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Everything posted by Coot

  1. I found something new at least to me. I started a Navy campaign flying the F-18. I flew in real time to my target having to avoid quite a few sam launches. I made a gun run on the airfield and was in afterburner. As I came off, I banked pretty hard. I went to flyby view to watch myselft and right in front of me I watched as my wing shatered and fly apart sending me into a mess. Wow! It may not be new but I believe this is the first time in the TW series that I've had structural damage due to aircraft stress. I even checked debriefing to make sure some stray AAA didn't get me and sure enough it mentioned only that I had gone down. I also saw my flight drop their own tanks and I assume go and deal with some threat as they did this on their own. At first I though he was hit by a sam but it was him dropping three tanks. Now MIA I need to go start another campaign.
  2. I havn't been able to really start it yet but when I popped in just for a look, I was excited to see the F-117! Thank you! I also like the menu buttons and look from FA. I also ctrl-F12 to look around and found a flag that was rippling in the wind. Don't know if that's new but its new to me. Can't wait to start a campaign later today. Thanks again everyone for the major effort expended by you to create this mod. :moil:
  3. Thank you everybody for the Desert Strom Mod! Thank you for all of the hard work and efforts. This is very exciting!
  4. Caption this

    Third Echelon's new experimental program to provide field agents with highly trained animal assistants to compliment their weapons kit.
  5. The Person Below Me

    False. But I have tried eel sauce for dipping Tai food in. I havn't quite figured out yet if I like it or not. :umnik2: The person below me once made a paper airplane that stayed airborne for more than 30 seconds.
  6. 4 years ago...

    Thank you serverandenforce for your service. Thank you to all our service men and women for their hard work and for everything that they do on our behalf to keep our nation safe and strong.
  7. Thank you ronan and JA 37 Viggen. Its working! Thank you both for your help. Is then necessary to even put the F-23ini that came with the pit into the F-19 folder? I appreciate the help. The F-23 pit makes a good F-19 pit. Works well.
  8. Hey there. I don't know if this is the right forum but I have a question. Is it possible to extract the music from Jane's Fighters Anthology? I've looked in the files but there is no music or sounds folders. I supposed its built into the game. Is there a tool to extract the music? I like to put all those great tunes in my TW sims. Thanks.
  9. They had and ATF tookit as well and I was able to pull out a bunch of great tunes from that. Man, remember some of the upbeat tunes with a little spanish guitar mixed in? Still can't get to the FA main menu music erggh!
  10. Thanks ronan for the help. I deleted the F-19 and reinstalled it to get the original files back in place. I kept the F-19ini and changed the lines as you said. For some reason the F-19 is not showing in the drop down list. Am I still supposed to delete those other F-19 files?(f-19cockpit.ini and f-19avionics.ini) I'm confused about the fact that there is also a F-23ini that the pit came with. Won't that conflict with the f-19ini? Thanks again.
  11. That was an interesting video. I love planes and jet aircraft too. I'll try to fiddle around with it some more but I think I've looked through just about all the list of sounds that it will show me. You would think If I could access the Jane's music as well as other music(including the sound clip with Nixon's speech that then goes into music) that the main menu music would be somewhere to be found. Maybe its in one of those LIB files like Wrench said but I can't get into those.
  12. Thanks Wrench for the FA Toolkit tip. I did a Google search and was able to find it. The readme doesn't display for me nor does the program's help function. I suppose its fairly old now. However I was able to draw out some music files using the program off of the FA CDs. However not all of the music is available doing it this way. For example I can't find the music that plays in the FA front menu page. I have found things like the Jane's Opening logo sounds and some other music as well as even the audio clips from some of the older USNF campaigns which is fun to hear again. I'm even finding sound clips and voice clips that I don't ever recall hearing back when I first played USNF/ATFGold/USNF97/FA. I wonder if these were sound clips that were just extra files that didn't end up getting used in the game. Or maybe its been so long since I played them that I just don't remember them. I'm trying but I can't seem to get the FA Toolkit to let me open up those lib files you were talking about. And my izarc archival program says its an incompatable format and therefore can't extract it. Thanks again.
  13. Thanks Fubar512 for the response and link. Unfortunately I can't find a "SOUNDZ.RWV" file within FA. Thank you anyways.
  14. The Person Below Me

    False. I enjoyed Delta Force Blackhawk Down. Although my favorites are still Delta Force 1&2. The person below me has been visited by a man in black.
  15. Ever been in an accident?

