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Everything posted by Dillon

  1. ‘Star Trek’ Star Leonard Nimoy Dead at 83

    Your shots speak more than words could convey at to what's left of the original cast.
  2. ‘Star Trek’ Star Leonard Nimoy Dead at 83

    I took the opportunity last year to see William Shatner in person. Not the warmest guy but hey they were ushering people around like cattle (Those ComicCon administrators need to figure out a better way to treat people). Either way the guy's an icon and before he passes I can say I met Capt. Kirk... Sad to hear about Leonard Nimoy's ongoing health issues.
  3. Just wondering if anyone knows a way to beef up the landing gear on a jet. My Blk F/A-18E upon landing on the carrier likes to crunch down to the right when taxing off the runway like it has a flat tire. Landing is fine but soon as I turn the aircraft to head off the runway and park, it leans in the direction of the turn and never rightens itself back up like the main landing gear has a flat tire on that side. Other aircraft don't have this problem so I'm thinking there's a setting somewhere that needs to be modified. Thanks in advance as always.
  4. Glad none of my other jets do this. Thanks for the help.
  5. Eric if I land and do nothing else it's fine. The problem happens when I turn off the runway and try to park.
  6. Is there a conclusive reason why the Super Hornet 3.5 package is more performance challenged than other aircraft (F-14, F/A-18A/B/C/D, and older Super Hornet offering). If there's an answer for the performance hit in the sim is there something I can do about it (disable a feature). I really like the aircraft and I thought it was the cockpit until I slaved it to the older Super Hornet which in that aircraft works smooth and without issue. Can't say what's going on with this model that requires more from my PC but it's unfortunate. The older model has issues with displaying drop tanks which I haven't had time to resolve. Just wondering and thanks in advance for any feedback on this.
  7. I don't know about anyone else but there's some good information here. I'll chime in and say SF2: NA has the best graphics as it's the newest in the series. For Navy guys it's an obvious choice but if you want access to all the Mods and the full experience of the series you'd have to get them all which I'm still working on myself.
  8. Eric, are you saying North Atlantic specific add-ons aren't compatible with other versions?
  9. Anyone have a problem where AMRAAM's won't fire in the Blk Super Hornet? Sometimes approaching an AA target selecting and targeting the enemy my AMRAAM's won't launch. I'm not having this problem in any other aircraft. I'm wondering is this a feature like the automated flaps where the computer is trying to stifle launching because it doesn't feel I'm at the right angle or distance. I end up getting shot down because my missiles won't work. If anyone knows a fix for this it would be much appreciated. I'm flying with the 'Hard' enemy setting where every missile needs to work when called upon or it's lights out...
  10. Just wondering what enemy skill level do most play at when not in campaign mode? I have mine set to 'Normal' as 'Hard' seems unrealistic. If I have a bombing run with only two aircraft in my flight if makes no since I'm pounded on by 7-8 aircraft from different directions (counter measures don't seem to work either with enemy missiles at this level). Flying Nap of the Earth should shield me for the most part from enemy radar but it doesn't. In the real world for a bombing run I'd have more elements watching my back or jamming radar. You'd have a cover flight, Jamming Flight, and a SEAD flight. I know some of this is too much to ask when not in campaign mode but since I haven't got around to editing things so my F/A-18C series, Super Hornet, and freeware F14 work in campaign mode I've been flying the canned missions for practice. 'Normal' mode seems too easy. Maybe I'm just used to my days with Falcon 4 (when I used to be into it years ago) that I'm expecting too much. Plus my days in the real Navy I know exactly what a mission calls for when going on a Reconnaissance run or Strike. Just asking as some of this stuff seems like Mission Impossible with only two aircraft deep into enemy territory with no cover. I saw a utility that adds a mission creator (not editor) to SF2. I use 'SF2: NA', is it possible to use that utility in this version? I'd love to create my own custom missions in SF2. Thx.
  11. Pretty good for a video game. Great depiction (for the most part) of the role both seats play in the F/A-18F.
  12. This technology would be amazing for jet combat simulation. Imagine sitting in a virtual cockpit holographically spread around you that you could interact with: http://money.cnn.com/2015/01/21/technology/innovationnation/microsoft-windows-holographic/index.html This could turn the gaming industry on it's head in a few years let alone simulations.
  13. At the onset there's nothing much to expect. It's what can happen in the next few years that's exciting. I remember sitting in a Super Hornet simulator in NAS Lemoore and seeing how something like this could work. Just like GPS and the internet, it all came together for me at NAS Lemoore before it got out into the real world back in 94. Helmet mounted tracking is nothing new but when you put it together with a simulation it's amazing. The Super Hornet wasn't even at the base yet and they were training on the technology. No it wasn't this exactly but in my mind what Microsoft is producing is what I envisioned years ago from the head tracking system. Not saying this is exactly the same thing but to sit in a chair at your home and have your cockpit displayed around you interactively is amazing. This will take a few years for developers to actually fully get their heads around so today is just the start. It's great to see something like this finally getting some kind of footing for practical use for the average user. It's like the first time I put on night vision goggles in the military. Now I can buy them for my son (not the same quality but night vision goggles just the same).
  14. So I need to get SF2 then the SF2 Expansion pack, from there it will work with SF2: NA?
  15. Initially... Like all things over time the price goes down. Remember how much VCR's once cost.
  16. VRS's Super Bug has been out for years, one was for FS9 and the other is for FSX. You're very right that nothing done for Flight Simulator compares to the fidelity of versions done for real combat sims. I never bothered buying a combat aircraft for a civil sim because it didn't make since.
  17. I'm new to SF2 but what I'm seeing so far is great. A big thank you to the Modders that keep this platform alive.

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