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Everything posted by Crawford

  1. Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front

    Thank you for your compliment )) It does you credit. However, I didn't say anywhere that I don't like Stephen's excellent works. I just said that these or other details do not correspond to historical realities. As the saying is, feel the difference, Sir. Have a good time!
  2. I have a book "Armor of the Russian army. Armored cars and armored trains in the First World War", printed in Moskow in 2008. Of course, it is in Russian - "Броня русской армии. Бронеавтомобили и бронепоезда в Первой мировой войне"
  3. Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front

    Let it be so. You know that I'm a fanatic of meticulous realism, because I consider this game a kind of the museum of military glory and technology. However a ground vehicles me hardly cares.
  4. Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front

    Good work, Stephen! Thanks. I have only one remark: all 9 armored cars, that were produced in 1914/1915, had only 3 machine guns. It was envisaged that the front and rear machine guns were "stationary", and the side gun could be carried from side to side. Certainly, in the air fight we don't have time to count the number of guns on each armored vechicle... https://topwar.ru/81828-broneavtomobili-russo-balt-tip-c.html
  5. Thank you for the next great 3D models! As for the armored cars on the chassis of the Russo-Balt Type C, in 1914 only 8 armored cars were built. All these armored cars served in the 1st machine-gun automobile comany (avtorota) and were used on the North-Western front (in East Prussia and Poland on the direction of Lodz). At last, in 1915 another one armored car was produced. Another one armored vehicle of similar design (on a chassis) was manufactured at the Izhora Plant in 1915 for the 1st motorcycle company (rota). Of all built, only this armored car was actually used during the Civil War.
  6. Junkers J.1

    Thank you, Geezer! When this infantry flier is finished, it will be just great! As always, I have one question: it is for FE2 only? Or it maybe convertible to 1st Gen?
  7. Classic WW1 Movie

    Why you do not like the Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa by A-Team? http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (By the way, in this film a Lt. Stachel's Pfalz is incorrectly painted. ;) The fuselage of this aircraft for some reason is covered with lozenge instead of silver/silvergrau).
  8. Classic WW1 Movie

    This is one of my favorite films. Moreover, my nick-name is taken from there (lthough I was slightly mistaken and mixed the names of Gresham and Crawford). But I did not alter it. ))
  9. P.S. Besides, all of you are absolutely right. Now I understand these streamers are really included into the LOD-files of the Moran N. That's why I failed. Perhaps it's easier to make new ribbons than to pull them out of LOD-files. I'll wait for the solution of this issue. All the best!
  10. Alas! In that case, I can't help you. Some time ago I tried to attach the streamers to the Halberstadt or an Albatross, but without success... You need someone from Real moderators.
  11. In fact, the color of the ribbon can be changed very easily. Here, for example, the streamers of the 'German Style'. So, to see streamers with other aircraft, you need to calculate exactly the attachment position. This is a very difficult task, especially since it will have to be carried out individually for each aircraft.
  12. Hi As for the color of the Ribbon, there is a file streamer01.tga in each folder with textures. It seems to me that the Streamers is visible on other aircraft, it is necessary to accurately calculate, WHERE this should be attached. Good luck!
  13. Farman HF.20

    A small remark. During WWI in Russia was still a variety of different identification marks. Their location on the aircraft was not harmonized. There were standards however deviations from the standard in different batches as well as within one batch were significant. The Russian training planes often had neither numbers nor identification marks. As you can see, on this Dux-built Farman-20 ("black 2") the Russian roundels were placed on the lower surface of the upper wing (Dux-style national insignia). Therefore, a more correct version of the Russian Linen Decals.ini should look like this: [DefaultAnimationTime] Animation01=0.5 Animation02=0.5 Animation03=0.5 Animation04=0.5 //----------------Wings---------------------------- [Decal001] MeshName=RUpperWingTip DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=RUpperWingTip DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] MeshName=LUpperWingTip DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal004] MeshName=LUpperWingTip DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 //-------------Ailerons------------------ [Decal005] MeshName=LAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal006] MeshName=LAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal007] MeshName=RAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=RAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=5.55,-0.4 Scale=1.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 //-------------------Rudder---------------------- [Decal009] MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.52,-0.125 Scale=0.82 DecalMaxLOD=3 Reverse=TRUE [Decal010] MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/Dux Position=-5.52,-0.125 Scale=0.82 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal011] MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/BlackNum002 Position=-5.70,0.625 Scale=0.65 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal012] MeshName=Rudder DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=FarmanHF20/D/BlackNum002 Position=-5.70,0.625 Scale=0.65 DecalMaxLOD=3
  14. 134834354 farman 20

    From the album Aeroplan

  15. Farman HF.20

    Thank you. If there is a will, there is a way. But it's something I can never do (3D models, I mean)...
  16. Farman HF.20

    Oh sure. But the shape of the bow of the nacelle must be changed.
  17. Farman HF.20

    Unfortunately, in FE this process cannot be realized
  18. 3544541

    From the album Aeroplan

  19. Farman HF.20

    Well, I understand you. And I even agree with you. Perhaps it would be necessary to make unarmed version of this aircraft? Or this one is just easy target?
  20. farman1

    From the album Aeroplan

  21. 836b2846d12d

    From the album Aeroplan

  22. Farman HF.20

    Nice "galosh" But it seems that the pilot must sit in the front rather than the back (this is indicated by the elevator control levers)
  23. Oh, I meant only mechanical replacement of certain figures on the other, more historical. For example - such as here. To do this, we do not need to build new LODs, isn't it?
  24. But is it not possible to simply replace these figures to other figures of poilus? I would have acted in that way.

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