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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Kevin too much info! I know how it works with the start number etc. I just wanted to know what the line: DecalNumberBlockSize means and effects. This info: had been enough! Anyway Thank you very much for the info!
  2. File Name: HAF Zippers File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 08 July 2011 File Updated: 10 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins F-104G Hellenic Air Force Skins These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level). I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain Credits: Bobrock for the great temps Wrench for the Decals of his SF1 Mod Thirdwire for the great sim Files updated!!! Caused of some little mistakes in the F-104_3 bitmaps. I hope you like this skins Schapen, July 10th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  3. Will upload soon the TuAf Norm 83 Camo skin for the F-104G. I think, that i will then 1st focus on some cargo skins / mods for Anatolia. But progress will be slow, cause on sunday I´m off for vacation for 1 week.
  4. You know, that the SU-25 inside NF4+ is only a very early beta model?
  5. Awesome Ant! Waited long for something new from you!
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Martin, was isn da los mit deinem Kram? Wolltest doch schon vor einiger Zeit was geschickt haben zum anpinseln.....
  7. All??? NO! 1st i will do some Germans (early Marine Birds & some special ones) and i would like to do all German F-104G numbers. Then maybe some CAF ones...
  8. File Name: CF-104 TuAF File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 11 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins CF-104 Turkish Air Force Skin This skin is optimized for the stock SF2 CF-104_76 (June2011 Patch level). I did it, cause there was no Turkish CF-104 skin and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain. Skin is for the CF-104_76!!! Credits: Bobrock for his great temps Thirdwire for the great sim I hope you like this skin Schapen, July 11th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: TuAF Zippers File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 08 July 2011 File Updated: 10 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins F-104G Turkish Air Force Skins These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level). I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo, the ex German Camos and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain contains: - SEA Camo - ex Luftwaffe Norm 62 - ex Marine Norm 76 Credits: Bobrock & Ravenclaw_007 for their great temps Thirdwire for the great sim Updated Files caused of some little mistakes on the f-104_3 bitmaps!!! I hope you like this skins Schapen, July 10th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  10. I think he woul like to remove the "bomb holders" only, not the complete pylon, so that there is only the missle rail and pylon, without the bomb holders.
  11. Setup Control

    You have to change it in the games menue under options -> controls -> and then customize there you can easy setup your controls! Default layout is: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/36/sf2kb1b.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/36/sf2kb2c.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/36/sf2kbj.jpg/ In wich file it is located (if so) I don´t know. And if there is such a file, I bet you have to extract it from a *.cat file. So better configure it in the games menue and save it then!!!! :idea:
  12. Setup Control

    Ahm, you know that noone will have exactly the same settings? cause not everyone has got the same hardware (flightstick etc.)! And everyone may have different settings for the controls. Cause everybody prefers another layout of the control keys, i think.... Try it by yourself. it is very easy to configure.
  13. Setup Control

    Set it up and save the settings.
  14. MiG-21MF Tarnfarben

    Hmm nee, aber evtl gibt es hier etwas: http://www.flugzeugforum.de/forum/showthread.php?63826-Ausbildung-im-JAG-25-FAG-25-auf-L-29-L-39 falls nicht, kannst ja mal dort ne Anfrage stellen. Übrigens, ne super Seite zur MiG-23BN: http://www.jbg37.de/ Dort habe ich nun auch endlich nen super Tarnungsprofil zur 23BN gefunden Edit: Zur 21 hab ich noch das hier gefunden: http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/mig-21/mig-21_profile09.shtml und ich hab noch nen paar Profile in meinem Archiv gefunden, die evtl hilfreich sind.
  15. It´s up! http://www.simhq.com/_air13/air_477a.html Couldn´say it better Pfunk!
  16. I think that would be great, so users with a not so powerful system got a good performance too.
  17. I think thats caused of, that most of the models were quick & dirty converted to SF2 standart. Maybe one of our FM gurus can help....
  18. You wanna have an e-mail adress, right? There is no e-mail adress at the web side and no one in one of the readmes. sry....
  19. Mirage F.1 or Terrain improvements....
  20. MiG-21MF Tarnfarben

    Ja kenn ich alle, hab ca. 20 DVD´s aus der Zeit (89/90)
  21. Dels, will you use the old variant (bitmaps) fror skins or the new one (*.dds textures)?
  22. Engine Sound

  23. CF-104 TuAF



    CF-104 Turkish Air Force Skin This skin is optimized for the stock SF2 CF-104_76 (June2011 Patch level). I did it, cause there was no Turkish CF-104 skin and I think we need more skins for the great Anatolian terrain. Skin is for the CF-104_76!!! Credits: Bobrock for his great temps Thirdwire for the great sim I hope you like this skin Schapen, July 11th 2011 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi

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