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Everything posted by Fortiesboy

  1. Hellshade Hello As one who delved into the DM of OFF, I know how much work is involved. In fact there may still be a modded DM of mine kicking around somewhere in the forum. HPW and I did liaise in the early days and he went on with more dedication and patience than me, to produc e some great DM packages which many could readily use. like him, I am still with OFF, being on XP still and not the most up to date system. Of course I am using my 1.2 DM - The ironic thing is that I did it to make more damage apparent than the stock OFF.. It seems from what you say that WOFF is more like the OFF mods than the OFF stock. So, there you are Pol, you just can't win mate! lol. Make more damage and someone wants to mod it to less When my system changes I'll give WOFF a go and it'll be fascinating to see the DM. BTW- continued thanks for OFF . Still flying most days in dogfights and still getting loads of pleasure. Best flight sim ever.
  2. If those figures are changeable - ( if opened in Notebook ), then I'd try changing the third from last value to say 2500 and see if that reduces the sticks shake? Don't forget to "save " the file when altered IOW suck it and see:)
  3. Hello As a long time player of OFF, I am aware of what a great sim it is. Folks are praising the WOFF graphics but I find the OFF graphics to be great - I don't need any improvement there ( though I wouldn't turn it away! ) However, having returned to OFF after a layoff ( install got porked and i thought I'd wait for WOFF- but I'm XP), I find the biggest disappointment of OFF is the AI in a dogfight. If we get low particularly then the enemy seems to lose interest and starts stalling etc and can be left alone to eventually crash. And as i fly mainly QC dogfights ( don't fly campaign ) then I'd be looking to WOFF to be significantly better in this area. As I say, I'm running XP and i first ruled out WOFF having seen the required specs, but some posts from those with XP have been encouraging and I would risk it - if the AI fought better than in OFF. I haven't seen much comment about the AI. Could you WOFF flyers please tell me how you find it? On a slightly different tack, could one of the devs tell me the position - If I buy WOFF and I try it on my present machine, ( it may or may not run OK ), can I later install and fly it on a future computer that I may get? Thanks , cheers and happy Xmas to all
  4. Thanks for the replies chaps, and the "welcome back" messages. I think it's worth a gamble to get it. I wouldn't really hesitate if i was Win 7, but I'll have to see how my trusty XP will handle it. After the Xmas hols I'll pull the trigger. Merry Xmas to you all
  5. WOFF is now available!

    Same here. My FSX and IL2 are running great on XP. My OFF P3 install gpt porked on an update and so hasn't been played. I was waiting for this, but it seems only on a new PC. Can't see that happening for a long while. Oh well! Anybody with an XP machine tried to run it? any luck?
  6. Thanks a lot fellas= I've now got it loaded and it is excellent. Thanks a lot Andy.
  7. Hello all and Happy New Year I've downloaded the Sound file 3.1 and looking forward to it. On unpacking it I see no readme etc but just an exe file. OK, so i run this from the external hard drive to which I had downloaded it. Very soon after starting it said I should install JSGME because it couldn't be found in C/OBDsoftware. I checked the OFF installation and I see that my JSGME exe and JSGME ini file and the Mods folder are all in C/OBDsoftware/CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields . My present position of JSGME is where I think it should be. But this sound file exe seems to want it to be somewhere else. Is this a fault within the exe or have i got it wrong somewhere? Can I ( should I ) move the JSGME exe and JSGME ini file and the Mods folder from the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder back one, into the C/OBDsoftware folder? Can someone help me with this please? TIA
  8. Hello all I've been away from playing OFF for a while 'cos my DVD writer/player has packed up. Getting a replacement and for other reasons too, I would prefer to use an external writer. Some advice already taken suggests that there would be no problem in OFF reading that the CFS3 disc was in the drive ( as is necessary ), but I'd very much like to know if anyone plays the game using an external drive and who can therefore confirm that they are OK? Thanks
  9. 50th Birthday today

