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Everything posted by Stary

  1. HasWater= determines engine check for water presence, HasWater=2 says whole tile is water (usually xxxS1.tga or xxxxS2.tga; depends on tileset anming convention) while HasWater=1 does extra check based on alpha channel (where white=water black=land)
  2. raw SF2 in Dx10, guess what's new in those pics: this overdone one is a straight giveaway:
  3. last time I checked these were in english so stop trolling
  4. mabe we could ask ErikGen for the original Max file of his older cockpit?
  5. what Dave says, I know every wants top flyable plane but sometime due to RL you have to release "as is" or abandon the project completely, as in my view keeping it on HDD for the future equals to
  6. Dave's prostate joke self censored here. Reason of censorship: members' sanity and own safety
  7. Carlo on the bright side we have ErikGen's older Gina and he has a job Maaaybe try asking him about releasing it as it is? Or to pass it to some trusted group like Mirage Factory wizards?
  8. ok, here are all the entries I was able to extract from the dlls back in 2012 using PEExplorer, maybe someone will find someting interesting in there dll strings.zip
  9. No, hm files add extra displacement which is tile based, the engine knows where's water based onalpha channel check. As for crash I have no idea st the moment. To add tile to the terrain editor you can modify the texturelist in notepad or add it via options in Terrain Editor
  10. Maybe to some extend. I remember loong ago I fiddled with the ground objects and had at one point tanks that were hardly destroyable by 20mm cannons. Structure value points or something, can't recollect, t'was around SF2 Exp1 came out. I think lots of stuff in the dlls isn't commonl used in avionics etc, worth peeking into
  11. check your data entires for textures as the TOD texture references are totall messeed up
  12. I simply say it's reasonale to gather together what we have or can extract from the core files (in a legal way, but apparently as per the letter TK doesn't seem to be against such explorations) before starting to even think about hiring someone to -exactly, to do what?
  13. I think Stratos you're jumping too far ahead with the proposal of actually hiring a guy I think we'd better concentrate now on finding stuff that's hidden from us (LODs aside ofc) Speaking of which you do realise core dlls can be extracted using mere 7zip? (not that it would make one smarter) And that lots lots of strings and variables can be discovered unig PE explorer-type programs? so for example for avionics gurus here's avionics 70 dll strings: Avionics70.dll.str.txt
  14. to be honest it isn't the response I was expecting ok enough of tongue-in-cheek talk: I simply want to modify the old terrain engine water shaders to include better reflection based of Iceland water shaders I got from someone; given I did tweaks to postprocess shaders 3 years ago I think redistributing these wouldn't be a violation as much as redistributing modified data of aircraft is
  15. what about data modifications to dll? If done with patching programs? Also Harold what do you think now about opening the hidden stuff, namely .fx shader files? For modification purposes? edit: and say I have those shaders, can I send them to one who knows about shader programming for modifications? Like postprocess and water shaders?
  16. as far as I remember in the past there were some old legal issues with the companies, but as we've got Zipper back then why not revamp the Starfighter and Intruder pits as a DLC is an unknown decision edit: I mean those would be popular DLCs I'm pretty sure of that but on the other hand we still wait for USAF or european F-16 DLCs
  17. but sadly that seems to be the hard part that said I'm impressed with how WW2Normandy is coming along
  18. you really should move to GH3.5 Wrench, I know I know, you invested time and nerves in new custom tiles but... GH3 was sort of quickie to kill time when one young lady... nevermind, I wanted to do something fast to brighten my mood back then
  19. for someone owning just A-10A&A-10C and core is it worth?
  20. Kevin, wouldn't it be easier to just use Google Earth and Google image search for current and possible historical photos?
  21. search fot USGS DEM format, inly DEM is recognizable by TE as far as I know
  22. I'll send you the Tod inis as soon as possible

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