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Everything posted by Crawford

  1. Well, then medicine is powerless. I’m still sure that this bug can be fixed somehow, but ... I can’t make a better diagnosis, given the distance between us ... Perhaps I would recommend changing the screens format to JPG instead of BMP. Use the graphic editor convenient for you. And, for the sake of fidelity, change the corresponding lines in the .ini files wwicaporetto01.ini wwicaporetto01_DATA.INI However, I cannot be sure that this will solve your problem ...
  2. Yes, it seems that all the files are completely consistent ... There is another option: try dropping these BMP screens into the main "Menu" folder (not the campaign menu, but the menu of the game itself).
  3. Jet Pilot SF1

    Probably, the pilot has been looking at the target all this time)) If this annoys you, try experimenting with the numbers in the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini file - the [PilotHeadMovement] section. [PilotHeadMovement] PilotPitchUpLimit=30.0 PilotPitchDownLimit=-20.0 PilotYawLimit=90.0 PilotPanYawRate=80 PilotPanPitchRate=35 PilotCheckRate=2.5 PilotLookCameraChance=50 PilotLookTargetChance=75 PilotLookDownChance=25 PilotLookScanChance=50 PilotLookTurnMinG=2.0 PilotLookTurnAngle=4.0 PilotLookTurnChance=20 PilotLookGroundMinAlt=100.0 PilotLookGroundChance=80
  4. Jet Pilot SF1

  5. It cannot be. If it works for everyone, then why should you be an exception? Please drop here your Main Caporetto ini.file and in the Caporetto DATA.ini file and add a screenshot of the contents of your Menu folder.
  6. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    Um, I apologize, but how does your skin differ from the one that already exists? This model still needs a few small details and a slight change in the wires between the landing gears ... And the rest - it's all right
  7. It is very strange. There may be only two reasons: either the files are not where they should be, or the game does not see them because of their inconsistency. In such cases, it is recommended to reinstall the mod. In FEG, the Campaign Screens are in the "Menu" folder. Unfortunately, I don’t know where they should be in the 2nd Generation game.
  8. Indeed, what is the fate of this long-term project?
  9. Please see what is indicated in your Main Caporetto ini.file and in the Caporetto DATA.ini file in the [Campaign Data] section - the names of screenshots and their format are indicated there.
  10. Oh, no, I didn’t mean the resolution of the display, but the resolution of screenshots that do not want to be displayed. The fact is that the FE1 game engine does not like it when the size of the image for the Menu exceeds 1024x768 pixels (the same applies to the Hangar screen for each aircraft, at the same time, the size of the Download image does not matter).
  11. Sorry, Shousa, what generation game are you using? Most likely, the reason is either in the format of the screens- JPG or BMP, or in the screens resolution .
  12. Jet Pilot SF1

    This one runs fine NOT ONLY in SFP1 Series , but in Strike Fighters 2 too. Because the 2nd Gens accepts both ANSI and Unicode files and skins of JPG and BMP formats, while the 1st Gens accepts ANSI files and BMP format textures only. By the way, in the SFP1 series games, there is no separate “Pilot” folder, so unzipped folder named "GK-Pilot" need to be thrown directly into your Objects/Aircraft folder. ;)
  13. Jet pilot

  14. Jet pilot

    Yes, now everything works as it should! The only thing I needed to do was save the textures in the BMP format (1st Gens doesn't see the JPG format) and slightly fix the LOD so that it refers to the BMP textures (this can be done without 3ds Max). Thank you very much!
  15. SPAD XIII Diamond Dick

    Alas As for Escradrille No. 471, I only have a color profiles of Lt. Winthrop N. Kellogg's Nieuport 27c 1.
  16. Jet pilot

    I'm sorry. Try this, please MaxExporter_Max2009.zip
  17. SPAD XIII Easter Egg

    Yes, an even worse mess reigned in the early post-war aviation than in Richtgofen's Flying Circus. If Lieutenant Samuel Kaye dares to fly an airplane of this color in 1918, then he would be mistaken for a Hun in a lozenge and would inevitably be shot down.
  18. SPAD XIII Diamond Dick

    Everything points to the fact that you like aviation exotic. Although, of course, it is very unfortunate that such bright airplanes did not participate in the hostilities of the First World War.
  19. Jet pilot

    This would be nice, but it seems to me that the matter is not in the plugins, if the 3D-model is written in Unicode format, not ANSI. However, if I am mistaken, try this MaxExporter_082506 by TW. MaxExporter_082506.zip By the way, this is easy to verify by opening the LOD file using Notepad: if the opened text begins with the letters L O D , then the file is written in Unicode and 1stGens series games will not see it.
  20. Jet pilot

    Ugh! This does not work with Strike fighters 1.
  21. SPAD XIII Sunbeam

    Congratulations on your first success. I really hope that your other works will follow this...
  22. Armchair aces over Italy

    They write that the 250-round belt had a length of 6.62 m; in curb weight weighed 8.25 kg. As you can see, there is not much space in the Type-II VK so that so much ammunition can be packed in its cartridge box. I completely agree with you. The Type-II VK, which received the macabre nickname 'baby coffin' due to its shape, is remarkable in that it was possibly the first example of what today would be called a gun pod. It weighed about 40 kg (it is not clear whether this is the curb weight of the gun container or its empty weight). Inside the 'baby coffin' there was also a spring-loaded drum, on which, by analogy with the Nieuports, an empty cartridge belt was wound. The spent cartridges were collected inside. By the way, in the back of the 'baby coffin' was a gravity fuel tank. Right view with the cover removed; behind the water-cooling barrel a drum for an empty cartridge belt is visible:
  23. Armchair aces over Italy

    Thanks for the answer. I understood you. My computer is also quite slow for me. But, no matter what, I use shadows. To maintain an acceptable framerate, I lower the screen resolution in the game. By the way, this plane still has one problem with displaying shadows. The interplane "spider-like" struts of this aircraft do not cast a shadow - the game engine stubbornly does not want to see them. But I think this is better than nothing...
  24. Armchair aces over Italy

    I found that your Hansa_BrandenburgDI_E.ini mainfile in the Shadow section says “FALSE” instead of “TRUE” [Shadow] CastShadow = FALSE <------------------------ ??? ShadowCastDist = 10000 MaxVisibleDistance = 800 Why? As far as I remember, this old model had no problems with displaying shadows. In my opinion, the shadows give the impression of a living volume. A plane without shadows looks flat and "unrealistic." In addition, the MaxAmmo=350 - is a big exaggeration. So many cartridges would simply not fit in a cramped 'baby coffin' (officially it was called Type-II VK). There is generally little information on this machine. As they write in the book of the Windsock Datafile, in the 'baby coffin' there was a 'reduced' tape, but they did not write how much was reduced. We know that the standard Schwarzlose М07/12 infantry machine gun feed system was made with a 250-round cloth belt (or, rare,100-round). So, In my opinion, the ammunition of this aircraft did not exceed 100 bullets.

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