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Everything posted by alexis99

  1. This is one of those things that you think is too good to be true. But it is true. It is astonishing. I copied the WOV that I had on an XP computer and pasted the whole folder onto a Win10 computer. It ran in XP compatible mode at 20 fps with medium graphics and no cockpit. 9.5 fps with cockpit. So I downloaded the file specified in this tutorial and just did part A. With everything in graphics turned up to maximum unlimited, mirrors and all, the fps was flashing at 58 because it couldn't show any higher figures. I'm waiting for something to go wrong. This is amazing.
  2. Further to the above, I can now confirm that the F-35c lands perfectly on the Harry S Truman at 136Kts without falling through the deck.
  3. Further to the above, I swapped out the Harry S Truman and replaced it with the vanilla CV63. The A-7E lands perfectly every time without falling through the deck. Landing speed of the A-7E is around 130Kts. Maybe that's too fast for the Truman to cope with. The A-6a intruder lands at around 118 Kts, so it is slow enough to land on anything and not fall through the deck.
  4. In my experience, the A-7E has a tendency to fall through the deck on the Harry S Truman, so I fly air force missions with the A-7D instead. The A-6 Intruder never falls through the deck. Can't think of any other aircraft that has ever fallen through the deck. F-35C, F-14 all land perfectly.
  5. Will this update also bring SF1 up to windows 10?
    At last, an interceptor with a radar display just below the HUD. Magnifique!
  6. To avoid struggling to bend the "ROCKET" label, you could always go the good old air force way of using a 3-letter abbreviation, so it reads RKT - GUN - BMB. I usually do that to fit stuff on the HUD where appropriate.
  7. Thanks. I'll stick with my fix then. ;-)
  8. You know when you get an intercept mission, and you look at the map and it's 119 miles half-way to waypoint 3, and you're wondering why they didn't scramble fighters from one of the 8 airfields between you and the bad guys? Well is the best way to fix it, to go into your aircraft data file and reduce the range figures by at least half? Or is there a more sophisticated way?
  9. Talk about sledgehammer to crack a walnut. If you are talking about a fixed gunsight, you can put any mark, any digit, any letter, any graphic, on screen via the avionics file. And you can make it any colour, any size. Make sure you're 70.dll, and this is how you place a fixed gunsight on screen [HUDModeAA] (Or whichever mode you want it on) Symbol[01]=HUD_Guncross [HUD_GUNCROSS] SymbolType=Image ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\A-7A_GUNCROSS (what the file is called and where you put it) ImageSize=0.025 (Decide how big it is) ImagePosition=0.00,0.00 (First co-ordinate -left/right, second co-ordinate -up/down) HorizontalAlignment=CENTER (co-ordinates relate to this center/center position) VerticalAlignment=CENTER Make the image position where you want it. e.: -1.45,0.17. That's left of centre, and down. You have to steal the guncross from some other aircraft and put it in your cockpit/Hud folder correctly named OR [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_GunsightText [HUD_GunsightText] SymbolType=TEXT TextPosition=-0.0,-0.19 (Central, but up a bit) HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=O (Letter "O") So your gunsight is an "O" Move it around using co-ordinates. How to change HUD Colour and font: [HUD] HUDColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 (Red, Green, Blue, intensity)(What I have there is yellow) BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.40,-0.37 ViewportBottomRight=0.40,0.45 GunBoresightAngle=-2 RocketBoresightAngle=-5 [HUDFont] TextFontName=Digital SF (This is a cool font. I'm also fond of Arial Narrow) TextSize=20 (How big you want it) TextBold=False (You can put "TRUE" and have it bold) You're welcome.
  10. Okay, thanks to Cliff this works now. There was nothing wrong with the file. I mistakenly put the LOD file directly in the aircraft folder, and not in the cockpit folder. It's the first time I had got a LOD, so assumed it went alongside all the INIs. My bad. Apologies all round.
  11. Thanks, Cliff, but I'm not going to get into Hex editing. I was hoping that someone had already fixed it. There is no upgrade as I only downloaded it last week. It seems that I'm the only one who noticed it since 2006.
  12. I installed this on the vanilla A-4C, but the distance counter reads from right to left rather than left to right. So 107 miles reads 701, whilst 89 miles reads 980. Do you have any advice on how to fix this?
