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Everything posted by Stary

  1. wasn't that supposed to be a secret or something? TK has a chance now to prevent any further damage to the customers base, which is unlock all back as it was, except LODs if that really buggers him. It's the only way modders could produce new working terrains and move on with improvements. Sadly I agree with what was said earlier, the band of modders™ is no longer his target, heck I have that creepy feeling modders are being perceived as an uncomfortable, annoying part of the customers base
  2. wasn't that Insky job? IF so it's not available...
  3. current build is quite ok to me to be fair Icarus... from good old features the one I miss the most is clouds altitude to be honest, rest as for July2012 is more or less ok... sans shader and terrain lockup
  4. and two tons of freeware planes, units, visuals also for free... I wonder how the ED vs freeware mods/modules will go edit: SZ I wonder when ED will take measures to get rid of UBI-dependant IP and will replace it with their own stuff
  5. lovely shot malibu! Julhelm's beauties over revised new Taiwan tileset in the making, because I love Gepard's map
  6. funny as Thirdwire modeling had alot of those since well allways... mind you, I'm newbie to DCSW
  7. and then at some point DCSW 2.0 will come with, yes you got it right, FC4.0, CA2.0 etc
  8. but they are indeed nice with normalmaps and all
  9. now the way the files are locked prevents 3rd party extractors to even "see" them in the CAT files... and consider this: if some skilled guy comes with his own CAT extractor like Gerwin did, then most propably Thirdwire would lock the cats even further or permanently... you know the "piracy excuse"
  10. thought so... bit of "mine is better" everyone is prone to
  11. I was curious as to why EDs world ain't bright either, sorry if didn't made myself clear Jeanba
  12. nope, different way the new terrain engine uses textures, of course they can be used but wouldn't look good IMO
  13. which ones exactly? Sometimes my modded SF2 screens do not look like "Standard SF/Thirdwire Stuff" either and RGR that mesh editor video was exceptional (and no, I'm not mlracing... sadly as I'd love to have his inside stuff knowledge)
  14. they did not named A-10 the way they did just because :yes:
  15. his newer models are payware... but price is reasonable compared to Turbosquid store and the likes
  16. used to post some stuff at SimQH... can't say if he's still around there though
  17. and we bashed mlracing too early... time will come we'll need guys like him
  18. I think I'll try to make it working and ask politely mr Lejczak for green light IF I make it to a flyable state... still a long way Major I know otehr group released SF1/2 planes based on Lejczak's freeware models
  19. File Name: Gerwin's Iceland 1024 tileset v1.0 File Submitter: Stary File Submitted: 03 September 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains This is 1024x1024 optional tileset and treemod for Gerwin's "old format" IcelandNA terrain. This version replaces version 0.9 uploaded on 08.14.2012 Two generic "seasons" included, warm and cold, where cold one gives full snow cover. By popular members request, optional darker water included in separate "oprional darker water" folder for both "seasons"; the default brighter water is more or less like in LOD-based NA terrain New waternormals included, rough (default) and calm waters (the latter found in "optional calm water" folder) Click here to download this file
  20. maybe, will have to see what Gerwin's cooking, but generally rememer it's a several tiles only for whole terrain so some repeativeness (sp?) will occur

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