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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Foxhound??? The MiG-31 is the Foxhound. MiG-25 has got the NATO name Foxbat. There are several SF downloads, but I didn´t found a SF2 one... If you mean this lybian MiG-25: http://combatace.com/files/file/6698-mig-25pd-foxbat-e-libyan-af/ it´s a SF1 plane too...
  2. I think there is no MiG-25 pack for SF2 ready. Maybe there is one in Nato Fighters 4+ integreated....
  3. Basic Weathering Techniques

    Wow, thanks for the link! Will test it this evening!
  4. Great work mate! can´t wait for your Apaches..
  5. Happy Birthday

    Happy B-day!
  6. Posted before in the SF2 section. (moved by admin to the right one) Please post your questions in the right forum! Now to your question: Short awnser, nowhere. There is no "real" MiG-15 cockpit available. You should use the one (I guess you found it) from ordaway (A-4 repaint).
  7. 1st SF2 Europe shots of my new (Win7) install. Works pretty well!
  8. HAF Zippers



    F-104G Hellenic Air Force Skins These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level). I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain Credits: Bobrock for the great temps Wrench for the Decals of his SF1 Mod Thirdwire for the great sim Files updated!!! Caused of some little mistakes in the F-104_3 bitmaps. I hope you like this skins Schapen, July 10th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
  9. TuAF Zippers



    F-104G Turkish Air Force Skins These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level). I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo, the ex German Camos and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain contains: - SEA Camo - ex Luftwaffe Norm 62 - ex Marine Norm 76 Credits: Bobrock & Ravenclaw_007 for their great temps Thirdwire for the great sim Updated Files caused of some little mistakes on the f-104_3 bitmaps!!! I hope you like this skins Schapen, July 10th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
  10. Not really. You always loose the animations and sometimes the mapping too...
  11. 3D Studio Max is the one you need to make Models for Thirdwire sims. Sorry...
  12. OK, then I think I re-install my G-Force 9400GT again....
  13. Good that you tell it, then i won´t install Sep11 patch. Which OS are you using and what are your system specs.?
  14. The freak has gone, now I´m a "MAN".
  15. Thankk you mate, Something to do for me at the weekend, when I have finished setting up my new Win7 system!
  16. You maybe should ask Ravenclaw, i think he did a lot of research for his german F-104Gs.
  17. In german, but maybe helpful: http://www.rolfferch.de/F104G/html/beladeschema.html
  18. Cool Stary, the last one with the A-10, is that out of game, or tuned? If it´s out of game, are that new trees? I always have "flat" trees in my view
  19. Look at the release date, then you see, that the Swiss Hunter was made for an early Hunter model, which means, the mod doesn´t work correct with late Patches of SF2.
  20. Ah ok! Now you can use the full editor! ;-) Someone posted!
  21. fast replay ---> use full editor = you can attach a file into your post. As it works here for every attachment in a post.... Did it some times.... Or you can pack the package together again, upload a new file version and delete the old one.

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