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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Ok, anyone noticed a little great change in single missions: I started automatic single mission -strike in Netz. When I took off tracers started to fly outsided of my canopy, and my Wingie shouted "Bandits!Bandits!" MiG-19 already on my tail, 1 mile from my home plate! The MiGs now can be intercepting your flight right above your base at start in single missions! It's just so sweet! Ok, not so great when you have a target assigned and take off loaded full of bombs
  2. I'm posting here some work in progress of my attempt to bring default WoE tiles a bit more real look, building it in Nato Fighters 2 installation: Apart from forrests, this mod adds a lot of little stuff in open farmlands, like real-sized trees, road infrastructure, filling stations, powerlines, kettle etc: It's about 60-70 % complete, I don't intend to rework city tiles objects, as there are most targets located. Right now I have achieved little impact on framerate. Also I worked simple solution to get rid of the occasional "trees rendered throught clouds" bug. This will be compatible with standard, Deuce's enchanced and recent Hi-res Max188's repaint. As Brain32 is working on awesome hi-res tiles, don't know about that repaint right now, seems he changed general forrests and trees layout. ETA: less than two weeks
  3. Lexx, it's not the think I was after -I was searching a way to make those dynamically generated clouds to appear horizontally. Cellinky's clouds are great, but right now limited only to single missions.
  4. No, it's repaint of stock F-100 -but no worry I increase the resolution a bit. I think tomorrow it'll be up if time permits.
  5. In Knowledge Base Wrench shows a way to add F-100D's cockpits to Mystere IV, Super Mystere and Sa'ar. It's a good choice me thinks as F-100 is present in all previous jet titles. The Hun pit fits fine IMHO, however I'm working on a small adjustments/movements to it here and there + new paint to fit better Super Mystere /Sa'ar cockpit: The only problem is that the only good photo of SMB2 cockpit I have shows it heavily decompleted, and the other photo doesn't show the gunsite and HUD glass mounting at all. I know Ordway works on the Mystere-series pits also, but here's my attempt. If you have any photos or info related, I'd appreciate PM-ing me :yes: -specially about the Sa'ar new avionics It's not meant to be super-accurate , rather a workaround/placeholder until someone makes a better one.
  6. It seems there's wrong entry in Johan's WOI campaigns Expansion -the Super Mysterie B2 has wrong officce attached in it's ini file: CockpitDataFile=SuperMystereB2_cockpit.ini but there's no such cockpit present, and it should be changed to other pit (for example to A-4B, I find Nesher's ok) WOE users shouldn't hesistate to use Hunter cockpit for Hunters family, but remember all files must be extracted from WOE objectdata.cat and placed in respective folders.
  7. That would be really, really great feature for trees. But I searched through environmentsystem.ini searching for some clues regarding clouds behaviour and found nothing yet My suspicion is that clouds use their own dll for generation and rendering techniques -been trying a while ago to find a way to make flat EAW -style lying horizontal clouds, and its a nogo -so they are controlled somewhere else
  8. I heard a rumor that Brain32 is working on HR Korea repaint
  9. Wrench maybe try Deuces' Euro repaint? Anything that has respective tile names convention will be usable, but Polak's is obviously best choice. Which map is the one pictured? Suez 2 or Israel 2.1? I think it's something messed up in the terrain _data.ini file, BUT the .tod files (coordinates and mesh data for trees and buildings) are simply linked to respective tile names -desert2farm50.tod being placed on desert2farm50.bmp etc.
  10. Suez terrain works without any problems. Using desert.cat in my install. Buildings and custom tiles do show. Furthermore, it seems that WOI terrain rendering engine increases terrain heightmap resolution a bit -tested it also with VietnamSEA, and on High settings terrain mesh looks to me more detailed.
  11. img00001.JPG

    Let me guess -WOI automatic parked aircrafts spots added? Will you post it?
  12. Looking better and better. You guys do great work! Is it just me, or is the gunsight box a bit larger on the photos? Nothing really important.
  13. Version


    This is a simple repaint of Nesher's HUD gunsights and heading scale. For me original is a bit too dark. I made it slightly brighter and more yellow than it was.
  14. SHACK!

    WoW! What a pic! Could I use it as a base for some effects textures..?
  15. Something perfect for Taiwan Straits in progress
  16. AmokFloo, sorry for little nitpicking, but could you move the pizza oven a bit down, it's blocking the TV display currently. And the cupholder to the right for those right-handed.
  17. To lock a Maverick on a ground target you simply press E to choose a ground target -missile will lock automatically, all you have to do is to point your nose generally in the target direction and fire when in range. Modern avionics equipped aircrafts should automatically switch to warhead image on your radar/TV screen showing the selected target once you select Mavericks -or any guided missile/bomb
  18. For ground objects (like trucks, sams, tanks, AAA etc) check for ShadowCastDist=500 values are in meters in their .ini files in [shadow] tab, for terrain objects (like hangars, barracks, factories and so on) it's in their respective .inis in GermanyCE folder -you'll have probably to extract these files for default objects -eg. bunker1.ini for bunker1 and so on
  19. Yes he is. Amen on that. Now go back flying cause this tileset is worth every single minute spent in air above it!
  20. current DBS build works fine under WoE and SFP1 under latest patches
  21. Looks and works GREAT! Almost no feel of tile repeativeness! Thanks again for your hard work Brain! P.S -that joke really was one of the funniest ever
  22. Themed screenshots sounds ok (creative) to me
  23. Great! BTW. Mine copy of WOI is currently in the way via good old postal system :yes:
  24. As for YAP compatibility -try contacting Wilco -he made data.ini usable for YAP install himself, he cannot post it as it's not allowed by YAP team, but I think he could show you how-to via PM.
  25. Seems like you are Jug here's the download: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6034

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