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Everything posted by Crawford

  1. New Aircraft

    Hi! If there are still comrades here that the great and terrible Caesar capun did not have time to ban, I bring to their attention that something interesting on our topic has appeared on the A-Team Scunkworks website. True, this is only Beta Models, but this is not a big problem. By themselves, the models look pretty good (you can feel Geezer's hand) …and these ribbed wings - I just love them! http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ In addition, there are a number of propeller-driven airplanes from the inter-World War period (in Pre-WW2 Planes section). It looks like Geezer has shared some of his work with capun.
  2. Antonov An-26 "Curl"

    Excellent work! Thanks.
  3. Antonov An-26 "Curl"

    Of course. Therefore, I gave an image of the necessary identification mark and wrote that "You can also easily redraw the skin." Ten minutes of work in Photoshop is quite enough to apply any identifying mark on any skin (provided that you have a little skill in working with graphic editors). However, this is no longer relevant, since the author has already made the necessary adjustments))
  4. Antonov An-26 "Curl"

    Yes you are right. The sign on the left wing is mirrored. It is easy to fix it in the Decals. INI. You can also easily redraw the skin ))
  5. SF2 Update/Patch July 2013

    By the way, Hotfix itself does not work, it requires an appropriate patch. However, this is no longer a problem. I found a couple of links on the net for updates to versions of March and June 2012. https://ag.ru/games/strike-fighters-2/patches Also, when you install one game updated to Mar 2012 (SF2NA in my case) to the Strike Fighters 2 main folder, all previously installed games will be updated to the Mar 2012 version.
  6. New in FE2

    And this is very inconvenient for me, since the C: \ disk is a system drive and has a relatively small volume. But the most unpleasant thing is that if the system is reinstalled or crashed (as happened a couple of days ago), all installed mods will be lost. In fact, I am also new in 2nd Gens, as I have never installed this package before (for the above reason among other things). On my hard disk only SF2_Sep2011 hung (I don't have FE2, but I have the full SF2 series). On it, I tested aircraft and other objects that I liked, but did not work in the 1st Gens. In general, my preference has always been on the side of the good old FEG and WoE, where I threw all modern jets and helos.
  7. SF2 Update/Patch July 2013

    Thank you sir!
  8. SF2 Update/Patch July 2013

    My Strike Fighters 2 has a version of Sept 2011, but all patches require to update my game to Mar 2012 first. And where can I get this Mar 2012 update, if it is not even on СombatAce ???
  9. New Aircraft

    Apparently, the aircraft, FM of which was taken as the basis for creating FM for J.1, had a gas tank located there. And these data were simply forgotten to change, in relation to the new model.
  10. New Aircraft

    Thank you, the job is really, really good. The plane flies and handles well. But it still has a weirdly implemented fuel leak (or coolant leak?) -- а white cloud runs ahead of the airplane ))
  11. New Aircraft

    These are not machine guns. This 'organ' was never installed on serial J.1 aircraft. Only on the J.816 / 17 aeroplane was experimented with installing a battery in the fuselage floor with two LMG 08/15 Spandau machine guns at an angle of 45 from for firing at ground targets, but the additional guns remained at the experimental level. Besides, it doesn't matter at all in FE. If only because gunners do not know how to fire at ground targets.
  12. New Aircraft

    Yet this 'iron' was not an attack plane. The Tin Donkey was an army co-operation plane, the contact-patrol machine and a low-altitude scout. The main task of the German J-types is to monitor the actions of the enemy and friendly troops on the line of contact. The weapon is for defense only, although the gunner could throw small fragmentation bombs. The CL-types is much better as an attack plane, which has been demonstrated in practice ...
  13. The answer to the third question is most likely negative. But I have an answer to your first two questions. 1- Just rename your songs appropriately and drop them into your "Menu" folder: BaseScreen.wav CampaignScreen.wav CreditsScreen.wav DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilled.wav DebriefSuccess.wav HangarScreen.wav LoadoutScreen.wav MainScreen.wav OptionsScreen.wav RecordScreen.wav SingleMissionScreen.wav You'll want to put your wav in the "Flight" folder to call Loading.wav and a screen called "LoadingScreen.jpg" 2 - You also should create many JPGs for the "Menu" folder: CampaignScreen.jpg CreditsScreen.jpg DebriefScreen.jpg DefaultBaseScreen.jog DefaultEndScreen.jpg LoadoutScreen.jpg MainScreen.jpg MissionEditor.jpg OptionsScreen.jpg PilotRecordScreen.jpg PlanningMapScreen.jpg RosterScreen.jpg SingleMissionScreen.jpg Titles.jpg
  14. Searching planes

    Maybe you meant Fokker D.VII or D.VIII? The first is a stock aircraft, the second is in the download section, just like the earlier Fokkers. But the Salamander was definitely not here, only Snipe was in the downloads section.
  15. This is a superb mod! BTW, the bike would look pretty natural on the airfield. ;) http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64719 Werner Voss was a biker, for example. http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50144
    As always, excellent work. Thanks
  16. http://www.thirdwire.com/community.htm Unfortunately, most of the links are no longer available. :(
  17. Sopwith Triplane

    Great addon and a long-awaited plane! Thanks
  18. A-37B_76 FAU

    No problems! Of course, if you want to download 500 MB.

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