    Happy Birthday, mate. I see you've got to halfway then?. Enjoy the day ( and night )- and look after yourself, and J and M cheers D
  10. Agree- Do we know yet whether it will need to be online?
  11. OT Anagrams

    Hmm, something a little shivery about how they seem so apt, don't you think?
  12. The AI Gun Range Debate

    This is quite right. I've always flown at "easy" - IMO When it comes to AI gun range it doesn't mean easy at all. It means more realistic. The normal or hard means only that the AI fires and hits you from further away - around 400 metres. And that's daft!. Always was a gripe re the original game that this figure is totally unrealistic. All the evidence i've seen says that they fired very close to each other - very close - less than 100 metres, more like 50!. So, if you want realism (sic ) then select easy AI gun range.
  13. Excellent shots. especially of near the ground. Merry Xmas to all
  14. A Soldier died today

    And me too. Thanks Simon. a wonderful truly written poem. And in this Country, now, so apt. What a shower now leading us, compared with a soldier.
  15. Have we figured this out?

    Polovski S! - Is it OK if I share my tweak here? It only works in QC and not in campaign, so it shouldn't cause any probs?
  16. Have we figured this out?

    This "faster" AI has been something that has been there since P1. I used to amend the Uisel file to factor in fuel loads into the AI but I'm not sure that did the trick. As I fly mainly QC I have managed to relieve the problem by tweaking the FM of some of the planes. I.E the Dr1; pfalz and Alb 200a. I noticed in these that the max RPM was below that of the specs for that plane in RL. E.g In the vanilla OFF you will see that the max RPM of the Dr1 is around 1000, whereas in RL the engine would be 1200. Now I have my plane at 1200 and I keep up with the AI etc. And before anyone says it makes fighting the AI too easy, may I reiterate that I fly "full real" , no labels etc etc - and when there are 3 of those AI in the sky ( somewhere ) invariably one of 'em will get you! -lol cheers FB
  17. You are the weakest link!

    Chris sorry the budget is limited. This sim likes the cpu to be as fast as possible. However, imho the answer is not to reduce the resolution to get more FPS- CFS3, and therefore OFF, is unique in that the higher the resolution the faster the sim runs. However, the real answer is a faster processor which , unfortunately, means a newer computer. In fact a more expensive graphics card could be a waste of money. If the processor is the bottleneck, a more powerful graphics card will be a waste. Hope you get it sorted. cheers FB
  18. Potential there for an excellent system. But, looking at the video, do you really fly that far back in the plane? IMHO gives a peculiar distortion, and also you have to have arms like an Orangutan - lol. Looks like a FOV adjustment is needed. I had a look at an HD projector, but decided the diff between it and my projector couldn't justify the money. I was surprised to find my XGA projector would run the sim at 1920 x1080. I'll wait till the graphics card gives a HDMI outlet Mind you, my advice to anyone buying a PJ would be to get a 1080p HD one. The quality is very good. Maybe , like me, you find that having flown OFF using a projector, there's no going back to a monitor!
  19. Hey Brits..don't miss this BBC2 tomorrow!

