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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Then i will 1st check all versions. Had that problem with Florians Tornado too (from NF4+)
  2. A bit o.. but Stary do u use latest patch? I have some problems with the O-1 pack. have there a white dot outside the aircraft. i think it´s a 3d problem...
  3. Silly Question

    Aerosoft hast taken over JT. Latest news are, that earliest in beginning of April the release will be out.
  4. I see it so too. If not a phantom etc.. page, there should be categories like WW2 coldwar & modern.
  5. 18 F-2s were damaged by tsunami.

    There are over 10000 dead people (at this time said on TV but i think it will be much more). What do there count some aircrafts?
  6. Massive Earthquake in Japan

    Damn, thats really scarry... Sid, take care!!! http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/world/2011/03/11/sot.tsunami.hit.japan.cnn.html
  7. Thank you! I´ll try to make a swiss and austrian skin. But 1st i need to remove some parts...
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Naja, ich mach ja immer noch etwas zwischen durch.....
  9. Mark: No Mip Maps esewise nothing from me, cause i use a plugin for Photoshop wich looks different.
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja Etwas von der Insel....
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ach so... Ja da geb ich dir recht. in "Echt" sah das schon anders aus, liegt bestimmt daran das die Phantoms nicht immer frischgelackt und sauber waren! ;-)
  12. Great to hear that Pfunk! I loved it in Gen1 and I´m sure i´ll do it in Gen 2 too!
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Super news Volker, aber nach der Banane kommt doch noch was anderes!!!!
  14. You´ll have better performance with high-rez skins. Bitmaps need much more space on hdd as *.dds files! ;-)
  15. Klasse Flo! Wäre toll gewesen, wenn Bobrock skins fertig hätte....
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wasn das? historisch nicht besonders authentisch? Also ich hab bis 1998 noch Rhinos in Norm 81 Tarnung gearbeitet im JG 72.
  17. Cool Stuff Ant! Those NATO & UK shelters are urgently needet in SF2E!!!!
  18. SF im Fenstermodus?

    Nee, da musst dann noch die auflösung anpassen. ich z.b. nutze 1920x1080 Pixel. Ist dann anders wie z.b. bei 1024x768....
  19. Yes she is! BTW, i have some problems to get the weapons work in sf2. Have you converted them? If so, can you please share?
  20. Hmm two weeks.... *Joking put on* Does it mean it is ready in 14 Days, or is that the running gag, wich means that there is no exact time, when this will be ready? *joking put off* We will let you know about the progress and of course of the release.
  21. Well, i would like to have a better terrain too. As said above maybe like Lomac

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