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Everything posted by Coot

  1. Version


    Here are some Cold War themed desktop icons for use with the Third Wire series. Some have text while others do not. I tried to be creative with these and there are a variety to choose from. NOTICE The icons in this package were created from 48X48 bitmap images. Converting them into a windows desktop icon takes them down to 32X32. Some of these I have found to be not very clear when using them in a default Windows XP setup. Some look just fine at this size but some do not.(Some text is hard to see) I just started using a shareware version of something called IconX that essentially makes my Windows XP icons look more like Vista icons. This program allows me to basically enlarge the icons to any level while at the same time scaling them appropriately so that they do not loose any visual quality. So with this program for example, all of the icons are large and clear for me. I don't use Windows Vista so I do not know how these icons will scale for you folks. I assume you all won't have issues with them as Vista icons seem to have been designed much larger and with more versatility than XP.(Please forgive my ignorance here I just don't know much about it and I'm still learning) As a result there are two packs in one here. A zip with the icons and a zip with the original 48X48 bitmaps. That way if someone has a specific need or adjustment they must make to get the most out of these icons, the original bitmaps are available to them to tweak as needed. The download zip is called "Cold War Icons and Bitmaps". Inside this are the "Cold War Icons" zip and the "Cold War 48X48 Bitmaps" zip. Just extract these zips to a temporary place and have a look and see what you can use. Also have at the provided bitmaps if you would like. Thanks again, Coot
  2. File Name: Strike Fighters Icon Pack File Submitter: Coot File Submitted: 16 Apr 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Hanger/Menu/Loadout Hello again. I've made several more desktop icons, this time for Strike Fighters. There are also two Cold War icons for cold war themed/modded Thirdwire installs. They are all 48X48. I hope you all can get some use out of them. Thanks, Coot Click here to download this file
  3. Thanks. I'm going to try to make some more Cold War themed ones.
  4. Hey there. I just installed the latest DBS terrain into my new WOV install. The terrain is working just fine but I'm missing runways. The download spoke of a Read Me but I can't find it in the file I downloaded. Could someone tell me what I need to do? Thanks for the pointers.
  5. Yes its the latest DBS terrain that I installed. Sorry Wrench but I couldn't find the read me. But I did remember the same steps needed to do this from you latest Libya terrain and readme. I saw all three cats (SF/WOV/WOE) listed and it was set to Germany. So I just forward slashed it and cleared the slashes in front of Vietnam and all is good now.
  6. Version


    Hello again. I've made several more desktop icons, this time for Strike Fighters. There are also two Cold War icons for cold war themed/modded Thirdwire installs. They are all 48X48. I hope you all can get some use out of them. Thanks, Coot
  7. Thank you sir that was it. It was set to Germany so I pointed it to Vietnam cat and runways are now in place. Thanks again.
  8. Hey there. Could someone tell me how I can get the F-23 cockpit to work in the F-19? The F-23 pit came with a cockpit folder, F-23 ini, F-23 avionics ini, and a F-23 cockpit ini. I stuck those in the F-19 folder and deleted the F-19 versions of these things. I guess I did something wrong as now the F-19 doesn't show up at all in the aircraft selection screen. Thanks for any pointers.
  9. The Person Below Me

    True, as long as it is somehow related to the known food groups. The person below me enjoys helium.
  10. The Person Below Me

    False. I've not been April fooled.....yet The person below me is accustomed to eating non-breakfast foods for breakfast.
  11. BIS Redesigns ArmA II

    That last line lol! No worries. Modders will have this up and running as a combat sim in no time. Maybe the first one though could be a total conversion MRW mod(The Modern Range War mod).
  12. The Person Below Me

    False. But one Halloween I was disguised as the famous ZORRO! _ /_ The person below me will answer the statement that the person above me forgot to answer from the person above him.
  13. The Person Below Me

    True. Especially in IL-2 as bailing out is a hoot. The person below me has eaten a ceaser salad in Boston during the winter.
  14. Hey there. I went to the yearly Tico Airshow Saturday and it was a great show as usual. Lots of activity and lots of variety. Here is a link to my SIMHQ thread for more pictures and details if anyone is interested: Coot's SIMHQ thread Please forgive the less-than-wonderful pictures you are used to seeing.(still learning) Here are a few: This Corsair was used in the Black Sheep t.v. series
  15. The Rocketeer

    Any Rocketeer fans here? I tell you what, I love this movie and the whole theme. Sort of a Golden Age of Aviation meets Dick Tracy world mixed in with some historical fiction.(Howard Hughs/WW2 not far off) I guess I was ten when the movie came out. I loved it then and I still love it. The movie has a great look and feel and great cast and good music. Fun story line and good clean action. I never did read any of the comics but I do remember getting some Rocketeer collecting cards. I also really enjoyed and have fond memories of playing the Rocketeer Nintendo game. I found it here on youtube and boy does it bring back memories. The Rocketeer NES We have the movie on VHS but the tracking is getting kind of bad. I've been wanting to and today, I bought a DVD copy of the Rocketeer at WalMart for $7.50. Well worth it. I read over at IMDB that it didn't do so hot at the box office but I guess that's the way it happens. Some of the real gems out there get overshadowed for some reason or another. But its always been a hit with me.
  16. The Rocketeer

    Thanks for the comics info.
  17. Any GI Joe Fans out there?

    I loved GI Joes and still do. My age group though is in the 3 3/4 models of the 80s. I don't know all the character names but I know I had SGT. Slaughter, a neat looking Marine I believe in dress uniform with a sword, some paratrooper guy with a red helmet and red/grey suit, a neat diver with green/white suit and orange helmet mask as well as many more. Many of my guys recieved enhancements from me like extra knife sheaths with knives for example mix-matched from other toys. Some of them received yarn and rubber band repairs as well when they would break. One Cobra member I recall lost his hand to a match while creating special effects one day. I also had this cool armored personel carrier/rocket tank and a jet/helicopter type aircraft.
  18. File Name: Wings Over Vietnam Desktop Icons 2 File Submitter: Coot File Submitted: 18 Feb 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Hanger/Menu/Loadout A second pack of desktop icons for use with Wings Over Vietnam. Nothing too fancy but I tried to be creative. Hopefully folks can get some use out of them. Click here to download this file
  19. Documentary's about aviation.

    It would be nice if they ran re-runs of Weekday Wings or sold them. Those were good hour long, five day a week documentaries of single aircraft or group of aircraft.
  20. Version


    A second pack of desktop icons for use with Wings Over Vietnam. Nothing too fancy but I tried to be creative. Hopefully folks can get some use out of them.
  21. File Name: Wings Over Vietnam Desktop Icons File Submitter: Coot File Submitted: 15 Feb 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Hanger/Menu/Loadout Here are a few desktop icons for Wings Over Vietnam. Thank you TK for a great series of sims and thank you modders and community for doing all that you do for this series. Click here to download this file
  22. I hope folks can get some use out of these. I'm finding it pretty tuff to get any sort of quality and at the same time recognizable image into such a small space. (32X32) Does anyone have any icon creating tips that might help me? Thanks.
  23. Version


    Here are a few desktop icons for Wings Over Vietnam. Thank you TK for a great series of sims and thank you modders and community for doing all that you do for this series.

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