    Yes, I saw it Simon. Excellent. Poor bugger survived, but he was burnt out by the time he was twenty. What he must think now of it all, the state this place is in, and what it's going to become.
  20. themightysrc -- S! Oh, I've thought about it a lot. There's no way that writing, popping up all over the screen, is giving me immersion. Sir Mike - simulating that belly feeling is what a forcefeedback stick can help with, no? Certainly the Butt kicker can. I don't have FF but I definitely know when I've been hit. Never had a problem knowing that. I accept that,if you want to know if the plane you are seeing is enemy or friend ( at a point where RL vision would tell you), then at present it's difficult. But IIRC on some sims there is an ability to target the next enemy ( or friendly }- so, if it could be possible in OFF, then that would eliminate need for labels,no? After all, the enemy fly in squads, so padlock one enemy and the others with him must be enemy too. Come the dogfight, use the "padlock the nearest enemy" button. In this sim, this type of padlocking doesn't happen, without preliminary use of the TAC, so it's matter of taste re the labels, I suppose! Maybe the devs can give us this padlocking in Phase 4, or does the coding prevent this? Mind you I still say that if you use labels there is no way you can seriously say that any AI setting is too easy. That would be cheeky as hell. I've said in previous posts, re the AI, that I fly on the AI easy setting. And with AI firing only from the close range (and not 1000 yds like before ) I have urged those who think it is too easy, to fly "full real" against three Aces and see how many times they win. With labels on it's easy. Without, you would swear that one sets himself as bait while the others sneak up and get you. And you lose more than win. Bottom line for me - WM et al have produced wonderful terrain and scenery to "put us there"- Then you guys stick red and blue writing all over it! How could you?
  21. Blimey!, do you chaps fly with all that writing on the screen? And external views? You have the right to fly exactly as you wish, but sheesh, a bit arcade isn't it?
  22. Yes, well I agree with the overall feeling on this, but,and it is a big but, the most important but - for me - When flight sim developers make it compulsory to go online to fly their sims, that's when I don't support them. That's why ROF doesn't get bought by me, and it's the only reason i won't buy it, cos it looks great. And any future sims which go the same route as ROF will not get played by me. There has been much debate about the rights and wrongs of online requirement, and there's no need to engage in that here, but there must be many who think as i do, and so the flight sim sales will be all the fewer as a result. Jason should know that, and probably does. IMHO devs should take it onboard. FB
  23. Hello chaps Slightly OT but can any of you technical chaps advise please. I have a nvidia GTX 280 graphics card which has a DVI output. I know that if I use a DVI cable from it to a Monitor with DVI input I will get ( my desired ) resolution 0f 1920 x 1080. What i want to do is connect from the same DVI output to a Projector also running at 1920 x 1080. At the same time. I was thinking that I could have a DVI splitter in the graphics card, and from that a DVI to DVI cable to the Monitor; and also from the splitter, a DVI to HDMI cable to the projector. Obviously when the serious OFF flight starts (lol) I'd switch the monitor off and the projector on. The question is, will the above set up work, or is there a technical problem I'm unaware of? TIA
  24. Churchill in UFO cover-up

    It was interesting to see the reason he gave for covering up- that if UFOs were ratified, it would destroy people's faith in the church. T'would certainly give the Synod something to debate, instead of the question of Women bishops-lol Recently too I saw a Discovery program where an earth -like planet has been found. What also amuses me too, is that whenever the subject is presented in the media, there is always a comical input - references to little green men or invading Martians etc. Almost like a nervous reaction to a subject we are frightened to really get serious about? Well- seriously - to think we are alone in the Universe has got to be the most arrogant stance of all time!
  25. Watch this space!

    HPW -S! I've got the mod, and loaded it using the jsgme thingy -easy as pie!.. I've only used it for one morning on CFS3 QC - which is my preferred method of flying OFF - Not enough time much for campaign sorties. (BTW -thought I'd try one, which I did,- a scramble - and it worked fine, but then the next sortie ( and all the optional ones, too,) was a round trip of 200 odd miles and my full fuel capacity was 100 -odd miles. Hmm! No wonder i don't do campaign -lol) Anyway, the planes take a lot more bullets than my DM, which is what we've always known, but what I do like very much is that when the EA is wounded and smoking, you can then leave him and concentrate more on the others, because it seems that the wounded plane will most times get worse- maybe even shed a wing and then dramatically crash. Also, the only time I induced a fire, it was a small one. But it grew as it would in RL and then crashed. Most realistic! IIRC, most times in stock this worsening wouldn't happen without more bullets. I had reservations whether it would work in CFS3 QC, because the first time i tried it, I got a lock up of the Off manager exe- However, subsequently and ever since, it has worked fine. Nor has it changed my FMs of the few planes I've altered- DR1 and Alb 200 and pfalz. You've obviously put a lot of time into this, so well done. A very subtle DM. cheers FB

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