama", IF TK gonna produce such title, and proper flight dynamics, in distant future Edit: I don't have to say that Julhelm's Zeewolf is the best copter available ATM?
  17. SAMy

    Pasko, nie pasko, chodziło nie choziło, poprawna polszczyzna nie boli. Uwagę zwracam, bo mamy tu paru Polaków zasłużonych dla serii (chociaż ID mają nietutejsze) i nie chciałbym świecić oczyma za panami. Bo i tak macie minusa w społeczności za tamten wątek "Wings over Poland", trochę umiaru nie zaszkodzi.
  18. (Obeys Brain's orders, and goes back to work)
  19. And you think on which system I plant all those trees of mine at work when my boss ain't looking? Very, very similar
  20. That's why I reply to your message, and don't wast my time somewhere else SFP1 FTW!
  21. Hi! After good reception of my "farms and forrests environment mod", I took my chances agains good old VietnamSEA map: This mod uses Brain32's excellent high resolution tileset It was quite a challenging task, I hope you'll like the results. As before I did my best to keep the frames at reasonable level. ETA: Uploaded, awaiting approval
  22. That's what I'm working on. Tile "VietnamJ4.bmp" is very rare on the map -could be used for targets (clusters of trees actually) placement. And the Agent Orange here actually in a gun in bombbay, not bomb. Firing downwards. Very powerful gun. Edit: Silverbolt, I explained it to you roughly in PM while ago, remember? This way I hope to implement this here.

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