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Everything posted by Coot

  1. Thanks column5! I just now saw that company and that they had A-7s!! I don't know too much about models. I assume the 1:72 are a bit smaller than 1:47 that I have? Ah well may have to get a 1:72 Tomcat to go with the A-7 Do they have movable surfaces? Thanks again.
  2. Comfort Foods

    One truly comfort food that I can think of right now are those cuban sandwiches that 7 Eleven sell. The most important thing though, otherwise its just another bland gas station sandwich, is to have them mash it for you. That's what I like to call it but they have a machine that toasts and mashes the thing until its pefectly melted and the bread crispy. This is a comfort food I learned from my folks. Usually this is something we would and still do before a long drive. For my folks though the whole meal is cubans and a bag of Munchos. I usually don't care for the munchos as they are a little to greasy for me. Even if there is no long trip sometimes I'll just do it for lunch. Sometimes I'll get two mashed cubans(they are very tasty and sometimes you need two ok), cool ranch Doritos, and of course the most important ingredient to the whole meal, Dr. Pepper(Usually the super big gulp). But I'm telling you, the sandwiches are tasty, warm and a soothing type of food.
  3. Lookie what I got !

    That's neat! My Grandmother, Aunt and I got to see a show of theirs in December several years ago. They're a great band and man oh man do they know how to play their instruments! Great sound especially live.
  4. Hello. Could someone point me to an environmentsystem.ini edit? I'm looking for something that will make the sky values more blue in the sim. I have one from quite awhile ago that someone posted for the at the time, upcoming Korea mod. But it wasn't a environmentsystem.ini that was quite finished I believe and it produces some wierd colors if you look at the sun. Thank you.
  5. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    The above picture was actually a "My Buddy" at one time, that is until Chuck Norris round housed kicked him in the face. He's been angry Chucky ever since.
  6. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris loves Jack Bauer. He tastes great with mashed potatos.
  7. Required Reading...

    Has anyone heard of "Sweetwater Gunslinger 201" ? I found a used copy of it and havn't read it yet. I started but stopped because I had some other stuff going. Its supposed to be about a couple of F-14 pilots. Fictional story cowritten by a retired pilot and a Marine I believe.
  8. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    When it comes time for Chuck Norris to kick the bucket, the bucket will go into hiding.
  9. Thankyou all so much for your work on this campaign mod. This is very exciting. I really enjoyed the first OTC. Thanks again for providing this addon.

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