    I thought my windows was down but I found out it was up when I put my head through it. I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law and headed over the embankment. I was on my way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident. Man these cracked my up thanks for the pick me up.
  16. The Person Below Me

    True. I think its very likely that posts like that could lead to this thread's demise were they to continue down the tragic trail of tremendous transgressions. The person below me will also use alliteration in his reply to inspire further grammatical creativity in the coming posts.
  17. This guy is good !

    Those are really neat. I'd probably go nuts trying to do something like that. Although I imagine its therapudic to work on something like that.
  18. How Southern are yew?

    They have me at 69%. I'm a Florida boy with much of my immediate family from the Midwest and South. With regards to what some have said about Florida not being a southern state at all, that's not quite accurate. Florida is an interesting state with a wide variety of history. Granted it contains many different peoples and life styles but so do many places. People are people. But Florida is a major cattle producer and is up there on the list of the highest producing cattle states. I think its somewhere like #13 and I think Kansas is the biggest producer. Florida is very much an agricultural state. Florida has been a cattle place for hundreds of years. There is a lot of rich cowboy culture and history hear as well as southern culture. Especially when you look at generational Floridians and those who still have ranches and farms and family that goes way back. You don't have to look hard to see it. My sister lives in a fairly small Florida town that's mainly a cattle and orange producer. It has only one highschool and her husband is the band director. Its changed too much over the years but in West Melbourne where I'm from my elmentary shool backed up to land full of cattle and horses. We've always been on ceptic system and used have our water supplied to the house by artesion well. (Which we still use for sprinklers and such. She must go deep too because our neighbor tried drilling for one and the drillers got to like 700 feet without finding any water) We never used to have central air and heat. When I was growing up our area still lent itself to where we could let our dogs out, not see them all day, then whistle them back in at night. When my Dad's side first came here it was really in the country. Wickham RD was only one lane and there were no street lights. There was only one grocery store near them that was still several miles away. (You might remember Wickham that way Jedi from when I saw when you moved here because I believe it was around the same time as my Dad's family in the early 70s). When my mom's side of the family moved here even earlier, their house which thay had built in Satellite Beach, was one of the first ones and from that house all the way to the beach was sand and scrub. Just head west on 192 and you can see cattlemen and farmers doing there thing. Just depends on where you are and where you are looking. I've been to a handful of Florida rodeos that draw contestants from all over Florida and other states. We stand at attention when the National Anthem is played, they'll pray in the name of Christ Jesus before the event, you'll find plenty of people who will look you in the eye, shake your hand, say yes mam and yes sir. You'll find a lot of hunters and fishers who enjoy the land. It just depends on where your looking. Florida has a lot of southern in her.
  19. The Person Below Me

    False. They have no power over me whatever the heck they are. The person below me picks up dirty laundry with his feet.
  20. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    Just about anything that's around in the fridge. I usually have the problem though of having a sweet tooth, but then needing something salty to balance out or I eat something salty and then need something sweet to eat. :nyam:
  21. The Person Below Me

    False. I dont' think I'm over you because I'm indeed below you. The person below me has accidently ejected himself while searching for the key combo to target the closest enemy in TK's sims.
  22. The Person Below Me

    False. Its sort of a faded pinkish purple color. The person below me knows the person above MigBuster.
  23. The Person Below Me

    False. I'm not an obsessive-compulsive collector of milk bottle tops, milk bottle tops, milk bottle tops, milk bottle tops, milk bottle tops, milk bottle tops. (I maybe compulsive in other ways however) The person below me would have no problem telling the difference between Coca Cola, Pepsi, and RC Cola in a blind fold taste test.
  24. The Person Below Me

    True, I have been shot down 5 times in WOE but I'm quite :whistling: certain that that number is not high enough especially adding the other series. The person below me loves Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Salt & Vinegar chips
  25. Does anyone know if any die cast model companies plans on making and A-7 CorsairII? I've searched in the past but have only come up with either plastic or wood carved varieties. I'd love to get a 1:47 scale to go with my F-14 model. I also noticed a nice A-4 model in the picture gallery. What are some of the most popular companies? Thanks.

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