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Everything posted by Eole

  1. Martin just to know about the work needed to get this beauty out ( 3D modelling only) from the beginning it took you : 100 hours 200 hours More I dunno Other question what's the proportion between the modelling & the testing , debugging parts ? Thank you in advance for your answer
  2. The AV-8C is pretty good it "just" need some parts to be smoothed ( the most visible are the wheels ) I duno if it possible to apply to the 3D modelling the Dassault method : Only a small change at a time. If we got the revamped AV-8C it will be easy to get the A model from it (just need to hide some meshes in the DATA.INI) All the references search, SF2 conversion, decals and skin job have been made, Allen make new FMs from TK ones , Jay got a pit from TK ( a true A cockpit with some edits to add RWR) I assume more easy to ask rather than to do it. but after all it's only a wish list thread
  3. Quote "I have the max file from Bobrock. But sadly i found no 3D artist who is willing to do the Etendard IVM / IVP... :-( " The "A" Team (331Killerbee , allenjb42, & me ) got the AV-8C max file from Russo and MontyCz , and we did not find a 3D modeller to revamp it. I'm still searching someone to make the Br.1050 Alizé Veltro2K cockpit and so on ... Our talented 3D modellers are so few and all busy
  4. So if I don't misunderstood you all the CA members only see their own warning points status .. thank you for the head up Erik
  5. 10 years here 0 warning points so Rene I guess you've got the same amount LOL
  6. http://members.ziggo.nl/broerslee/download/TFDtool.zip
  7. http://www.xnview.com/fr/ http://www.xnview.com/de/ http://www.xnview.com/en/
  8. better for all aspects + accessible for all people here + for free, thank you for sharing this masterpiece
  9. Nice done, just a little glitch the Aircraft folder was improperly named Aircrafts
  10. I had the same issues on my laptop forgot to switch to my ATI CG and stay with the Intel CG by default instead ( you just need to configure your commutable graphic to select the right CG for SF2)
  11. Windows 10 mysteries, I got also similar problems with some of my software installations most part them seems related to incorrect values in the registry not problematic for the previous Windows installer
  12. Quote " When Armee de Terre started to use 3color camouflage on Gaz ? In Iraq 1991 it was stil green scheme (or overpainted green) " I will complete all the necessary search for this point + decals ASAP I have already add the ALAT " Aviation Légére de l'Arméee de Terre" entry to my NATION.INI as new nation+ updated my SQUADRON.INI accordingly with all the ALAT units (old and modern)
  13. My bad you're right I found an other SS.11 / AS.11 & models in the old Lindr SFP1 weapon pack but this one seems to be better. If I find valuable informations perhaps Ravenclaw will add the AS.11 / SS.11 family to his weapon pack 3 For the Gazelle I can make the French Buzz numbers decals + the specific Hangar, Loading and Loadout screens for you if needed
  14. My hat off The SS-11 is from you ? Ravenclaw have this AS-12 in the work , pretty much the same model but different use : anti ship
  15. Lazarus below the LodViewer V.0.51 as requested LODViewer_V0.5.1_Full.7z
  16. Pretty sure that the game engine cast automatically from BMP to JPG for the skins but also for cockpit materials

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