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Everything posted by Soulfreak

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    F-84F Mega Skin-Pack & update. By Ludo.m54, Soulfreak & Ravenclaw_007 This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire F-84F for StrikeFighters 2 (latest standart). Addet new Tanks. some Parts on the model and some ini changes done. This Mod is optimizrd for the latest SF2 Standart (Exp. Pack 2) Addet: - Wing Pitot (pressure probe) for the J-65-W-7 Engine - New Drop Tanks - New Weapons - New Hangar & Loading Screens - 2 New USAF Skins - 12 New West-German Skins (All Units covered) - 11 New Armée de l'Air Skins - addet Zurawskis F-86 cockpit to make the F-84F flyable - Edited the inis (Loadout, Data) Skins are all in High Rez. User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024. Credits: - Ludo.m54 for the outstanding Templates, the French & 78TFS Skins - Ravenclaw_007 for the new Tanks, weapons, Pressure Probe & Ini edits - Zurawski for the F-86 cockpit - Wrench for his Work before on the F-84F - Soulfreak for the German & the 4512th CCTS Skins and the new hangar & loading screens - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock F-84F Special Thanks to Harald Hensel from www.hahen.de who providet great references to me about the F-84F in the GAF. Mod is for SF2 Serie (latest Standart)!!! integrated tanks removed and addet Ravenclaw´s tanks. Mod is tested only in SF2 europe Exp. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/ ------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you´ll like this Mod. Schapen, 04th Decembre 2010 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi
  2. How about making by yourself? http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/SFdownloads/DecalTutorial%2011-12-02.zip
  3. Wow, great work! Now we only need an object placement tool.
  4. Am I reading this wrong?

  5. Hello my modder friends, I just started a new project. After we now have nearly 100 differnt Hunters, I thought one more doesn´t count. But it should be something special. So I started to do the Hawker Hunter GA.Mk.11 (Royal Navy) ini edits are mostly done. I just need a little help. Can someone tell me, how the marked area is named in the model? I would like to delete this 2 parts (right + left) from the model. And maybe someone can help me to add an arresting hook via fake pilot method?
  6. I really like this view & this plane...
  7. That sound really good! I´m not a terrain guru, but would it be possible to implement into the old range some mountain areas??
  8. Looks like a skin i did a long time ago for a mod that never been finished.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navy Hunters
  9. Paul & Otto, thank you very much. Found all stuff that should be removed!
  10. Centurion, great work! I hope you are doing the same job on the plane model. BTW, which versions have you planned???
  11. Oh thank you gerwin! I hope not, if you look at the F.1 model, these "Sabrinias" aren´t there. so i think tht will work! BTW, i think i stay on the FGA.9 model. deleting parts is much easier for me then adding some and skins are optimized for that model!
  12. Oh yes, that looks pretty nice!!! Btw,will you update then all terrain textures for the range?
  13. I will try it with the f6 model. But then i think the antennas are missing. Have to check it out. Edit: Thank you Otto I will try it!
  14. Back to topic guys! Skins are ready now only the ini editing & Hangar- / loading screensis are left Thanks Gerwin. i will try, but i have no idea what it can be.... Yes Kevin FGA9
  15. Decallevel should be 2 for numbers!!!!
  16. i got a lod out of an out dated SF2I install, but thx...
  17. well then i have to reinstall my old woi...
  18. I just pick up this threat. How does it work now? Since we have no more access to the lods?
  19. The other German MiG-29G were sold to Poland. 1€ per aircraft....
  20. Quick Info about German squadrons: in 2011 (now) JG 71 operates only F-4F ICE. JG 73 operates only the EF-2000, Germany no more operates the Fulcrum (as Dave said in the Screen Shot threat)

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