  13. Like I say, I'm not sure the ships wouldn't bump into each other. But if you look at the below aide memoire it shows how everything connects in a campaign for Navy pilots. So I assume you would add ships as if they were carriers. You could give them new carrier stations as in stage #1. But that would probably mean they wouldn't show, because I believe only 1 carrier can be active in a campaign. You could try adding as in stage #2, and that's where I think they'll go bumping into each other STR/WOV/WOE ADDING CARRIERS TO CAMPAIGNS: (Based on a WOV campaign) 1. LOCATE CARRIER STATION: TERRAIN FOLDER - TARGETS INI 2. ATTACH CARRIER TO STATION: CAMPAIGN - DATA INI 3. ATTACH AIRCRAFT TO CARRIER: CAMPAIGN - DATA INI 4. ATTACH AIRCRAFT TO SQUADRON: CAMPAIGN INI #1. LOCATE CARRIER STATION: TERRAIN FOLDER - TARGETS INI [TargetArea085] Name=Dixie Station (Matches Base Area in #2, and Base Area in #3) Position=774000.00,352000.00 (Can be altered. Use Mission Editor to determine coordinates) #2. ATTACH CARRIER TO STATION: CAMPAIGN - DATA INI [CarrierUnit008] CarrierType=CVN-65 (Folder name in OBJECTS - GROUND OBJECTS) CarrierNumber=65 (Matches Carrier Number in #3) BaseArea=Dixie Station (Matches Target Area Name in #1, and Base Area in #3) #3. ATTACH AIRCRAFT TO CARRIER: CAMPAIGN - DATA INI [AirUnit011] AircraftType=A-6A (Any USN aircraft) Squadron=VA-192 (Can be called anything, but should match first part of Unit name in #4) BaseArea=Dixie Station (Matches Target Area Name in #1, and Base Area in #2) CarrierBased=TRUE (Make sure it says this) CarrierNumber=65 (Matches Carrier Number in #2) #4. ATTACH AIRCRAFT TO SQUADRON: CAMPAIGN INI [USNUnit005] UnitName=VA-192 Golden Dragons (Can be called anything, but should match squadron in #3) UnitID=11 (Matches [AirUnit011] in #3) StartDate=03/30/1972 (Make sure all elements have same date overlaps) AircraftType=A-6A (This will then show in Create Campaign page)
  14. Interesting idea. Thought on it myself. However, the carrier moves, (usually doing hard to port when I'm coming in to land). I didn't think the fleet ships moved. Figured the carrier would crash into them. Co-ordinates for the Carrier are in the Campaign files. I moved mine to make the flight to the coast a little shorter. If you make a single mission though, you can have the carrier with some escort ships, because I believe the carrier does not move in a single mission.
  15. I repainted a Phantom Radar that way. Just repainted the A-A radar screen, the targets and everything. Looked really nice. I did the A-G too, but the one thing I couldn't paint was the terrain display. That always comes out green because it's hardwired as streakeagle says. There's no accessible file to repaint. So that's a bust.
  16. Yes, exactly, that's what I was going on to show you, in my next post. We were both posting at the same time, but my post took longer because of adding pictures. So I was responding to your earlier post, not the one you posted whilst I was typing. The trick is to resize the pop-up and place it exactly over the cockpit version. Use Alpha=1.0 to make it opaque. I have a set of folders, specifically named for individual aircraft. Each one has a different HUD_DATA.ini. Whichever Aircraft I decide to fly, I copy out the file and let it overwrite the current one. The only real drawback is the cockpit bobbing at certain flight speeds.
  17. Okay, sorry to have upset you, snowflake. Just confirming how it should look.
  18. This is my F-105D Thud (Late). As you see from my first pic, I have tilted down to see both cockpit Radar and Pop-up Radar. Everything matching as should. The second pic is how I normally fly. Since the cockpit Radar is out of sight, the pop-up is essential. If the F-105D did not have the RWR, I would have a pop-up RWR located above the pop-up Radar
  19. Thanks for the pic. I use pop-up radar screens all the time, especially on aircraft like the F-105 Thud where the cockpit radar screen is way down low between your legs, and I have never seen this effect you are experiencing. Which version of the radar is the correct one? I would imagine the pop-up version. The radar is showing a group of small dots, which is the airfield, and which you can clearly see on the right of the landscape. The pop-up shows them on the right, so must be correct. The radar in the Cockpit is therefore at fault, and needs a cockpit-building expert to identify how to fix it. I suppose that's what you mean by "mesh is the culprit"
  20. A screen shot would help. I've never seen a mirrored image and I use pop-up Radar, pop-up RWR and HUDs.
  21. Why do the A-6 Intruders, downloaded here, all perform a sudden and violent nose-up when they leave the Carrier deck? All except Dave's A-6E TRAM which flies straight and level. You're supposed to take-off, lift gear, level at 500 ft, and wait till your speed is 450-500 Kts, then perform a 30 degree nose-up to altitude. It's almost like these aircraft are going for the instant 30 degree nose-up. The original Third Wire A-6 has a gentle nose-lift, but barely noticeable. Once the gears are up, it noses quite steeply on account of the massive flaps, so you have to retract flaps quickly and force the nose down a bit. But that feels okay. It also lands easily on deck. I'm trying these aircraft from the same carrier, so it can't be the cat-shot that is incorrectly set.
  22. That's okay, I prefer solutions that involve changing a line from TRUE to FALSE. Gives me more time to go bomb stuff. Interestingly, I have the Razbam A6 Intruder package, and they have a graphic in the cockpit called RVM (Rear view mirror!) It's dark blue, and it makes the mirrors stay that way whatever manouvres you perform. The worst part of no mirrors is when they go bright white. I just haven't figured how to use that concept in any non-Razbam aircraft.

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