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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. SF im Fenstermodus?

    So aus der sim heraus geht das nicht. Wenn dann nur mit einem zusätzlichen Programm. Aber kannst du bei den Grafikoptionen nicht auf Widescreen und die entsprechende Auflösung umstellen?
  2. You need a program wich supports layers and you need to know how to work with them. As above written, Gimp & paint.net are good & for free. I would start with one of them.
  3. No, only the things TK says. EXP3 will have a flyable Mirage F.1C
  4. Looks pretty nice Daniel!
  5. A expansion pack3 will come & a F-14 Sim....
  6. F-4E, F-4EJ & F-4F have an internal Gun...
  7. File Name: Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1 File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 25 February 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1 Canberra B.Mk6 flyable Mod & high Rez Skins This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire (Expansion 2) Canberra B.6 This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2 and it is installed too!!!! Addet: - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit - New Hangar & Loading Screens - 2 high Rez Export Skins - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes) - addet new Sound User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024. Hangar Screens are widescreen, alternate there are normal screens includet, just edit the file names! Credits: - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates - Ravenclaw_007 for the ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier) - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details, hangar & loading screens - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra B.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks to: Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/ who providet great references to me about the Canberra. All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/ who helped me with background info and references too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!! Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://combatace.com...ware-licensing/ ------------------------------------------------------------ You have to read the readme.txt!!! I hope you´ll like this Mod. Schapen, 25th February 2011 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi Click here to download this file
  8. As said Dave, Ant did some, but he lost his temps....
  9. It´n nearly 2 years ago... So things have changed!
  10. Damn, this is awesome!!!! Have just implement it into my SF2 merged install. Long time had not so much fun. It´s very hard stay alive when you fly an attack for Argentinia near San Carlos. Thank you guys! Th only thing wich could be a little improved is the terrain I think. But hey, the fun makes me look over it!
  11. Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1



    Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1 Canberra B.Mk6 flyable Mod & high Rez Skins This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire (Expansion 2) Canberra B.6 This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!! Addet: - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit - New Hangar & Loading Screens - 2 high Rez Export Skins - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes) - addet new Sound User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024. Hangar Screens are widescreen, alternate there are normal screens includet, just edit the file names! Credits: - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates - Ravenclaw_007 for the ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier) - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details, hangar & loading screens - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra B.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks to: Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/ who providet great references to me about the Canberra. All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/ who helped me with background info and references too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!! Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://combatace.com...ware-licensing/ ------------------------------------------------------------ You have to read the readme.txt!!! I hope you´ll like this Mod. Schapen, 25th February 2011 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi
  12. Because, That I´m not doing the Bucc??? That is just my point of view. :-p
  13. SF1??? That is wasted time. SF1 is dead. Great Work Volker!
  14. Sucsessfull attack om an North Vietnamesian Rail Bridge in 1967. Thanks to the boys from the USAF, who attacked the air defence in that area!
  15. Read it again it´s 600 not 6000! BTW, it could be also about Jet Thunder!
  16. MF Mig 29

    Dann entpacke die Nations.ini (Flightdata.cat), öffne die dann mit dem editor und suche nach paran. Dann solltest du den eintrag finden und auch wie es genau im Spiel heisst.
  17. MF Mig 29

    Ja ja, nächstes mal die Frage genauer stellen, denn das was du möchtest ist nicht das was du gefragt hast! :-p Jein! Wenn du meinen vorherigen Post vorher gelesen hättest, dann hättest du dieses gelesen:
  18. MF Mig 29

    Dann musst du deine Fragen halt mal genau stellen! Ein Flugzeug direkt zuweisen ---> Userlist.ini Was war das für eine Fragestellung? Da muss man sich nicht wundern wenn nicht die gewünschte Antwort kommt. Also in einer Data.ini kannst du schon mal knicken. Die gibts nur für Objekte. Die Einträge die du suchst stehen in der Nations.ini. Die nations.ini is im Flight Ordner deines Mod-Verzeichnisses, falls du sie entpackt hast aus der *.cat datei. Paran & Dhimar sind auch nur in den Strike Fighters 2 bzw. Strike Fighters 1 *.cat dateien zu finden. Da ich die beiden Spiele nicht nutze kann ich dir da nicht weiter helfen. Es sollte allerdings so ausschaun: Nation=Paran Aber wenn du Paran nicht in deiner Nations.ini hast bringt das alles eh nix. Weil man kann kein Land zuweisen, welches nicht im Spiel ist.
  19. MF Mig 29

    In der Userlist.ini
  20. When I´m Done i can send you my Silver temps. Like this?

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