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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. 38 TRS RF-84F: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/38th_Tactical_Reconnaissance_Squadron_-_Republic_RF-84F-25-RE_Thunderflash_-_51-17011.jpg
  2. New book ....

    Part 1 of ?
  3. ED, your Modding skills are growing! I saw a skinned NF in the screen shot threat. So i think you´ve got someone for skinning? Edit: Some paint shemes: http://www.rudnei.cunha.nom.br/GlosterMeteors/index9.html
  4. http://combatace.com/files/file/11726-c-141a-upgrade-pak/ Here is Kevin´s upgrade pack.
  5. Also ich konnte nun über meinen Laptop wieder auf die platte zugreifen. Unter XP im abgesicherten Modus. Es wurden mir alle Ordner angezeigt, aber Größe war nur ca. 11GB. Müssten aber rund 300GB sein. Ich habe die wage Hoffnung, das es evtl an dem Kabel oder / und am Netzteil liegen könnte.
  6. you start alway with the 000 at the end. in SF2 you can enter in the textureset.ini of the skin the start number. --> 0 the end number --> for example 86 decal block size = 87 (only for the example above) there with everything works fine with the numbers.
  7. I get this message with sep patch too. But only from time to time (20x game start, 1x the message)
  8. Best way would be: let the original lybian nation end in 2011 and add a new nation f.e. Free Libya wihich starts after ending the old nation.
  9. Save your moddet ini files as "read only" then they won´t been updatet. This was discussed a few times (also here @ ca).
  10. Happy Birthday

    Happy b-day!!!!
  11. That is totally wrong. I know that FSX is able to use max files too. If you get an max file it is the easiest way to implement into SF2. Kevin, how will you loose mapping & animations from a max file? SF2 uses max files too? You only will loose the animations or mapping, when you convert a G-max model into 3d Smax. That´s a lot of work. Too much as build up an model from scratch. So best will always be to have a max model.
  12. mine are all between 1956 and 2011. So many nice aircrafts, that i can´t say which is the best year.
  13. Ok, i was faster. here you go. Hope that´s ok in the way i did. Was the 1st time i did tga files with gimp.... If not, i can redo em in the evening at home with photoshop.... Edit: Ludo, bad Guy!
  14. http://combatace.com/files/file/11629-aircraft-weapon-loading-set/ maybe this is something to work with. Or contact suicidal for only the f-16
  15. Jip! saw it on some DLC aircrafts 1st. Now Enrico is using it on the Fiat G-91 family. works fine.
  16. Wow quite cool! When you add it to the Range, will you simply replace the existing Airbase or add it as a second Airbase?
  17. Tools für SF 2 ? ( zb. Formation .zip)

    Also.... Ich hab mir grad mal deine "Tools" angesehen. Das sind keine Tools. Das sind ini edits von verschiedenen Dateien. Die Formations.ini funzt in SF2. Habe in einer meiner SF2 Installationen meine formations.ini geändert. viewlist.ini Änderungen müssten auch funzen. Einfach mal ausprobieren. Du weisst wie das mit dem Mod Ordner läuft? Falls nein, Knowledgebase gucken!^^

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